Showing Posts For delchev.9847:

Eureka Footfalls

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: delchev.9847


Just crafted Eureka, the footfalls are missing most of the time. They only appeared for a few seconds while walking on even terrain, but then disappeared again, while my Charr continued walking on that same even terrain. Tried different cities/locations, but they’re still missing. I’m not talking about them being too short or barely visible, I’m talking about them not being there at all.

EDIT: Actually, now that the footfalls decided to appear a few more times – they are distinct enough, their trail is just way shorter when compared to generation 1 legendaries. But obviously that applies to all gen 2 legendaries. Anyway, the bug is still there though, for no apparent reason after a while the footfall effect just disappears and appears some time after that, don’t think it’s’ the slope of the terrain, it’s quite random.

(edited by delchev.9847)

History of Warrior

in PvP

Posted by: delchev.9847


Agree. Lots of people gave feedback during the bwe, so did I during/after bwe3, and I’m yet to see any results. Berserker got a damage buff that should have been there from the start, having the other elite specs in mind, and nothing done to core warrior specs and traits despite all the feedback. So basically nothing, absolutely nothing changed. From all the patch notes after HoT warrior was in one or two, not more.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Fix adrenaline degen out of combat. Maybe T3 should degen really fast, but T2 should be slower and T1 even slower. Right now it’s beyond ridiculous, and yeah, actually it’s been like that for ages.

Impractical ideas to make warrior OP.

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Kalendraf.9521 and GenoGar.5497 – really good and interesting ideas. There may be some OP stuff in this thread, but there also are some creative and nice ideas too that could be looked at, maybe toned down or up, and they could be implemented.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


I’m willing to share ideas and give feedback but I don’t know what’s going on with the class or the elite spec. Shall we give more feedback on warrior? Or the elite spec? Shall we try to improve the current traits and utilities or are you working on new ones? So many patch notes since launch of the xpac and no fixes or improvements for warrior and berserker? The class and the elite spec are not mentioned at all. What’s going on?

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


I never gave a proper feedback during the BWE because I really never log in here to post anything, and after reading tons of posts here I was like “Pf well they covered literally everything I wanted to say, sure devs will read and take notes/change stuff.” And I only said some minor stuff that I thought no one mentioned, etc, being sure that most of what people keep repeating will be addressed. Which was a huge mistake. I should have been more active, so that devs see how big the disappointed crowd actually is.

Everyone was unhappy with guard getting traps, but now Dragonhunter is a really strong spec. Thieves being locked in a spec in order to deal with conditions got addressed with the Daredevil. Scrapper, apart from everyone complaining about more AI, got an amazing weapon + great and useful tool belt skills. Druid is a solid support spec. Herald – another great compliment to the Revenant. Eles were unhappy with Tempest, but they got even more support with the spec, and they were already top DPS and unbelievably sturdy even not speccing for survivability. Reaper and Chronomancer are amongst everyone’s favourites, with all the synergy they have with the respective core classes.

We, warriors, got Berserker. Which theme is that you spam weaker bursts more often and you set things on fire. There’s nothing fun about spamming weaker skills, even if you tell me that at the end the final result is not that different than landing your normal Burst as soon as you get to 30 adrenaline (so basically no DPS loss if you spam the weaker bursts as often as you can). When it comes to utilities, we got nothing useful that the core class could interact with. No one uses Physical skills and no one would ever use Rage skills, apart from maybe slotting Outrage and Headbutt. But we get back to the problem that you can’t spare a slot for something other than stances. Traits – don’t address the problems that warriors have. We’re still stuck with 2 core specs and giving up a spec slot for Berserker, a spec that helps you in no way to perform better, is a really stupid move.

I’m fine if it takes 2 or 3 months or 4 for the devs to completely rework the spec, but they need to address the problems that warrior has first. So that then people are willing to give up a slot for the spec, and willing to give up utility slots for the new utilities. Right now neither of these is possible, because you under perform as a warrior, and Berserker gives you nothing better or at least different that the core class.

(edited by delchev.9847)

Let's band together and demand a change!

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Well you said it in that thread and everyone’s been saying the same thing for a long time.

“We have a profession that is shoehorned into two traitlines and two utilities, requiring very specific trait choices with not enough options.”

