Showing Posts For evenangels.4902:

My GW2 Let's Play Series and Blog-Thingy

in Community Creations

Posted by: evenangels.4902


Hello there,

Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Achaius, sylvari lover, GW2 addict and relatively new youtube Let’s Player.

Currently I also run one guild, and am part of a couple more. I have been in Tyria since the original launch of Prophecies, and I love the world. Which is why I also run a blog-thing about my adventures and thoughts of Guild Wars 2, including my post on Leveling in Guild Wars 2 and what the world of Tyria actually looks like and how amazing it is. You can find the site at – A Guild Wars 2 Lover’s Blog if you are interested.

As well as that, as mentioned, I am doing Let’s Play videos on Youtube, including one of Guild Wars 2 at the moment, and would love some feedback on how to make the LP better (although running the game on high isn’t an option, my computer would explode).
Thank you for taking the time to read this,


(edited by evenangels.4902)

Caerwyn Order - An GoM RP Group

in Looking for...

Posted by: evenangels.4902


Guild Name: The Caerwyn Order
Server: Gates of Madness
Leaders: Achaius Caiodheach and Eira Garik

Hi there,

So one thing myself and a group of friends noticed was a lack of Role Play on Gates of Madness (and most of the servers). Thus, rather than having to keep guesting on TC, we got together to create the Caerwyn Order, a light RP guild.

Now, we have literally just started, so I’ll be honest, the perks of influence have yet to take effect. However, they will do as we RP and play the game OOC as well. That’s right, we do RP and non-RP stuff. We are all long time players of the game, some of us coming from years of GW1 as well. We understand the lore, the world and the game.

We do RP, RP-PvE, normal PvE, RP-WvW, normal WvW and PvP… So a bit of everything really.

In character, the guild is a group of Monster Hunters and Explorers who seek to document the lands whilst protecting those in need for the dangers of Tyria.

So if you are interested in role play, whether you have never done it or are a seasoned pro, feel free to drop my a whisper in game: evenangels.4902

We also have a website at

Oh, and since I have been asked where the name comes from, its a name made of Caer (meaning fortress) and Wyn (coming from the word Gwyn which means white or pale)

So basically, we are the Order of the White Fortress.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see some of you in game soon.

(edited by evenangels.4902)

GW2 survey

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: evenangels.4902


That was a very nice survey. I especially enjoyed the psychology behind it. I hope you find the answers you receive to be useful.

Rate the sylvari name above yours!

in Sylvari

Posted by: evenangels.4902


Brryher – 7/10, the style is very nice and has a great ring to it. The fact that you used Celtic names is nice for my as well (I’m from Wales).
Padraic – 8/10 again the sound is nice, and the name just makes me thing of my Irish friend who calls himself “Paddy”

My Sylvari’s name:
Achaius Caoidheach, a Greatsword Ranger from the Order of Whispers