Showing Posts For erstag.1809:
Rating the professions with these 2 criterias combined in open world pve. Hardest to be killed and least knowledge or skill needed to kill efficiently (basically rated by skill floor) :
Ranger, you really need to be a potato to be bad with it.
Warrior, guardian
Mesmer, thief, engineer
Elementalist, necromancer (maybe I played him all wrong when I leveled him, but I had a very hard time killing monsters faster than them downing me).
It made me chuckle the first time I saw a champion risen chicken, another upscaled Orr event also has champion risen spider hatchlings.
Saddly not, only a handful of locations spawn giants.
The ones I know of are the one giant spawning every 20+ minutes in Nagelling Town in Diessa Plateau and another event in Brisbane Wildlands every 10- minutes that scales up, so you can have from one giant plus one for each other person being in the event location (I don’t know the maximum amount). Dullfy has a page about it somewhere, you can even join a guild I believe with people farming that achievement.
Yeah it’s a grind.
Edit : My bad, i noticed later it was a suggestion and not a question. That would be nice indeed.
(edited by erstag.1809)
My warrior will only be used for roaming alone the open world, killing things fast as I’m using other classes in pve parties, dungeons and WvW.
Thanks for your replies, I’ve had a significant increase in my damage output after following your advice Warlord.
I’ve been searching around for the best build available but could not find any recent topic on this subject. Suggestions about traits, weapons and sigils/runes are welcome.
I currently have in traits 6/5/0/0/3, and I’m using a greatsword and axe/warhorn with berserker gear.
I was first thinking of using swiftness runes but that’s maybe not really necessary with already the warhorn skill, signet of rage and the various GS mobility skills.
About sigils, I am guessing charge on kills such as the sigil of bloodlust (+10 power/kill) are what I need.
Thanks for your help.
Champ train about to start in Cursed Shore on Gandara.
[/quote]What server is the Orr train being run on?[/quote]
It was on Gandara (EU), the commander leading the train has left since. I guess it shouldn’t take long before other servers do them (if it isn’t already the case) and more commanders lead the way.
[/quote]Is there a map for WPs and such?[/quote]
Not to my knowledge, the rotation consists of 3/4 champions plus additional ones spawning during certain events. I can’t give you more info as I just discovered it today.
The fgs train, in my opinion, got better. Fish, Norn and kodan got grouped up in 1 event in which you get a bonus chest for killing all 3 in the time limit. You still get the champ boxes for all 3 as well. The timer on the event seems to be just about right to run the rest of the train a second time before it pops. So the order that worked for a group of about 10 tonight was:
Triple threat (fish, Norn and kodan)
Drake (and quaggan if up)
Drake (and quaggan if up)
Triple threatThe focus should be on making sure to get a decent jump on the triple threat timer. The bonus chest is, well, a bonus. So if you run the 2 circuits and triple threat hasn’t started, hang out at fish and work on your inventory for a minute so you don’t lose a lot of your time on a third run.
You can also include the Giant Ooze between Drake and Troll, especially if a mesmer portals the group.
I also just followed a champ train in Cursed Shore which had great loot from many champions and mobs.
FGS champ train would be a more laid back and safe one, and the Cursed Shore one is much more dynamic with no downtime and you actually see people dieing around you.
(edited by erstag.1809)
I’ve been looking through the first few pages to see if this suggestion had already been posted, but found none (except for a somewhat similar idea :
Having a guild notice board in which guild members can post and reply, to better organise dungeon runs or any other event.
So instead of only talking to online players in guild chat to set up an activity, you could reach to the entire guild and make plans by posting a notice.
It’s the ascended stuff i bought with laurels i’m gutted about, the rest i can salvage and get something back. Would be nice if they could change ascended stuff bought with laurels to account bound as these are useless now.
Same here, do any of you know the reasoning behind this decision? It is an extremely unfair and arbitrary practise which makes no sense to me.
I’m basically punished for having played the game as Anet intended it in the first place.
I have 2 issues with the magic find update:
- MF runes and sigils were swapped to different ones that are no use for my char. I understand that we aren’t given the possibility to choose which ones we’d like instead but maybe we could have been given the choice to remove these upgrades from their slots.
- Ascended trinkets being soulbound. They are now wasted on my alternative MF char, I don’t see what the problem is in making them account bound or by simply refunding the laurels they cost.