Fearless [Hymn]
Showing Posts For ethan holmes.4825:
Fearless [Hymn]
The best guilds right now are:
PLEASE tell me you are trolling right now lol no t1 guilds should be included in the list except APeX, which you left out. The guilds you listed are all blob guilds.
Fearless [Hymn]
TA hahahahhaha, ask TA if they claim themselfes as NA omg
Chemso is from Harlem, mark from Detroit ahaha
lol, how is this relevant?
Fearless [Hymn]
TA is an EU guild.
they transferred to Maguuma (NA) about 2 days ago
Fearless [Hymn]
APeX if they move to t2
Fearless [Hymn]
Best GvG guilds at the moment from what i’ve seen in NA(not in order):
NS, Agg, TA, EP, Ark.
Fearless [Hymn]
EE taking over t2 #magswag
Fearless [Hymn]
APeX just has better synergy and peel for each other better than any other team. Period.
Fearless [Hymn]
Just to emphasize this point me and aero bursted apex’s staff ele in best of 8 to 10% health and then immediately healed to full, you can watch the vod if u want its at the beginning, prtty depressing
you do realize he has a tiny health pool, no armor… and lots of healing power, OF COURSE it’s not hard to burst him down, and it’s not hard to get a nearly full heal.
Fearless [Hymn]
Currently thief just can’t beat some builds. Thief is not a good roaming class. Warrior is the OP current 1v1 champion. Mesmer might be second but much slower to roam. Guardian is at LEAST third best roaming class…thief is somewhere around last.
I’m not sure what game this guy is playing… ^
Thief is by far the best roaming class. Good for 1v1 or even fighting outnumbered, you can easily get out of a fight if you decide you can’t handle it, great mobility, high DPS, etc.
Great choice going with thief. If you are still looking for a build (i know it’s 2 months later) I would recommend youtubing “Yishis.” He has great gameplay footage along with his builds and gives full commentary on his tactics and reasoning.
Fearless [Hymn]