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Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: flipanda.7569


Newly created guild and as guild leader I have no permissions. only one I have checked is edit ranks and even then i cannot even do that.

Mutually Assured Distraction [Devona's Rest]

in Guilds

Posted by: flipanda.7569


Newly created guild here on Devona’s Rest wants you…sort of. Casual is how I want to keep this guild; nothing truly hardcore or dedicated.

Come in, play the game, meet some people and enjoy your time. We are all playing for one reason or another but we all share this same sentiment.

That’s all that I ask. I will set up some simple rules on how to treat your fellow friends but it is just so that everything remains respectful among everyone else.

So come message me here or my ign Ashura Ketchum and join up.

edit: grabbed a quick website to use as a guild base while i think up something else.

(edited by Moderator)