Stuck with stances and you pick even more passive traits that trigger……. guess what? – STANCES again. And even with all that you’re still at the bottom of the food chain. They need to rework the warrior before they even start considering fixing the berserker. And lots of reasonable suggestions have been said in this forum, if devs need feedback or ideas.

And really what’s up, several patch notes and nothing about war/berserker? And no changes from BWE3 to the berserker? Are they reworking the elite spec? What about the core class? Complete reworks or a bunch of tiny fixes? Any news?

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


How about more survivability that comes with the new elite spec? Just some ideas, not all of them need to be there all at once, but like I said, just some ideas. Limiting this to being in berserk mode, but some of them could also revolve around the other Rage skills:

  • Being in berserk mode reduces condition and physical damage by some amount. 5% for example.
  • When you have the burning condition on you while in berserk mode you actually get healed instead of damaged. Flat heal or heal based on stacks.
  • Conditions expire faster when you are in berserk and have the burning condition on you.
  • Gaining fire aura while in berserk mode gives you protection as well. Or resistance.
  • The Chill condition, when being applied to you while in berserk mode, expires faster. Or you are unaffected by it while in berserk mode.
  • Fire aura on you is more potent when in berserk mode. Fire aura now destroys projectiles.

Nothing OP but just small tools to improve survivability. And so on and so on. Doesn’t take much time to come up with ideas like that, but we can’t drop stances unless we have some other ways to deal with bursts and condi pressure. And this doesn’t need to be selfish, it could have weaker effects but it would affect allies too.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Agree with Shin. Too many mandatory traits + utilities, lots of condi and power spikes in pvp which you can’t survive if you don’t run stances, and even being stuck with stances you’re still weaker than anyone else and you’d feel like a liability to the team if you play a warrior and not some other profession. Warrior is my main, but I really dislike playing him that much in pvp because I too feel like a liability if I don’t run some other class, which would be far more effective.

I said it before, we need more utility skills that are actually utilities, not just wasting our right skill bar with skills that only do damage. We did not need these Rage skills, like Shin said pve warrior is fine, in pvp and wvw you’re stuck with stances just like you were 3 years ago. Traits need a look too. Being stuck with 2 specs, Discipline and Defense, severely limits your choice. And it’s not just Fast Hands in Discipline, it’s Warrior’s Sprint too, like Shin said everyone does loads of damage which usually comes from range. No one else has to stick to 130 range most of the time in order to do damage. Without WS people would kite you even easier.

Please start giving the warrior more UTILITY skills. And give our traits more utility too. It’s true that every other spec got more tools to work with, except the warrior. And warrior didn’t have much already, because it’s a ‘simple’ class. Ok, the class is simple, but what about the elite spec? What about the future elite specs? Are they all going to be like this because “warrior is a simple class”?

Pretty sure they won’t rework the Berserker to give him new utilities, so I guess we should just try to somehow improve what we currently have. They could still make Rage skills useful rather than being there for the damage by reworking some of them or reworking some of the traits that interact with them. Some of the primal bursts need rework too, Hammer and LB for example. Hope they think and do something about all that.

(edited by delchev.9847)

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Seriously though — just play Reaper or Revenant.

It seems like the overwhelming majority of posters in this thread are unhappy with the Berserker. We have voiced our opinions and done our part. Our feedback has been posted here, in excessive amounts. When (if?) the devs decide to do another balance, pass they will look at this thread and hopefully address things.

Until then, don’t continue slamming your head into the wall.

There is a new expansion out there with an exciting new world. Give Reaper or Revenant a try. They both fill the “Warrior” archetype extremely well. Far better than the Berserker can. Come back and play Berserker when (if?) it is fixed. Playing it in its current state is just going to turn you off an otherwise great game.

I am having more fun than I ever have before on my new Revenant.

Yeah, Reaper is a solid and fun spec and it’s my favourite elite spec from all of them. I feel very powerful when running with the new GS, shouts and reaper shroud. Revenant is fun too. Played some of the new personaly story and I really like it, the new HoT maps are really really well done, Auric Basin is incredibly beautiful.

