Showing Posts For eschlon.3842:
Make sure your sell price is at least 15% higher than your original purchase price, since that is how much the TP costs.
Of course he means make sure your sell price is greater than (purchase price / .85), which is about an 18% markup. You lose money at (purchase price * 1.15).
There is no problem with the tax (though they could make it more visible, that’d be fine).
The problem is people who think that spending time gathering 3g worth of mats, crafting them into items and promptly selling those items for 2g are somehow making a profit off the TP.
The TP is working as intended. It’s being driven by supply and demand. It’s just that the supply of crafted items is primarily being filled by morons.
Having the same error as the other 15 pages of people, had no issues before the last patch.
It also only affects me in certain zones (Lion’s Arch occasionally, Straits of Devastation every 5-10 min).