Showing Posts For filan.6495:

Engineers with Bows

in Engineer

Posted by: filan.6495


more devious of a mine arrow… one that detonates when the target gets close to other enemies. In PVP for example if a player got hit with it and ran back to his buddies? KABOOM

Engineers with Bows

in Engineer

Posted by: filan.6495


Crossbows would be kinda cool… Steam powered repeating crossbow that is!

there is really no love for turrets huh?

in Engineer

Posted by: filan.6495


Turrets scale with level, so a turret from a level 80 is much, much stronger than a turret from a level 40. However, they do not scale with attributes.

Ahh okay shoots down my primary theory then.

But with more gameplay I can confirm turret agro oddities. Doing a character plot quest where I had to fight one guy, The second I dropped my flame turret he instantly switched targets.

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: filan.6495


Some might say there is something wrong with a tree who uses a flamethrower.


A Sylvari woman's "taste"- Relationships with Sylvari

in Sylvari

Posted by: filan.6495


He is just jealous that he cannot branch out into other tasks as well as a Sylvari.

there is really no love for turrets huh?

in Engineer

Posted by: filan.6495


Do the turrets have a level? I am new to the game but not at all new to MMORPGs(Everquest being my first in march of 2000). And in many MMOs somethings that are set down are by default level 1. And by nature of many agro mechanics in games a KOS NPC will go for the lowest level target first due to wider agro range.

In short do we know if a turret has the same level as the person who placed it? if its somehow by default a level 1 entity, it might have a wider natural agro radius.

Does homosexuality in Sylvari feel rather forced?

in Sylvari

Posted by: filan.6495


I do not see an issue with a few same sex couples. After all every facet of entertainment today overly forces the hetero relationship from all angles.

Lets see your engineers!

in Engineer

Posted by: filan.6495


sure hes only L9 so far since I just started… but yes… Trees with guns and a napalm turret. I do intend to save up 3pts next to get the flamethrower… just because I find a plant killing things with fire rather funny.
