Hi (hopfully) friendly and smart people on this forum.
My friend and I are returning players, and haven’t played guild wars 2 since 2013 late summer, thus I believe that there has been a lot of updates to the classes and therefore we were thinking about to lvl up new together characters in order to be more familiar with the classes. The question is: Which classes should we roll?
We both already have lvl 80 chars. My firend: a theif and a warr, whereas I have a lvl 80 ele. So please don’t suggest those classes, becauce there is no point having two lvl 80 with the same class.
We play quite a bit of together PvE, thus the classes must be able to quite easily fit into almost any party because no one bothers to wait 10 minutes to get into a group. We tend to avoid Www, because my bandwith can’t handle it (too much lag), so no need to take that into consideration.
When I play RPGs I usually play healer, and if that doesn’t exist: caster. For him it doesn’t matter too much and even I am quite open for new ideas. Oh, and it would also be good if we could somehow save some gold on gear by resuing our old characters gear. But who knows; the stats of the gears may be very different now days.
EDIT: Should probably have added that we used to do a lot of Fractals due to “lack” of demand for dungeons. Are fractals still “popular”? and is it still an excess demand for mesmers and warrioirs, and no one wants necros?