Showing Posts For fireboytroy.8147:

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: fireboytroy.8147


Finally beat it last night with my human necro. No speed boosts or anything. I had to try it so many times though that it got to the point to where I was doing the first part mostly by knowing where to point the camera and jump by holding “w” the whole time and timing it to the music more than looking for any platforms that were constantly being hidden by the other models. When I completed it, there were 3 giant norns and 2 charr, so you never could really see anything.

Looking for a casual social guild

in Guilds

Posted by: fireboytroy.8147


First I’ll start with a bit about myself:

I’m an American living in Japan, I speak both languages, but prefer English. I will be mostly playing between 4 p.m. to midnight JST, which is about midnight to 8 a.m. on the U.S. Servers.

I’m not particularly good at the game. I die a LOT. I’ve played 98 hours, died 84 times, and am a level 45 necromancer, which focused on minion control to find it kind of useless. I’m likely to roll up a new character or re-spec shortly. I like to joke around, and am currently working towards 100% map exploration, mastering trading post trading, and dungeons, but would like to break into WvWvW and sPvP.

What I’m looking for in a guild
1. People that are going to be online in my timezone.
2. Voice chat of some sort, with a casual atmosphere. (This is important, I view this as a social game and would love to be able to joke or talk about current events that are off-topic while playing. If all you do is discuss strategy and the game itself, I think you lose most of the social aspect of the game)
3. A website with a calendar that has frequent events and a forum of some sort. I would like to get involved in organized dungeon runs, PvE group event chains, PvP and WvW raids, but would like them to be alternating (It would be nice to find a guild that is not strictly focused on one or the other). I’ve also been figuring a lot of ins and outs on how to make gold on the trading post, and would love to have a forum to share those on with a guild.

What I’m trying to avoid
1. Complex rank structures. I already deal with that enough at work, and I don’t want to take the game or the guild that seriously.
2. Mandatory gold, item, or time contributions. I’m sorry, but I just won’t always be able to meet them. I’m married and in the military, and in Japan. I may not always have time every week, and may miss raids or other contribution requirements. (especially when I get deployed for months at a time).
3. Over-use of acronyms, ’lite speak, bad grammar, mixed-cased typing, etc. I like clear well-written communication.

A few fun likes and things I enjoy: The Daily Show/Colbert Report, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (movie and books), current events, fun adventures while traveling the real world, trying new beers and wines, etc. Finally, I currently have no home world loyalty, and am willing to transfer servers if I can find a guild that is the right fit.

Also, I apparently type too much…