Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Showing Posts For enigma.4873:
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Same issue for about 5hrs now. Changing maps/areas and hitting a loading screen is a dice roll on whether I’ll make it through or not, and the odds are not favorable right now.
(I haven’t made any changes to my pc, or having issues with anything else on my pc).
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Please fix! Thanks
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Yes please, to the return of Friday evening WvW resets. As for the time, 6pm PST. It gives people a chance to get off work, grab snacks on their way home, maybe have dinner/spend time with their family if they like and in game, guilds can host their reset raids at a reasonable time.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
I have loved this game ever since it started. There are very few things that could make me quit. This stuff comes close.
free stuff makes you want to quit?
The Heroic Chests were items given exclusively for paying (either cash or gems) for the upgrade of your account to the Deluxe or Heroic (not sure which atm) edition. While I could care less, I can understand I suppose that those who paid for this item are maybe going to be slightly irked.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Well the Stress Test / Beta theory isn’t right cos I wasn’t in it/them and just received 1 Heroic Chest and 1 letter.
Just out of curiosity how many of you that have got the mail are guild leaders or officers .. perhaps in small guilds. As the mail that comes with the Letter of influence seems to suggest maybe joining forces.. ooooh Alliances – -> can it be Anet
Guild leader of one guild and an officer in another.. also had access to the first HoT beta (though I didn’t get to play due to pc issues). I wonder…
Would love some kind of official word though on whether or not it’s okay to use these items. Would hate to have this be an error and such. :l
Edit; I received 2 Heroic Chests and the Tome of Influence.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
I’d rather they thoroughly test and make us wait a little while longer, than have a half kitten d job done and my camera suddenly locked in a cyclone whirl forever on patch day.
Screw SAB returns hype, I’m going with SAVEABLE BUILD TEMPLATES returning.. hype.. /ducks from the hoard of angry SABbers.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Main character name: Simply Vexed
Account name: enigma.4873
Favorite game mode (eg. WvW/PvP/PvE): PvE (non-dungeon/fracs) and WvW
Server: Henge of Denravi
Number of Necromancers (if you have more than 1): 2 (one is in limbo at the moment with leveling).
I played nothing but Necro in GW1, and have been playing GW2 since OB, but it’s taken me almost 2yrs to get my necro to 80. He is not my main (my main is a thief), but he will be seeing more and more of my playtime. If this is okay, go ahead and shoot me an invite.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
I bought a commanders tag (right before it became 300g) just to have it. I am a horrible leader/commander, if you follow me, you risk running off ledges to your death or running head first into a world boss or enemy zerg. I’ll tag up if someone else can give directions and I can follow them so the zerg follows me though.
I main a thief, but I’m really, REALLY uncoordinated (due to rl issues yaddayadda). While I can dish out the damage, I’ll usually flounder in evading and end up being /danced on.
It took me 2yrs to realize I love WvW. It also took me 2yrs to realize that EoTM was different from the main WvW.
When capping stuff in WvW my first week, I’d constantly use Shadow Refuge on the group, not realizing it would reset some timers.
I cannot, and usually will not, ever use siege or bundle items due to aforementioned coordination issues. Your left, is my right and vice versa. I’ll always show up fully supped to build, and even carry siege on me to drop, but ask me to use it.. /flee.
I seek out libraries, or any scholarly type areas in the game, because in real life, I’m a book nerd. I love the lore, and thanks to a literal 10 minute memory usually, going back and revisiting places like that always feels like a new experience. Keeps it exciting to me.
I will purposely use myself as cannon fodder in WvW. I make a great decoy, go on and spend a few minutes chasing my bumbling kitten around while the rest of my group goes and caps your keep.
I’m an antisocial MMO player. Yes, we exist. I’m friendly and helpful to a fault, but for the most part I prefer to solo explore.
I WILL stop to look at the local scenery, despite the fact I may be holding up my team for a minute.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
I’m really loving the ’Where’s Waldo’ aspect to this.
Scenario: In Cursed Shores, a random big event is up/spawning.
Skittle#1093180 in map chat: <random big event is up/spawning on my tag>
/me spends 3-4 mins mousing over all the kittening tags on this particular map, finally locating Skittle #1093180 – WP to closest WP, haul kitten to get there in time. Mob/Event is already dead/despawned.
/me kicks the dirt in despair.
I honestly don’t mind the tags, I have one myself but have yet to utilize it. However, it’d be really nice if people could get their kittens in a basket and coordinate a bit better via map chat about tags and who’s leading what and anyone else who’s got a tag up just for bragging rights, do the decent thing and stop confusing people.
Suggestions such as Red tag = Guild Runs/Rushes – Yellow = Champ trains – Green = Drunk people, don’t bother following them – Purple = insert something useful here, you get my drift.
I edited out my own dang curse words you kittening filter! So ha!
Additionally; why not make it so that if a squadron that’s formed and isn’t at least 50% filled (insert arbitrary number of people needed for this) in a certain time period, the game does a /check function on it and disables the ability to put up another tag for 10 minutes. Unless you’re in a major town, where the likelihood of an event spawning is nil, but imagine all the people in LA scratching their heads wondering why there’s 100 tags up over by the MF.. New event, the Mystic Flush now randomly spawns a world boss when a certain combination of items are used.
