Showing Highly Rated Posts By deepwinter.9015:

Edge of the Mists - Anet's stance?

in WvW

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


To make matters worse, guilds organize on all three sides and monopolize the map by intentionally avoiding each other and griefing defenders (typically by mass reporting the player with false accusations).

Its utterly disgusting what EotM has become, and I was a huge fan of it before and just after launch! Its Queensdale Train 2.0 and it makes me sick!

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast


in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Pffft, get with the times, bro: Dragons are out! Scarlet Briar is in. Expect her.

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast

We Do Not Like Scarlet Briar

in Fractured

Posted by: deepwinter.9015


Hopefully this thread maintains the constructive criticism these forums require and not be deleted.

I really enjoy this game for a lot of reasons, from dodge rolling to WvW. The world was rich an immerse the moment I stepped foot into it. Once I caught up on the lore by playing Guild Wars 1, I really appreciated the story.

Then a weed named Scarlet was introduced. Sure, she felt a bit wacky, but I was okay with it at first. Then she started cropping up in everything, and it began to feel forced and unoriginal.

Now she is behind the Thaumanova Reactor and there are aether-looking items around the world with a sign saying “DO NOT TOUCH” (clearly of Scarlet design), and I’m just done.

ArenaNet writers, your players are speaking to you.

Listen closely; this is the important part:
We do not like Scarlet Briar!

Azhandris – Sylvari Thief
Tarnished Coast