But I still love my main character – my warrior – and, just like you guys, decided to share my concerns about the class and the elite spec. There’s been several patch notes since the xpac and absolutely nothing about the warrior or the berserker. I too think that they’re working hard to implement some bigger changes to the class/elite spec. So yeah, hope they’ll address at least some of our concerns and fix/change what then can.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Didn’t want to sound all negative and frustrated, because I’m not, but I know I only posted what I think should change and not said what I think is right, at least in my opinion. Updated my previous post with all that.

I think parts of the new elite spec are good, and some parts are not or at least don’t feel right to me. Added some positive thoughts/feedback, what I like about the skills, and some ideas on how to improve what I think is not right. I do believe devs are reading what we write and working to improve stuff based on feedback in cases where they too agree we’re suggesting the right thing.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


What’s REALLY insulting the bizzare and inexplicable dev logic that because warrior is ALLEGEDLY “easy to play” it’s not allowed to be strong.
Except that the very fact that warrior is simplistic and blatantly lacking tools makes it one of the hardest classes to be effective on? So it’s a double downward spiral – this has never been more evident with the Elite specializations giving every other class new tools out the honker while warrior, according to the devs, doesn’t deserve it for being the “beginner class”

Warrior has always been the most straightforward playstyle to use, and I think it’s a good thing. I turned to warrior because when I was new I wanted this heavily armored bruiser and that’s exactly what I got.

I really like the Arenanet staff, for the most part they have done a good job. The state warrior is in right now reminds me a lot of mesmer pre june patch. They had double ranged shatter (which was thief bait) and were required to take IP and DE to be useful in competitive play. Berserker has a lot of good ideas, it’s just not fully realized. I think they should slowly shift away from labeling warrior as a “beginner class” and give the people who legitamately like warrior more things to work with.

Guardian has also been straightforward to play and they have a solid condi build (burn), solid support (AH guard) solid dps (dragonhunter) all of which have some tricks to keep them afloat like aegis, traps, healing. Compare that divserisity to warrior, the “weapon masters,” guardian sort of seems more diverse.

Agree. On the livestream in which they presented the Berserker, in which Robert and Hugh talked about the warrior as a class and the new elite spec, they said they tried some more complicated skills and longer descriptions to skills (skills that have more requirements, or secondary effects, etc, etc) but in the end they decided that’s not what the warrior is about. They said the warrior is a straight forward class and they felt the elite spec should be something simple so they ended up making what we currently get to play. Of course I’m not quoting them, but that’s more or less what they said, watch the livestream again on their youtube channel if you think I’m making stuff up. Jokingly, they said warrior is about bashing things in the head and that’s it, no need for complicated skills and skill descriptions, just press a key and do damage.

I also picked the warrior because I like the play style and how it actually is a simple class in terms of class mechanics and skills. I main a warrior since head start and I do love the class. But the elite spec is not a warrior, it’s a Berserker. What stops you from giving the new elite spec new tools for the main class to interact/work with?

Warrior is simple and lacks variety in options when it comes to dealing with certain situations; we have tons of combo finishers but up until the berserker only 1 combo field, now 2, and both are fire fields. So for example why didn’t you address this and gave us more combo fields? We have plenty of leaps and launches and pushbacks and stuns, now we get even more and nothing to diversify our current set of utilities. We got access to the same condition we’ve had access to, just more of it. Why not something different? Like I said in my previous post, what about taunt? Where do we see taunt on berserker except on a trait that has 15sec cd and 1 sec taunt? And speaking of taunt, in the whole game afaik taunt only exist on ranger f2 and the revenant’s Jalis legend. And even if it’s not about taunt, if it’s about a different condi that warrior has no access to. Or pulls, warrior has no access to pulls? What about these? But we do have utilities that are leap finishers, that launch and that push back. We have that skill category already and it’s called Physical skills. Why did we get more of that and not more of what we have little of or not access to? Maybe some utilities that compliment stances or shouts in some way? Some utilities with actual utility rather than being there for pure damage and hard cc?

Yes, we get it, warrior is simple, that’s ok and we love the warrior. But the elite spec is not a warrior, it’s something different, so give it something different to diversify the current set of utility skills the warrior has. If people love the simplicity of the warrior they can choose to play the core specs and not the elite one. That should not stop the devs from developing a more elaborate elite spec for a class as simple as the warrior. Give the warrior more utilities that are actually utilities, not just skills being there for the pure damage – we have our weapons for that, don’t turn our right skill bar into 3rd weapon slot, although it’s a bit too late for that. But I hope you’ll consider this and keep it in mind when developing the next warrior elite spec, or when/if you decide to change some of the Rage skills.

