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Norn Heavy T3 Bug?

in Norn

Posted by: dablo.9546


So i just got my norn to 80 and bought some new stylish cultural gear. I was doing some map completion when i noticed that the neck on my norn looks darker than my head, like it would be another skin color. Is it supposed to be like that or is it some sort of bug? I have linked a picture of my norn were you can clearly see the difference.


Characters turning

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dablo.9546


So basicly when im holding right mouse button to look right or left all male characters in the area do so aswell. So for example when i hold my right mouse button and look right all male characters in the are turn their upper bodies aswell and look right. This is getting kinda annoying if you are standing in a crovded area and look eather way all characters also do so. Not sure if anyone else can see this but would be nice if someone could confirm if it also happends to them. Im an asura warrior if that has to do with the bug.

No wp when players are in combat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dablo.9546


How are we suposed to do cof path 2 now?

By not being extremely bad. Is it so wrong that dungeons were designed for people who use two hands and a brain to play?

I for one am extremely glad that they have removed this extremely stupid mechanic. It basically encourages the mindset that every encounter in a dungeon is just a time buffer, because you can’t lose, you just waypoint and run back. What happened to challenge in games? What do you people actually find fun about autoattacking, dying, and then zerging right back there? Is this honestly enjoyable to you people? I see the WoW generation has been relying on having bigger numbers to get through fights, now you actually have to (shock! Horror) play better.

I see your point and i have to say i agree with you on some things. I wrote this b4 reading the whole game uppdate soo yeah i should have done that. Just have to try and see if its really that hard. It was mainly that i was used to die, wp and then back to action. But still why not just buff the bosses. Removing wp seems a bit too much.

(edited by dablo.9546)

No wp when players are in combat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dablo.9546


Srsly this is just not ok, dungeons were hard enough before but this is just too much. How are we suposed to do cof path 2 now? Please remove this, this just make the 5 man dungeons 10x harder than they were before and even then they were hard. What are your thoughts on this?

Cool things to add

in Suggestions

Posted by: dablo.9546


So after playing this game for a while now i have come up with a few stuff that could be cool to add to the game.

1: Cloaks
I think cloaks should be added to the game. No offence but running around with a book on my back isnt that fun. Mayby add like a guild mantle like the bag or just cool mantles and cloaks.

2: Mounts
I think most mmo players will agree. I dont see any bad with adding mounts. They look cool and they make traveling a lot more fun. Using Waypoints might go faster but you wont see any of the beautiful landskape. They could also add like 25-50% movement speed or so.

3: Weapon Skins
It would be nice ifthere were moore affordable weapon skins. Right now all the cool wepons skins cost like 400g+ from tp and might a bit cheaper to make yourself. What i would like to see is that you could get weapons like the greatsword Volcanus from normal dungeons.

4: Armor Skins
Same thing with armor skins. I myself thinks that theres not many options when it comes to armor skins. Some look cool but most skins looks kinda bad. So more armor skins would be nice.

5: Endgame
And with endgame i mean like raids and stuff. Theres not much to do at endgame after world completion. I know that theres dungeons but they get kinda booring after a while and i see no point in doing them when im already geard. So like raids with 10 ppl or soo would be much appreciated.

These are the things i came up with now. I know its a new game but this is just what i would like to see in the game. Feel free to respond to this post with what you think would be nice to add and what you think of my thoughts. (srry for any typos)