Showing Posts For erik.7084:

Vigil Field Supporter bugged?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: erik.7084


I think you are supposed to do to each of the three events once. Can’t repeat one of them three times.

Ascended Cooking Logic

in Crafting

Posted by: erik.7084


For ascended food or perhaps legendary food I would like it to have unlimited uses, but still on a 30 minute timer.

The most powerful beings?

in Lore

Posted by: erik.7084


New Kits: in Skill update idea- Saw Blade

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


I think a fun #5 skill could be “Mad Man – Inlict a 1 second aoe fear and 3 stacks of torment.”

Looking to Leatherface for inpiration. Haha

The Minstrel should be a musical instrument

in Crafting

Posted by: erik.7084


I actually started crafting The Minstrel in the off chance that something like this happens. It really makes perfect sense for a musical instrument-shaped weapon to be used as an instrument when out of combat!

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: erik.7084


I opened 160 regular coffers and got 1 ticket and 2 minis.

Rifle, pistol & pistol or pistol & shield?

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


I love the shield. I think it is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, especially considering it has just 2 skills. One skill gives you a reflect, knockback, and blast finisher. The other gives you a long daze with 2 interrupts, block (which you can use while you do other things!!!), stun, and projectile finisher. I don’t think you can find 2 other weapon skills in the game that give you that much utility. This is the reason I am choosing to make Flameseeker Prophecies as my legendary.

If I could equip two shields I would!

Dual shields would be a dream come true. I wish more games had that option.

Which ascended did you go for?

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


I’ve been getting Soldier’s. Power, toughness, and vitality are all pretty important in WvW no matter the build.

Problems with Engineers and Legendaries

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


I’m an engineer with The Flameseeker. I really like the shield, but I do think more is needed. Thanks for making this thread OP, I hope they devs see it.

Ever thought about Legendary Kits?

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


Instead of legendary kits I wish the current legendaries would change the appearance of your kits. Like with the Predator it already turns your grenade barrage into plasma grenades. Maybe with the Flameseeker it would make them Holy Hand grenades and with the Quip some kind of firework.

Super weapons

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: erik.7084


I want that Zelda shield!

Engineer patch notes:

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


I’m really excited to try out Kit Refinement with Bomb Kit! I really hope the pull is the similar to Guardian Greatsword #5.

Legendary Shield Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! I just finished the shield earlier this week!

How you get order of whispers pistol and vigil coat?

You need characters in those orders. Then you transmute them onto a cheap skin off the tp. This will make it account bound. Then the character you want to use the skin can transmute it onto whatever they want.

I have that everytime I transmute something it becomes soulbound though… Not account. :/

Here watch this video.

Legendary Shield Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! I just finished the shield earlier this week!

How you get order of whispers pistol and vigil coat?

You need characters in those orders. Then you transmute them onto a cheap skin off the tp. This will make it account bound. Then the character you want to use the skin can transmute it onto whatever they want.

Legendary Shield Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


Weirdo’s in this thread. Just weirdo’s.

That shield is terrible for any TRUE engineers. You guys are just seeking attention trying to be “different”.

WTB Legendary gear shield.

You just convinced me to delete my engineer. I’m going to make a greatsword warrior, get CoF armor, and make Twilight. Thanks for opening my eyes.

Grawl will worship Karka

in Living World

Posted by: erik.7084


I can definitely see them discovering the Ancient Karka’s corpse and worshiping it. The grawl seem to worship anything that looks big, bad, and dangerous such as Jormag or the Volcano in FotM.

Legendary Shield Engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


There are dozens of us! DOZENS! I just finished the shield earlier this week!

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: erik.7084


I finally finished Flameseeker a few days ago and finished my look too. I’m pretty happy how he turned out.


Vision of Mists and others help

in Crafting

Posted by: erik.7084


I recently made the Wall of the Mists. It’s probably one of the “easier” Mist weapons to make. 250 orichalcum shield boss, 30 giant eyes, 50 mystic coin, and 1 eldritch scroll

Here is a list of all the Mist weapons:

Uncategorized Fractal story?

in Lore

Posted by: erik.7084


My theory is that Dessa had another Krewe that got trapped inside the fractal. The raving asura is the only survivor and as he spent time in isolation, he went mad His dialouge, “All of us! Abandoned! You aren’t real. You can’t be here.” supports this and might expalin why Dessa ran off at the beginning. She feels responsible for the Krewe she abandoned and the asura who is now trapped in that fractal.

Siege Weapon Blueprints Account Bound

in Suggestions

Posted by: erik.7084


I recently started doing the WvW jumping puzzles for Badges of Honor. I really like doing this because you also get siege weapon blueprints as a reward, however doing this on multiple characters can be a hassle because the blue prints are Soulbound and don’t stack with other blueprints from other characters. In my opinion, making them account bound will make things easier, and make the WvW jumping puzzles more important to guard because of the free blueprints you receive.