Showing Posts For ddamico.4798:

Thief God Mode

in PvP

Posted by: ddamico.4798


We are all just pouring tears that your ridiculous reign of OP bunker nonsense is finally coming to an end. Guess you’ll have to l2p like the rest of us.

Rate That: Necromancer Name!

in Necromancer

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Asura necromancer ……. The Shadowmeister.

ANet do you want my money or not?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Tried 2 different cards at least 19 times each. Getting extremely angry. Trying to buy Ultimate Edition HOT. Payment authorization failed. One more try and you are out a hundred plus bucks.

WTF is wrong here? My card is fine.

Fire embrace removed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Why in gods name would you remove this??!! Way to completely wipe out a whole class of builds. Signet build useless! Why bother having them? Some of us really dislike can trips and you gave us 2 more of those.


Fire embrace removed?

in Elementalist

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Awful, awful change. PLEASE add this trait back in. Why remove a core trait for signet builds and FORCE us into can trips. What a waste.

Volunteer = Loser?

in PvP

Posted by: ddamico.4798


It’s because you need to score points of some kind before switching for it to count.

Yup! turret nerf inc!

in Engineer

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Unlike any other class in the game…. You mean unlike elementalists which don’t have the advantage of letting the AI do all the work for you while you randomly dodge roll and spam weapon skills? That’s why turret eng is get a bad rap and that’s why the nerd needs to happen. Plenty of other great engi specs to play that require skill and earn respect. No one will miss turrets except the bands.

30 second rage at courtyard

in PvP

Posted by: ddamico.4798


As it stands now CY sucks. Not because it’s a bad map but because it shares a queue with conquest. Until they fix that people will continue to whine, complain and quit when it gets selected. No matter how you want to defend it… It does not belong in a conquest queue.

Are engineers a hard to use class?

in Engineer

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Engineer yes. Complex and rewarding. PvP turret engine no. A box of rocks could win with that build.

Turrets will get nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: ddamico.4798


They should have a duration and then disappear forcing at least an upkeep. As in you have to maintain them, feed them ammo, refuel them w/e . It’s the element of letting the AI take over where other classes need to constantly think and manage resources. Eles have them no weapon swap issue too, but they at least have to play smart with attune nets to be effective

Allow turrets/objects to take burn damage?

in PvP

Posted by: ddamico.4798


My main complaint is the fact that they are AI controlled., immune to conditions and have high health and regen. It literally requires no skill and THAT is what’s frustrating. Blake away any ONE of those things on the list and it’s fine. As it is now its just a stupid mans spec that’s used for trolling. Hence the multi turret engine premades.

Separate Team Deathmatch queue

in PvP

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Why do we have to have Courtyard mixed in with the Conquest queue? I enjoy playing all the maps with the exception of CY. In order to be successful for the most part I would need to change my build or class every time this map comes up.

I also see a LOT of venom spewing when this map comes up as well as rage quitting.

It’s a good map?.It just needs to come out of the Conquest rotation for unranked and be moved in to its own queue. Hell throw in a few more TDM maps while you’re at it, and let those who like that style of gameplay enjoy themselves while not aggravating those of us who enjoy the strategy of Conquest.

As it is now I think Courtyard get abused by premades who build for it and farm those unlucky enough to get tossed in to the meat grinder against their will. I think there would be less hate spewing and that’s something we definitely need.

Is the gold to gems rate fair in gw2?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ddamico.4798


Whatever they want to do is fine. If it goes any higher…making me waste more time playing to be able to buy the items that interest me in gold, I will move on from this game quickly. I do not agree with the microtransaction trend in gaming at all at all. I skipped Diablo 3 for this reason.Paying real world money for things in a video game makes me sick. I’d rather have a subscription fee.