Showing Posts For doak.6927:

Post Your Stats!

in Guardian

Posted by: doak.6927


Ive been meaning to get some screenshots and share stats here.

I managed to get the grenth temple event to about 20% solo with this setup. However i fudged up a double dodge and jonez was killed.

Is an absolute beast in dungeons, not super omgfaceroll DPS, but does well enough, can eat one hitter quiters like a champ! Group support is fantastic with this setup.

I have some items i swap out to attain a bit higher survivability (armor 150ish/hp 1.5-2k/healing power 300-700), and things for a bit better crit chance depending on situation. Sadly i have spent to many hours min/maxing items and calculating full sets of gear to see what stats would be if i should swap. Ive got something of a threshold on stats and what i want, so I cant seem to get any drastic changes from gear swaps at this point, stats are about where they are going to be until i can get ascended gear for this character. All gear is exotic.

Pictures are not grouped, with only consumable buffs (master maintenance oil and mango pie)


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

(edited by doak.6927)

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: doak.6927


My ranger, heinz 57 armor loadout. Sadly i cant buy a full set of armor for my characters, they all wear different pieces from multiple sets. Anet step up your game, a full set of most armor looks meh, load up the original guildwars if you need some inspiration.


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

Post your stats

in Warrior

Posted by: doak.6927


Picture not available at this time.
attack-3147 axe/axe
3004 sword/horn
Crit chance-51% with consumables, 43% without
crit damage-55%
Hp 22k

Four pieces zerk gear, two knights all ruby orbs
all weapons zerk
trinkets, knight amulet knight jewel, soldier back knight jewel, rings earing zerk w/zerk jewels.
all armor/weapon/trinkets are exotic

10-0-30-30-0 traits
heal sig for pve, mending and surge for pvp
Fgj,shake it off,and oom<— (situational normally changes)
elite sig, occasionally elite banner

feels good in pve, can survive a hit or two and good consistant dps with good spikes and burst.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

Sexiest/best looking armour for thief?

in Thief

Posted by: doak.6927


My thief, a combination of different armors.


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

2/22 Fort Jaspenwood, Dragonbrand, Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: doak.6927


Man, you guys roll mad deep yo. Heres to good fights all week. /cheers

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

Show your rangers here!!

in Ranger

Posted by: doak.6927


Diem Ruse pewpew sb ranger of wvw


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: doak.6927


Attenuation, 80 Ninjaneer and absolute fiery death spewing wvw madman. Mystic pistols x2 and mysic rifle.


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

Feb 1st - SBI/CD/YB

in WvW

Posted by: doak.6927


Just wanted to pop in here and say, i have nearly been in wvw since reset friday (very little sleep) and CD you guys rock, the fights we had with you on sbi bl at reset were fun and challenging. On saturday afternoon and night when you guys started pouring into ybbl i was part of the resistance you met, and you guys threw alot at us, was a heck of a challenge at bluelake. For those that were there i was the kamikaze fiery death spewing ninjaneer usually at the front of our push, or in way over my head over extending into your group.

I have enjoyed fighting you guys all weekend, sadly work takes me out of town for the week so i wont be able to enjoy our matchup.

Good luck to CD and SBI this week, you guys are great. And to my fellow Yaks, its been a good weekend for us and you guys did a fantastic job on other borderlands and our own. Keep up the good fight.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: doak.6927


Dasorine you are probably correct, when the shades spawned i was the only non npc at the event, the other guard was in route back to the event from the nearest wp. Also when the shades spawned i had grenth up against the wall at the skillpoint location where i actually fought him nearly the whole fight.

I believe it was one of my dodges that brought grenth into range of jones which reset the event sadly.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: doak.6927


As of last night(2/2/13) myself and one other(2 people) took Grenth down to 26% health before he got to jones and reset the event. The event isnt that terribly hard, i simply face tanked grenth at the skill point location in that room. I found the adds and everything else to not be a threat. Just dodge the red circles, and the random times i was thrown into the air use my save butt skills.

This event must have been overly nerfed since the 28th patch that made it harder.

80 guard
exotic gear/rare trinkets
19k hp/3400+ armor

The other person who was with me was a guard who spent most of the fight face down, waypointing out to run back. I soloed grenth for nearly 60% of his total hp, this event cant nearly be as hard as everyone says it is.

No i dont have any spiffy pictures or videos because i went into this event thinking it would be impossible with just me and the one other who just happened to be there, dont know them and wasnt even grouped with them.

Im going to attempt this feat again soon, however i do realize that a handful more would be easier and better, simply because if i miss time my cooldowns or miss a skill i run the risk of being downed or killed. Having 1-3 people who know the encounter with me will ensure event completion.

This is not a chest thumping post, i am simply pointing out that in this event i believe less people is alot better than having a huge pug raid trying to just burn the event as fast as possible,collect loot, and go.

Edit: to add, the shades, about 3 of them were on me the whole fight once they spawned, they were invunerable to damage from me however they didnt pose a threat to me as far as outgoing damage. It was literally grenth that killed jones in the end.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

(edited by doak.6927)

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: doak.6927


Heres my ele,
Wraith mask
Light aurora chest (temple karma merchant)
Winged gloves
Order of Whispers pants


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: doak.6927


Heres my Tankzor i mean Guardian. Mix of armor:
Draconic helmet
AC chest and gloves
HoTW shoulders
HoM pants and boots
Corrupted sword and shield
Dyes are Cobalt and silver accents.


80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

(edited by doak.6927)

Waypoint Costs are a Problem!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: doak.6927


The cost of waypoints is fine, its been lowered at least once already. I find it hard to believe that people leav town with less than 10 silver and want to complain about costs of waypointing. Below level 60ish its not even a issue, do events, sell trash to the vendor. And for those who die and say they dont have the money to waypoint, heres some interesting info.

If you lack the funds on your character to travel from death or to just travel, it pulls coin from your bank. Try it take all money off character, and travel anywhere. If you dont have any silver in your bank or on your character, well your doing something wrong.

Its more than fine as is, im not rich but i leave money in the bank and i carry 10 to 20 silver on my lv 80s when i leave town, always seem to come back with gold or more even paying armor repairs. Do events, and vendor trash.

80 Ele/ 80 Guard/ 80 Ranger/ 80 Thief/ 80 Engineer/ 80 Necro/ 80 War/
All Exotic Geared | Master Crafter -Yaks Bend-

(edited by doak.6927)