For Rage pull skill, you could have the Berserker throw burning chains on enemies within let’s say 600 range (skill effect similar to Jalis’ taunt skill) that continuously burn targets, and when you click the skill again you’d pull all enemies towards you and break the chains, dealing some small physical damage or no damage at all, doesn’t matter. Just please make some of them different, make them have different effects! Rage and Physical skills are basically the same right now.

More edits:

Outrage is a good utility and the reflect to Shattering Blow adds utility to it and makes it unique. In my opinion these 2 are good, Outrage for any build and Shattering Blow would give some more utility to a condi build, if you decide to use it.

Wild Blow – I don’t like the functionality of this skill, mentioned it in an earlier post, I think making it an AOE knockdown would be far more useful for a melee themed class.
Sundering Leap – I like that you could use it as a gap closer, but like I said we have stuff for that, Bull’s Charge. For stacking vuln at range we have ‘On My Mark!’. We don’t have an utility that pulls enemies, so give us that and if you want make it stack vuln. Gave an idea with the burning chains skill.

Headbutt – I think it’s a really strong skill. Bland but strong, full adrenaline refill + 3sec stun on a low cd.

So yeah, decided to also say some positive things about the new elite spec’s utility skills, but all in all they really strongly resemble the Physical skills in their current form. Giving them unique effects would help them feel more different despite the similar theme they have. If you ask me – change Wild Blow and Sundering Leap and it’s ok with me.

Still though, I’d like our future elite spec to have thematically different type of utilities that really feel different to what warrior already has as a class.

(edited by delchev.9847)

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


@delchev +1 give this guy a cookie!
actually i wouldn’t mind if the dev remake all skills and utilities and make them all into shouts with different utilities than the current ones we had. taunt would be really nice and may be a stomping skill that pulls enemies in towards you?

“On My Mark!” is a PERFECT candidate for taunt. Suits the shout, makes it unique. Just give it some seconds of taunt. And rework at least SOME of the skills that pushback targets.


‘On My Mark!’ – shout – add taunt to this skill’s effect. More than 1sec though, I never feel that 1 sec taunt on Bloody Roar.
Kick – physical – remove the pushback. Deal damage to target, and if target is crippled, cause a short stun or daze – half a second for example.

etc. It’s just counter intuitive for me to want to push targets away from me while trying to stay in melee, that’s why I never slot these types of skills.

Stomp – physical – again, if you want to keep that hard CC – knockdowns enemies and blinds them for 5-6 secs. – suits the skill effects – all that dust and stuff flying around.
Stomp is really awful if you fight lots of enemies around you. The knockdown would still give you breathing room if that’s what you’re gonna use it for, but at least once you get that you won’t have to start running around chasing your targets.
Can use ranger’s Entangle animation so that it won’t root you.

(edited by delchev.9847)

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Posted in another thread, but posting here too, because this IS Berserker feedback too and I really hope that devs read this and think about it.

Here’s what I think about Rage and Physical skills, and in general with the Warrior and the Berserker as a whole.

TL:DR – give warrior and berserker more access to taunt or knockdown, or pull, PLEASE stop with the pushback and launch skills for this melee themed class and elite spec. Reaper, a melee themed elite spec, can pull multiple targets with GS and has tons of chill, even causing chill when Fearing so that targets still stay close even while fleeing. We, berserkers, get even more leaps so we spend more time in the air and not on the ground fighting, and more skills that push enemies away from us.
If you want Wild Blow to be a hard AOE cc – make it an AOE knockdown.

Why so many push back skills for a class which theme is a melee fighter? I already spend time trying to chase my enemy and stay in melee so I can hit him/her, why would I want to push him/her further away from me – so I could spend more time chasing my target and not spend that time DPSing in melee range? It really is pointless, we have enough pushback skills so please stop giving us more. Give us pull skills, or more skills to keep the enemy close.

Comparing with Reaper, which has a melee theme too. That elite spec has tools to keep enemies close.

