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in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


Damage modifiers stack multiplicatively, so 2 +10% modifiers are applied as:

damage * 1.1 * 1.1


damage * 1.2

In that case the damage multipliers are 3% less dps than -20% rate of fire:

1000 damage x 1.1 × 1.1 every 1 second = 1210 dps
1000 damage every 0.8 second = 1250 dps

The two builds side by side with full gear have quality same health, precision, crit chance and damage, first has 2% more attack, second has 3% more dps due to the ROF increase.

This would mean the heal roll and vigor (second build) actually out preforms the first.

(edited by cyrixblack.9073)


in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


I would like some feed back from you great people on two pve greatsword meditation builds.

At first I went:
10 II
25 VI / IV
30 I / X / XII

The damage boost from fiery wrath 10% andradiant power 10%:

a) 1000 hit x 10% x 10% = 1210
b) 1000 hit x 20% = 1200

Do these stack like a) or are they added together as a fixed damage multiplier like b)?

These DPS boosts only work in a specific situation (target on fire etc) therefore I thought about an alternative.

As meditation 95% of our DPS is from our weapon, therefore I looked at the following build:
15 VI
30 I / X / XII
20 III / IX

Compared to the first build you loose the following:

100 power
100 precision
Zealot’s Speed (meh)
Radiance master trait (meh)
10% damage on fire
10% damage on condition

But you gain the following:

200 Vitality
dodge roll heal (which is nice)
50% up time in vigor (after next patch)
larger symbols (useful for tagging targets)
20% rate of fire boost to your weapon

The first build is about 3% more DPS than the second, but it looses 200 vitality, vigor and a heal roll…. but will it be worth it?

Please no posting “Go Warrior” or non constructive chritisism like a child!



Guardian dps numbers for various builds

in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


Please test out the fury build:

Guardian Retribution Paladin

in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


So how would you design a ret pally guardian for general pve (non dungeon specific)?

Guardian Retribution Paladin

in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


If I went with power toughness and vitality with added condition damage I could kill fast still and last long enough to take some punches maybe?

Guardian Retribution Paladin

in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


I’ve only been in the game a week so go easy on my noobness!

In wow I played a ret pally, two handed sword, huge burst damage with added solo survivability via dodge… I know dodge isn’t gonna happen but we do have Retaliation which is basically invulnerability + reflect damage.

It seems 10/25/././. Seems to be the stable starting point for dps. Is the heal and 5% damage worth the 10 points in Zeal?

The damage from purging flames seems very small compared to symbol of wrath.. So is it really even worth having as without it saves atleast 5 points in traits…

How is retaliation in pve, I’ve seen some mention it’s useless but how when it can be up nearly 100% of the time so that your nearly invincible right?

I’ve seen posts saying meditation is solo and shouts are teaming but the meditation does look very weak compared to shouts… Only judges looks useful… Your thoughts?

I would like to make a a build I can solo roam pve and has enough burst damage to kill quickly before I’m killed, any ideas or links to builds? (Not fussed about gear ATM as leveling still)

Was thinking something like:

Combo sigil and virtue of resolve together for bug heal and retaliation.

Combo judges and virtue of courage together for reduced damage and retaliation at the start of fights.

Spam your virtue of justice every kill and go to town on them.

(edited by cyrixblack.9073)

Guardian SBB build

in Guardian

Posted by: cyrixblack.9073


(edited by cyrixblack.9073)