Just food for thought.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
(edited by enigma.4873)
Overlays aren’t add ons. They’re overlays and not against the terms of service. There’s nothing you get from this that you can’t have from having a second monitor and a calculator.
We’ve been using overlays for a long time already…at least I have.
Is there any sort of red post saying that overlays are okay? I just dont want to get myself into any sort of trouble.
Overlays don’t alter the game at all. Anet doesn’t even have a way to know you’re using the overlay. It does nothing more than a second monitor would do for you. It doesn’t give you in game advantage. It doesn’t change the code. It literally breaks no rules.
If it didn’t give some sort of an advantage there wouldn’t be any reason to use it now would there?……….Come on you’ve got to be realistic sometimes. Ease of access to information is always an advantage in everything.
If ease of access to information is giving an advantage, than by default, /wiki (which is an in game function that sadly not too many people use anyway) should be against the rules too, eh?
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
It’s not surprising, it’s insulting. I’m speaking purely (well, mostly purely) on the rigamarole we’re gonna have to go through anytime we want to make an alt now. I had read the feature pack info/watched the videos, but I suppose they didn’t quite explain the actual impact it would be having on vet players. I guess I can maybe (and that’s a stretch) understand some of the changes made for a more noob friendly starting game, but my gods, it did NOT need this level of dumbing down. Not by far.
I feel like I’m suddenly playing a game geared for 7-10yr old audiences, instead of the kickarse GW2 I loved up until yesterday.
I won’t quit, not outright, but I now see myself being slowly pushed away till I find a game that doesn’t pull the carpet out from under its long term veteran players. I also see no point now in ever purchasing another character slot either
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
(edited by enigma.4873)
I am absolutely astounded, I mean literally in awe.. at the new “feature” pack released yesterday. I’ve never in my whole time as a gamer, felt more insulted by the developers than I do right now. As a vet player, someone who was here for OB, why in the world do you think after 2 yrs of playing, any of the changes made in this release were necessary. As far as the unlocking skills, skill points/vistas/gathering nodes/dodging/so on so forth, these are things that I should not be forced to wait to unlock at predetermined levels. A great many of these things you made level locked/specific, are core features to knowing how to play the game.
What exactly was it (or rather who, so I can hit them over the head with a shoe) that made you guys decide we needed our hands held like toddlers learning to use the potty. Especially your vet players. This is a complete insult to our intelligence and a blatant “We think you guys aren’t playing the game as intended, let’s give everyone a re-visit back to the basics. We promise it won’t hurt, maybe.” No, it doesn’t hurt, but it does make at least me wonder who exactly are you catering to.
If someone’s been playing for 2yrs, I’m fairly sure that when they go to make a new character, they don’t need a tutorial to do it. They don’t need their dodge roll taken away (If I want to dodge roll off a cliff that’s surely going to kill me, for the love of Grenth, let me. There is a method to my madness, dangit.) So now I have to wait till lv40 to unlock my elite? I can’t wander back to the lowbie zones on one of my 3 lv80’s to gather, and enjoy the beauty of the area, which I did quite often and when I did that, I was more enticed to spend time there helping new players to the game. What’s the point now. I’m almost scared to make a new character, and have to deal with this ridiculous ‘help’ and changes being forced on us.
Why Anet? :/ We really aren’t as unintelligent as you seem to think we are. Promise.
This video sums up how inane the changes are.
Please give us an opt out for this if we’ve got a lvl60-80 char. If we don’t know how to play the game by that point, we’re doomed whether you put a tutorial in there or not.
I am however thankful that things that should of been fixed/added long ago, were finally handled. Such as some of the TP features, guild features and some of the bug fixes, so thank you for that none the less.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]
(edited by enigma.4873)
+1 for this, add me to the list of people that are experiencing the disorientation, dizziness, headache/migraines, nausea and just plain frustration with the way the camera and mouse behaves. It’s extremely disconcerting sometimes, and often I wondered if it was just me, but I’m (not quite so) glad to see that it is not.
There are so many times I’ve just had to stop, and stand still, or log off out of frustration because my camera FOV feels like it got sucked into a tornado. Or I’ve completely had to put off doing a jumping puzzle, which I love the jumping puzzles, I do however, not love my cam getting stuck in a wall, or the floor, or playing ping pong with obstacles that are not even the height of my characters knees.
I also discovered that I tend to ‘lose my mouse’ a lot, the pointer completely disappears for a few moments, and after a lot of fiddling around it’ll reappear in the center.
I utilize both the keyboard and the mouse for turning/maneuvering/moving and while it’s more physical to do that and rather tiring, it helps me sometimes counter all the hinky camera movements, albeit it should be very unnecessary to have to play like this. Please do fix this somehow Anet, sliders, full camera rework, whatever, something needs to change.
Simply Vexed 80 Reaper / HOD / [CHEF/TAbS/BUTT]