Reaper has a pull on GS and chill to keep enemies close so he can be effective.
Shivers of Dread – whenever you inflict fear, you also chill (3 and a half second chill baseline, enough to cover your longest lasting fear skill and keep enemies closer even when making them flee)
That’s incredibly thoughtful and a really good minor trait!

Berserkers, which have melee theme again (off-hand we can only use with melee weapons, skill category type that is Physical skills v2, which are melee), get:

Wild Blow – the skill with the longest description, the one the sounds the most brutal and yet the one that is the most ineffective. Launch foes 400 range away from you, and pushback other targets around that target so that you could spend more time running around hitting the air.

Where are the knockdowns then if you want to give us more Physical skills? We already have Stomp and Kick if we want to lose time and do nothing, why not give us something to keep enemies around us? What about taunt? New effect that IS perfect for warriors AND berserkes, yet we see it nowhere else but on the trait Bloody Roar, which is Taut enemies for 1sec when you enter Berserk mode, so 1sec taunt on a 15sec cd, you also need time to even get to that 15sec cd, because you need full adrenaline for that.

Didn’t GW1 warriors had a shout that would knockdown crippled enemies, or something like that? That’s perfect for a warrior. Could be an utility or elite shout in GW2. Why do we get some many launch/pushback and leap skills in GW2 though? Even if it’s a short knockdown, 1sec or half a sec, it’s still something different. Or 1-2 sec taunt on a few utilities.
Just give us more/different tools to keep enemies around us, or at least attempt to do it – of course abilities can be dodged/blinded/missed/etc. Don’t give us more tools to keep enemies away from us, because that is ineffective and pointless, and we already have enough of that.

If you want Wild Blow to be a hard AOE cc – make it an AOE knockdown. Once again – PLEASE stop with the launch/pushback skills on this class and the elite spec, and the future warrior’s elite specs. We already have enough of this type of skills.

Discussion: Core Warrior Traits

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Agree with most of what’s being posted in this thread. Here’s what I think about Rage and Physical skills, and in general with the Warrior and the Berserker as a whole.

TL:DR – give warrior and berserker more access to taunt or knockdown, or pull, PLEASE stop with the pushback and launch skills for this melee themed class and elite spec. Reaper, a melee themed elite spec, can pull multiple targets with GS and has tons of chill, even causing chill when Fearing so that targets still stay close even while fleeing. We, berserkers, get even more leaps so we spend more time in the air and not on the ground fighting, and more skills that push enemies away from us.
If you want Wild Blow to be a hard AOE cc – make it an AOE knockdown.

Why so many push back skills for a class which theme is a melee fighter? I already spend time trying to chase my enemy and stay in melee so I can hit him/her, why would I want to push him/her further away from me – so I could spend more time chasing my target and not spend that time DPSing in melee range? It really is pointless, we have enough pushback skills so please stop giving us more. Give us pull skills, or more skills to keep the enemy close.

Comparing with Reaper, which has a melee theme too. That elite spec has tools to keep enemies close.

Reaper has a pull on GS and chill to keep enemies close so he can be effective.
Shivers of Dread – whenever you inflict fear, you also chill (3 and a half second chill baseline, enough to cover your longest lasting fear skill and keep enemies closer even when making them flee)
That’s incredibly thoughtful and a really good minor trait!

Berserkers, which have melee theme again (off-hand we can only use with melee weapons, skill category type that is Physical skills v2, which are melee), get:

Wild Blow – the skill with the longest description, the one the sounds the most brutal and yet the one that is the most ineffective. Launch foes 400 range away from you, and pushback other targets around that target so that you could spend more time running around hitting the air.

Where are the knockdowns then if you want to give us more Physical skills? We already have Stomp and Kick if we want to lose time and do nothing, why not give us something to keep enemies around us? What about taunt? New effect that IS perfect for warriors AND berserkes, yet we see it nowhere else but on the trait Bloody Roar, which is Taut enemies for 1sec when you enter Berserk mode, so 1sec taunt on a 15sec cd, you also need time to even get to that 15sec cd, because you need full adrenaline for that.

