Showing Posts For foozlesprite.8051:
I love it too. There’s so much more to play with but I can’t drag myself away from playing those bells, lol.
I died completely three times, probably less than 10s in repairs. There was lag and tedium, but for my troubles I got three exotics including a 20 slot box that would have cost me 10g+ on the market, three rares that salvaged down into several ectos and ancient woods, and 18 orichalcum.
As ridiculously long as it was, I might actually do it again for that reward.
I understand the thrill of running with elite groups, I’ve done it in other MMOs and it’s a rush when you can finish a nasty boss by the skin of your teeth. But I don’t have the fixed schedule that I had when I did that. Some days it’s a day shift schedule, some days I’m up nights. I haven’t been able to find a guild that fits me and does dungeon runs, or has enough people on during the night when I’m usually able to play. So I PUG, which is horrifying in this game.
I’m willing to bash my head against easier content with a PUG to help teach new players and get myself ranked up, since I have no dungeon guild, only a small family/friends guild whose players are usually on opposite schedules from me. But I’m already seeing that elitism creep in, and I’m going to be awfully cranky if my work/school schedule precludes me from grouping with the decent PUG players who match my skill level.
Hasn’t started on our overflow server either. The catapult FINALLY got built, but nothing yet. My worry is that people will get bored and leave before it starts, leaving us without enough people to do it. Can’t exactly go to home server and finish it after that, since home’s already done with it…
Pretty simple request—I’m used to being to type /afk in games and have myself flagged as absent; some games even allow you to put a small message such as /afk for bio, /afk letting cat out, /afk on phone. In that case, whoever sends you a tell will get that message back as an explanation for why you’re gone.
I’m absolutely fine with not being able to put in a message, but I would still love to be able to mark myself as away quickly. If not /afk, then /away works as well since it’s also short. Thanks for your consideration!
It’s possible that my group was using a weird strat or something; she did seem like she was harder than she should have been. I was specced for support; if I ever run that path again I’ll be sure to go in a hybrid/more DPSy spec.
Regardless of Simin, I still feel like there’s a bit of an issue with the dungeon design with all the training past trash I’ve seen. I understand that nobody likes trash, but when this fail group wants to straggle along, sometimes wiping, leaving people all over the place to get past the trash rather than killing it (which would have been less frustrating over the course of the dungeon)…there needs to be an incentive to kill the trash.
(As a side note, I’ve really got to find a decent guild in this game so I can avoid PUGs like that.)
I did this dungeon for the first time tonight. I’ve had lots of experience with hard content (dungeons and raids) in several MMOs. It’s my second explorable dungeon (I’ve done all the TA paths), and I did it with a PUG. We did the seer path.
I’ve never come closer to crying from an MMO.
Everyone else knew what they were doing going in, and explained it to me. Giganticus posed zero problem; it went flawlessly even for me, a first-timer. But Simin posed a definite problem. In the end, even going in with 4/5 of us knowing the fight and me doing nothing wrong despite not knowing the fight, we spent 5+ hours in this dungeon to clear it. I think the fight might be enjoyable with people you know that are competent, but I never want to run that with a pickup again. If that’s how bad it was with people already knowing what to do….
Given, the whole group was a disaster. We lost 4 people over the course of the dungeon that we had to replace, people kept ignoring my questions despite knowing that I was new to it, the thief took it upon themselves to run ahead while we were waiting for people and pull large groups solo. The biggest issue was all the skipping of content—everyone wanted to run past trash mobs to get the dungeon done, but nobody stayed together and often we’d wipe or lose party members and have to wait to continue or restart to get them. This, to me, is an issue with dungeon design.
Please, make every boss drop tokens again. I’m sick of groups skipping content to get to the end despite the extra hassle caused by wipes when running. Either that or get rid of most of the trash. Guild Wars 2 is supposed to be fun and not grindy or exasperating, and while some of the fights in here WERE fun, I seriously almost cried at the end of the 5 or 6 hours when we finally finished. I was so glad to be out of there with my 60 tokens.
I appreciate difficult content. But this…was a bit much.
Hoping I can get my stuff retroactively too if you do that—though I did enjoy the story (and would love it to be replayable so I can show friends). Zhaitan was a bit of a letdown fight after the rest of the dungeon was so hard though!
Definitely needs detailed or removed; I lost a decent bit before I realized this was even in place. Why charge both to list and to sell? Charge one or the other, but two fees to sell something is a little much for a game.
So it’s been confirmed account-bound in game? I ask because the dyes were originally supposed to be account-bound, then ended up as character-bound. I don’t want to level an alt as the crafter I need, and then find out that I needed to do it on my main…