Booty Bakery [yumy]
(edited by leashmaygoss.2140)
I’ve had enough of the tornado bug self rez eles already. People run 3-4 of them in tournaments, when are you going to start hotfixing game breaking bugs such as these?
No one should have to wait til the end of a month for game breaking bugs to get fixed, there is absolutely no incentive to play the game right now and it’s just absolutely kitten to have to deal with the dirty souls out there abusing glitches in PvP since day 1, it takes the fun out of the game. I know it sucks for the kids out there that can’t win without these bugs but it has to be done.
Solution A: Take actions and punish the abusers.
Solution B: Hotfix kittens.
If none of the solutions are met more players will quit playing again. Both solutions would be great but the actual PvP community is so small right now you might as well just go with Solution B. I’d rather have a couple scumbag abusers banned than a bunch quit cause of them if you can’t fix kitten XYZ yet.
RIP GW2 PVP, it will take a god kitten miracle to revive you and I’ll be waiting for it like the return of J.C. (aka perhaps will never happen).
(edited by leashmaygoss.2140)
Temple got bored already can we move on, and play a new map?
Can you please change the map for the weekend please. Anet mentioned the possibility for if random maps were not in before spirit was done that we would get quicker map changes.
I ask for legacy of the foefire for this weekend. everyone reading this can put what map they want it to be changed to. changes usually happen at 4pm pst so lets pray it does.
The problem is more like during the day we have no other continents to fill up the work-time space. That’s because NA and EU is seperated. And a level down you have 30 different servers, where ppl are spreaded and can’t chat with each other. If you would have one big server this would never happen.
If I just may throw in something here:
I’m actually very glad you got Tyler Bearce into the SotG now. While Jon Peters mostly seems unresponsive and very passive towards players, Tyler always seems to get stuff right.
(If it continues like this I might just wanna vote for him as the new head of the pvp department. If we would get to vote ofc…)
1) When will we have the ladders
2) When will we have the custom arenas
3) When will we have spectator mode
I made a separate thread, but I found this one again and decided to paste it here since there’s a bigger chance someone actually reads it. If it’s been suggested already, excuse me, I had no time to read everything.
A quick suggestion I’d like to give and ask about your opinion regarding the SotG in March.
I, for one, believe that while SotG should touch topics like the new map, matchmaking, rating, upcoming ladder/something/custom arena/observer mode, it shouldn’t focus on these things.
Heck, we can as well write the usual answer on a blackboard behind Grouch and frankly the devs can say whatever they want. We learned it changes nothing until it goes live.
My suggestion, proposal and request is to make it more profession/balance/vision oriented.
Give each profession few minutes (fair share!) so that devs can elaborate on how they designed the profession, how they see it now and where are they taking it in the near future (strongest spots, weakest spots, weapon sets, etc.) Basically something compared to the short note from designer team in a December patch (link to the post)
What I think the community can agree with is we should also talk about where we are regarding Tank vs spike vs physical DPS vs condie DPS and AOE balance (also in the post linked above).
What I personally would like to get answered is the recent change to Death Shroud that now doesn’t allow for a weapon swap as well as get info about new DS UI that was said to has been worked on more than 2 months ago.
(edited by leman.7682)
A quick suggestion I’d like to give and ask about your opinion regarding the SotG in March.
I, for one, believe that while SotG should touch topics like the new map, matchmaking, rating, upcoming ladder/something/custom arena/observer mode, it shouldn’t focus on these things.
Heck, we can as well write the usual answer on a blackboard behind Grouch and frankly the devs can say whatever they want. We learned it changes nothing until it goes live.
My suggestion, proposal and request is to make it more profession/balance/vision oriented.
Give each profession few minutes (fair share!) so that devs can elaborate on how they designed the profession, how they see it now and where are they taking it in the near future (strongest spots, weakest spots, weapon sets, etc.) Basically something compared to the short note from designer team in a December patch (link to the post)
What I think the community can agree with is we should also talk about where we are regarding Tank vs spike vs physical DPS vs condie DPS and AOE balance (also in the post linked above).
What I personally would like to get answered is the recent change to Death Shroud that now doesn’t allow for a weapon swap as well as get info about new DS UI that was said to has been worked on more than 2 months ago.
What do you guys think? Is it possible we can get such discussion?