Didn’t GW1 warriors had a shout that would knockdown crippled enemies, or something like that? That’s perfect for a warrior. Could be an utility or elite shout in GW2. Why do we get some many launch/pushback and leap skills in GW2 though? Even if it’s a short knockdown, 1sec or half a sec, it’s still something different. Or 1-2 sec taunt on a few utilities.
Just give us more/different tools to keep enemies around us, or at least attempt to do it – of course abilities can be dodged/blinded/missed/etc. Don’t give us more tools to keep enemies away from us, because that is ineffective and pointless, and we already have enough of that.

If you want Wild Blow to be a hard AOE cc – make it an AOE knockdown. Once again – PLEASE stop with the launch/pushback skills on this class and the elite spec, and the future warrior’s elite specs. We already have enough of this type of skills.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: delchev.9847


Scorched Earth (longbow’s primal burst) – would be great if this becomes skillshot.

Blaze Breaker (torch #4) – feels weak/can’t feel the impact of the skill. It’s the same animation (raising your off-hand weapon and smashing the ground with it) as mace’s Tremor (mace #5) and basically the same idea, but comparing the two Blaze Breaker feels incredibly weak, despite the rest of the visual effects of the skill. If it won’t have its own special camera shake effects, then please just copy the ones used in Tremor so that it would start feeling powerful.

Feedback on HoT Stress Test [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: delchev.9847


Revenant – enjoyed the profession a lot. It’s unique and definitely stands out from the other professions, I loved the sound effects/voice acting when channeling legends (really love Jalis’ voice), good theme/visual effects. Feels quite versatile, when in combat you also feel flexible and quick. Looking forward to the introduction of the other legends, weapons and traits that will be available to the class, but so far it looks really good and playing it is definitely fun and engaging.

Wyvern – the fight was fun, I did enjoy it. I especially liked how well telegraphed the mob’s skills were – the knockback attacks and the fire breath, etc – the complex animations and movement of the boss definitely made the fight more realistic and dynamic. Would not mind if the encounter is tweaked a bit in order to become slightly more difficult.

Gliding – I felt like I needed an indicator to show me when the glider was available for me to use. Quite a few times I pressed space after falling for a while and nothing happened (there were times where the glider would not open at all), some times the glider would pop up for a bit and then disappear and reappear again shortly, guess that was because of lag or I don’t know. But a small icon that appears as soon as the glider is available for use would be nice, or at least some other way to let me know when I can/can’t use the glider.

Overall I enjoyed the demo, my main goal was to check the revenant out – and from what I experienced I quite liked it.

"Hold the Line"

in Guardian

Posted by: delchev.9847


(edited by delchev.9847)

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: delchev.9847


1. Ranger – Pets (pet survivability, control, etc) and the interaction with them (F2) need rework. Traits/some utilities/some weapons need attention as well.

2. Necromancer – More options for power builds, more power based weapons. Bug fixes.

3. Warrior – Needs balancing, way too strong passive healing with Healing Signet, low cd on quite powerful utilities. It’s just ridiculous – they’re extremely efficient in literally everything without needing to sacrifice anything. Not fun at all. This needs to be changed, raise the skill cap for warriors by reworking some important skill types like stances and signets. Make them risk/reward, not reward/reward only, increase cooldown, tone down the unbelievable passive healing and get rid of the passive play as a whole. The class feels just stupid/brainless. Please get it in line with the others at least a bit.

(edited by delchev.9847)

Guardian Shout

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: delchev.9847


Got a response in my other thread, feel free to lock/delete this one.

Guardian Shout

in Audio

Posted by: delchev.9847


Thanks a lot for the info, appreciate it. The things that Bobby Stein talks about in that thread are the things I was looking forward to hearing/reading.

Feel free to lock/delete this thread.

Guardian Shout

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: delchev.9847


Guardian’s shout ‘Hold the Line!’ is missing its audio. As far as I’m aware, even during the betas and the 3-day headstart – it’s always been missing.

Any comment on that? Probably fix incoming? Please don’t ignore this. Made a topic in the ‘Audio’ section of the forums as well, just in case.

Guardian Shout

in Audio

Posted by: delchev.9847


Guardian’s shout ‘Hold the Line!’ is missing its audio. As far as I’m aware, even during the betas and the 3-day headstart – it’s always been missing.

Any comment on that? Probably fix incoming? Please don’t ignore this.