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Shouts... grrr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


lol, getting mad over the name of a skill. gg.!%22

It seems guardian/warrior shouts are occurring randomly from your character. It’ll hopefully be fixed soon. No need to rage or get offended tho.

LOL, my character is a necro, why am I getting warrior/guardian shouts all the time

Shouts... grrr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


I can contain my self no longer, since the patch it seems that every few seconds some NPC is making a shout and its getting very annoying.

The one which I find most offensive is RETREAT.. Friendly forces NEVER shout retreat, this is a hollywood source of mis-information as usual, Friendly forces use the Term REDEPLOY
Frendly forces Redeploy and the enemy retreats

Retreat is bad for moral and is only used by the uneducated and MORONS

as to the other shouts please cut down the amount of shouts being made :-)

Why do waves of enemies come after me when I'm all alone?

in Personal Story

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


I think the main problem with the personal stories is the zerg mentality of the designers, it really seems to me that the designer thinks that swamping and killing you in 1 second is fun, or that fighting 6 waves of elementals, which in order to survive you have to try and kite in a confined space is fun, it isn’t, its boring and annoying,

I have tried various classes and the stories all go the same way, insane waves of mobs that swamp you, the MOBs where they all have an AOE skill are the worst, the whole area around you and the slight server lag make it almost impossible to avoid at times.

All of this was pointed out in the beta’s, players asked are these really made to be solo’d and Anet replied yes, we told you then that the personal story are over the top, yet you have done nothing to address it.

trying to make each stage of the personal story EPIC just does not work, The personal story should be fun, the game as a whole will be Epic not each fragment.

This really reminds of the Bad old days of poor DM’s in D&D who designed their games to kill/wipe the party instead of giving them an enjoyable experience.

the personal stories lack any imagination, they all resort to the same wave after wave of over the top BS. This is really surprising as overall GW2 is very good.

Anet should refrain from employing any one who programmed Console Games/Played or Programmed Diablo :-))…… there lies the crux of the problem :p

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


Your CPU is for the LGA 775 MotherBoard, which is pretty dated by PC standards, so I would be careful what you buy, only buy what you can take with you on an upgrade/rebuild.

The only Items That I would Buy to upgrade that system would be a better graphic card, GTX 460 is now around £100. and is well upto the job.
Not sure about ATI cards I dont use them myself, (I dont like the Drivers) but again a card around £100 will give you a boost.
An addition 2gb of memory would be a help as well, however, I think your system most likely has DDR2 memory which is now getting harder to find, and expensive due to its short supply. DDR2 is obsolete now so if you buy it, you would not be able to use it on a more modern board which use DDR3, ( which is a lot cheaper than DDR2 now )

If you have a local PC shop, that does upgrades and repairs, go have a chat with them.
DO NOT got to Currys, PC World ect, they just sell PCs, they will just want to sell you a new PC or charge you a fortune and sell you the wrong thing :-)

If you bought the GTX 460 card that could be moved to a newer system at a later date

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


drop all you graphic specs, you machine is very low spec.With a Celeron CPU ( this type of CPU does not have a maths co-processor, this means all operations have to be done in the core processor, this makes them very slow for gaming) your always going to struggle with that system. upgrading it to me seems pointless, it needs a complete rebuild if you want to do any serious gaming.

in the meantime

I would start on the lowest video setting and work your way up till you find what works best.

Unlock UI Panels ?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


during the Betas, the UI was totally adjustable, now certain panels are fixed.

I use a 5700 × 1280 display over 3 × 24 inch screens, I want to move my chat box to the right Of screen 1, and my mini off screen 2 and on the left of screen 3.

as I said at the start I could do this in the Beta, its was not fixed .

can you unlock em please or it you can do this already, please tell me how :-)

Poor performance with GTX 690

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dadjitsu.8730


there is definitely something wrong, I have GTX 460s in SLI running a 5700×1280 display over 3 monitors, and in high quality and its smooth. your 690 should not have a problem

just to add I am using the Beta Driver 306.02, I did have problems with the certified driver

(edited by dadjitsu.8730)