(edited by leman.7682)
Last ditch effort
<Player looking for team>
IGN: Qt K pop mini
Region NA est timezone
playtimes: evenings like 9,10pm est till maybe 1am on weekdays. Saturday majority of the day, Sunday when I can
Classes: Main is my war(k pop), secondaries- necro, offensive guard, my bunking is not so strong
Other: I have played with and against many of the top NA guys people know. I do a lot of dueling and people like to fight me for some reason, I guess as a baseline build test.
Looking to play at a pretty high level, but I can settle for consistent play and growth.
Experience: in the qp world 145. I am r42.
I gotta agree with homie Kontrol here
^good call
I should also be the host of sotg.
And I should take over the position as dev.
You know, I think you are on to something but…
I think we need someone that is good at photoshop and another person at programming. The photoshop wiz will crop Helseth’s hair from a picture of him. The programming genius will create a program that will detect the “face center” and then frame Helseth’s hair around the face. In this way we will always be fashionably informed.
Get to work minions!
^good call
I should also be the host of sotg.
And I should take over the position as dev.
Yeah and playing in their private little world against each other is same thing right?
Honestly, is just crazy. Never saw a game like this, how can they play in their private games for tests and expect a real impact on the real game? I really don’t understand how is working since the release, so confused.
They have their own private server where they play tournaments with signet warriors and minion necros.
It’s also notable, that it’s usually the top players of teams that would most be affected by queue times that are the loudest advocates of separating the team queue from a solo/duo queue.
We all (should) understand things take time, but we seem so close to what is desirable in this situation it’s a admittedly frustrating. It’s only frustrating because we love the game and what it could be with this type of setup.
I’ve tried the soloQ now. I was up versus premades 7 out of 10 tries.
But hey, I don’t deserve my high rating because I was not able to carry all of those games!
Anyway, it’s PAINFUL to see that arenanet added in ‘’join solo’’ button, they have a system where you have to have a full premade to join, they have two seperate matchmakings for the 3 man and 1 man que but STILL DON’T JUST MAKE A SOLOQ WITH THIS.
Holy kitten seriously
Make the 3 man map 1v1 aswell and make it ‘’join solo’’ only with its own matchmaking. Finish it off by making the other que ‘’join as full premade only’’ It’s okay that we can’t duo yet, we can wait for that. But at least let solo players play without having to fear full premades.
Problem solved?
Seriously, having two different ques, one with a 3 map rotation that requires teams as a workaround because you don’t have a random map generator, something nintendo64 games have is TRAGIC.
(edited by Oni.5429)
Here is what happened:
- The average queue time was around 5 minutes
- I played 9 times
- I got a full set of solo queuers on my team 7 times and the other 2 times I was with a duo/trio and solo queuers
- I got matched against a full premade 7 times, a full solo team once and 1 trio + duo team
- I won my first 3 games and then lost 5 of the next 6
- My team generally had an average rank of 20-30 (skewed towards the top end) and my opponent teams generally had ranks of 35-45
Conclusion – Queuing solo in this game is a nightmare.
Please just cancel this patch and revert to the old one. At least then in a paid you know it is going to be premade vs premade. Currently there is no such guarentee and its a total disaster. I predict massive displeasure at these changes coming soon.
I would recommend the following change:
1- Make the 8 team queue a 2 team queue also.
2- Make it so that 1 of these 1 round tournaments is for solo queuers and dual queuers only and make it so that the other one is for full premades only.
This is the only way to save what looks like a disaster from where I am standing.
Gl all
Edit: And this reflects the system doesnt care if your a solo queue team or a premade. When it should care. It should care about this more than about ratings arguably.
(edited by Lordrosicky.5813)
I don’t even know where to begin with this steaming pile of kitten, I can’t even begin to fathom how you came to the conclusion that this is even remotely close to being a balance patch, are we even playing the same game Anet ?
Firstly you decide that nerfing bunker eles isn’t necessary, instead you end up nerfing balance/dps eles. Cantrips were untouched, I want to understand the logic behind this if there even is any logic at all, I don’t understand at what point you thought that cantrips was balanced, perma vigor regen is completely fine (along with any other effect the cantrip it self has); eles running around with 25 stacks of might and close to perma protection, constant healing and superior mobility, are perfectly balanced.
Mesmer utilities also untouched; not even so much as an atempt to reduce the effectivness of time warp, or possibly an increased cooldown on illusion of life.
Engineer nerfed, literally removing over 80% of the possible builds that can be run with that class (how does this even make sense)
This has to be the biggest joke of a balance patch I have ever seen; the thing is I have never complained about the lack of pvp utilities and have always been an advocate of this game; but honestly all I expect out of the developers is a good balance patch that can shift the meta and give us something to work with, but instead nothing is changed.
I know that you guys said that you wish to avoid knee jerk reactions towards balance, but if not even twitching your pinky is your idea of balancing the game, then I doubt your going to have anyone to balance this game for.
I have been playing this game with my team since release, we are the only team I know of that has stuck together since release and we have always been strong advocates of this game, but we have never been as disappointed with this game as we were today.
bad idea IMO if the pond was bigger i might not be the best fish?
all this would do is bring in way to many ppl. there would be more games all day better ppl would be discovered and teams might be made in NA.
nothing about this idea is good except for everything
I just wanted to make a post to serve as a place where we, the community, can let Anet know our thoughts on whether we would like our MMR to be visible or not, and where we can discuss the pros/cons etc. Based on the recent state of the game held with Jon Peters and Jon Sharp ( it seems they are leaning against making it visible. So please voice your opinions on the subject and hopefully Anet will Listen.
Personally, I’m a big supporter Ratings of any kind being visable. I really think it gives newer and mid level players something clear to strive for. Emergently, benchmarks with in the rating systems form that serve to distinguish the overall skill level of players with in said rating range. For example let’s say that ratings of 1800-1999 is average and 2000-2199 are above average and 2200+ is considered top level. It provides a clear area and goal for a newer player to strive for and work towards, adding progression to the game that doesn’t have a negative affect on balance.
I’m sure there are those of you out there who have had a goal of reaching a certain rating or division and know the joy of finally breaking into it. Like finally getting into Masters League in SC2 or Finally breaking 2k in Arena, it’s been a prestige that’s loomed in front of you, that perhaps famous players of your respective game are a part of, that you’d like to be a part of too. This also would greatly help the streaming scene of this game, which is pretty dismal these days (don’t think I’ve ever seen a channel break over 300 viewers since the first month of release) If you can clearly display something like “2.2k rating Guardian streaming” Just as an example. It gives the viewer the ability to watch an objectively skilled player who can back up his skill level with proof without having to invest the time, as a viewer, watching him and just deciding if he’s good among the sea of other streamers out there.
More is on the line and the scene becomes more competitive as you can clearly see how you stack up against the rest. More importantly, you will be able to find people of similar skill levels to play with outside of the built in matchmaking system on any medium out there, so if you are part of a 1850 rating team looking for a 5th to play as your bunker, you can find someone.
These are just my thoughts, please feel free to disagree or agree, I just want there to be no illusions as to what the community wants for Anet. Thank you.
Indeed, or just guest there
Its good to see a thread like this but i think it would be even better if Anet gave us a subforum dedicated to forming teams for tPvP. Meanwhile im glad we atleast have this for now.
As a PUG, this is kinda nice. Without matchmaking, I waste less time on top teams.
However, as a someone who wants GW2 tPvP to grow, this makes me sad.
There’s so few teams now we recognize the teams that can beat us. Chances are if we don’t know them, they are bad/new. When you keep drawing the same few teams (especially at off-peak hours), I always wonder if it’s the bad matchmaking or if there really are only 3-4 groups playing.
GREETINGS, CITIZENS. I originally planned to make a massive post where I displayed arenanets absolutely awful form of transparency, game issues, questionable design choices and a ton of other things. But this has been done before (and better), mainly by Follidus. If you have not already, read his post here:
You could also read arenanets response to see what part of the game suffers from now.
ANYWAY, the point of my thread is something different, I’m going to mention all the aspiring teams and players that have quit the game (and why) that I can think OFF THE TOP OFF MY HEAD. I can’t guarantee that all of these players left specifically because of the reasons I mention, but I can say that the vast majority of them have, and the rest left at least partially because of them.
Team Pika:
The team followed the usual process. One player left another player got an invite from a team (dislocation to no scrub iirc) and since this game has no potential for a solo player to be competitive the three other players in the team, meaning that the three other players had to abandon the game and go back to WoW after some time of trying to find a team.
Solution that would have kept them in game: SoloQ
Team Synthetic Gods/Myrevenge
This team followed almost exactly the same formula as above. The team became far less active due to disgruntlement because they had absolutely no info on esport at all aside from a pathetic blog post which took months to come out on. When the team dropped in activity and efficiency because of this one player left, two of the players n the team tried to find a new one but they were unable to and guess what? Lack of soloQ? No official ratings? Good luck making yourself known out there to other good teams!
Solution: soloQ and transparency
Team FT:
This teams disappearance was rather recent. These were players that had been playing for as long as I. They eventually quit because they assumed arenanets stance on actually telling us what the hell is happening was arenanet not caring.
Team SuperSquad:
Surely you’ve heard of these, yes arenanet? Same story as the one with myrevenge. There were members that were not as committed due to how the game was going. With the lack of proper ladder there is no real goal and there is nothing that kept the team to stay competitive. Two of the members joined another team (guess which!) and one quit the game due to not believing arenanet any more on their esport claims. The other two were unable to find a team. And yet AGAIN, I want to repeat this point: If you don’t have a team then you CANNOT play the game competitively. Your silly idea of a soloQ is not going to change that. And as long as you don’t announce that you’re going to make a proper solo q people that are unable to find a team will CONTINUE TO LEAVE!
Solution: Transparency that would keep them motivated (they’ve been dedicated to this game since beta), a solo q (are you starting to see a pattern?)
Team legacy:
Another previous big name. They, too, lost faith in arenanet with their claim that they’d make this an esport. They believed it was just a lie to make the sales increase.
Solution: Talk to us!
(edited by Oni.5429)
During my hiatus, I still semi-regularly browse the SPvP forums. I currently see very few threads being made and far less DEV posts. I just wanted to say and reiterate my opinion that your silence as a company is hurting far worse than it could ever help. The silence gives the appearance that nothing is being done (the truth doesn’t matter, perception is paramount here).
I just wanted to repost something that I posted in Zoose’s thread a month or so ago in regards to the SoTG and their “strong silent type” approach. Here are my thoughts, and they haven’t changed.
Clearly it’s your company philosophy and I know it’s probably not going to change, but I think it a terrible philosophy. You don’t say anything in fear of causing a stir on the forums, but your silence (at least on the SPVP boards) causes one of the biggest stirs.
Here is the best way I can describe it:
Let’s say that you had decided to come to the forums and tell the players “We finally have our PvP system in place and it’s going to be an 8 team tournament system where you need 40 people to start and it will be 3 rounds.”
I can assure you if that was discussed during the initial implementation, it would have never made it in and then had to be changed 6 months later because it clearly was a bad idea.
My fear is, you guys are being so secretive about stuff because it may or may not be fully ready, but what if it’s a terrible idea? It doesn’t matter how good of DEVS you guys are, there are few of you and exponentially more of us. We can quickly pick out flaws and give positive constructive feedback….for free.
I am in no way saying we are better at developing a game than you guys, we most assuredly are not; however, we play the game non-stop, and we have very good ideas about what would be great for the game, and what would be terrible. Just go look at SWTOR to see examples where DEVS were completely silent on features and when they were rolled out, they sucked…bad.
Case in Point
WoW, for all its flaws, is actually pretty open about what they are planning. The perfect example: Blizzard was going to implement a feature where your real ID along with your real name would be displayed on the forums with things you posted: a terrible terrible idea. They were dead set on it and people voiced concerns about how our privacy would be at risk and how we could be attacked in real life by players that didn’t like what we posted. Bashiok kept stating that we shouldn’t have any concerns and were being paranoid and your real name can accomplish nothing from someone trying to find out who we are. Someone challenged him to say his real name if he didn’t care. He did. Next, they found his address, his salary, a picture of his front door via street view of Google maps and even facebook pages of his parents.
That feature never saw the light of day. Had they secretly implemented it, someone could have been killed by some crazy forums stalker.
Food for thought
We have a growing thread about this over on the reddit
Asking for a color blind mode – it seems that for most, having an option to switch the UI elements from Green to blue (heal numbers, AoE indicators, health bars for PVP) would help most of the people who need this, but if more option could be made, that’d be great.
Video how another company is handling it :
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