Showing Posts For fredley.2354:

Skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: fredley.2354


Since Anet is focusing on skirmishes they could easily make a smaller map with only 1 large objective and a small 20-30 player cap. Then make multiple instances of that map and make it so whatever side controls 3/5 of the objectives you get extra points, but not too many.

I think it would give guilds and smaller groups a chance to have some good fights while making a difference in WvW. A little bit like bloodlust buffs.

This would of course exist together with what we have now.

(edited by fredley.2354)

Class discrimination game modes

in WvW

Posted by: fredley.2354


The list of desirables are there for a good reason and they’re like the meat of the group. You can’t ask commanders to make do with salad when they can have more meat.

The ball is in Anets court, not the commander’s.

Give Eotm Pips!

in WvW

Posted by: fredley.2354


Sure, why not but make it so the chests don’t award claim tickets. While were at it make it a separate system so players can’t map hop to get the last tick for chests.

(edited by fredley.2354)

Make Obsidian Great again!

in WvW

Posted by: fredley.2354


Obsidian sanctum isn’t populated because it’s not relevant, it’s like a bad lobby. Anet needs to add something that makes a difference in WvW so players are incentivized to go there.

As we all know most players associate worth with either fun or rewards.

Entire reward system overhaul proposal.

in WvW

Posted by: fredley.2354


The whole reward system is unintuitive for new players. Why would a new player stay when it takes significantly longer to get anything. I propose a change so new players get more pips but veterans with higher ranks get more claim tickets per chest.

Before you say that would be unfair, I think it isn’t. New players get faster rank ups and veterans get their skins.

Btw. I’m neither new or a low rank player.

Skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: fredley.2354


Skill lag isn’t something that can be fixed by tweaking graphics. It’s related to the number of players in a single instance of a map.

When you have over 200 players all using their skills and that data has to go through a server to communicate the numbers its going to be a mess. Acceptable latency for a game like this would be in the range of 50-100ms. The amount of things that have to happen in order for the game to work just can’t guarantee that and in turn we get 1-1.5s latency.

One solution to reduce skill lag is the one most players wouldn’t want though. That solution is to reduce player count on a single map and maybe in turn increase map instances.

I haven’t spent much time thinking on it but unless Anet invests in some better netcode this problem will never go away.

(edited by fredley.2354)

Utility skills

in Warrior

Posted by: fredley.2354


My build: Def 1,1,2 Disc 2,3,3 and Berserker 3,1,3.

Healing Signet
Signet of Stamina
Last slot for what ever.

I don’t want double endure pain because it feels like just a way to stall a fight.
Instead i’m looking for more ulitity or counterplay or cc.

Edit: I mainly play in WvW

(edited by fredley.2354)

Utility skills

in Warrior

Posted by: fredley.2354


I’m looking for the most utility. Which one of these would you choose and why or what might be better? Please take into account cooldown, counterplay, cc, survibility etc.

Shattering Blow
Wild Blow
Sundering Leap
Berserker Stance
Dolyak Signet
Bull’s Charge

(edited by fredley.2354)

[Suggestion] Change physical skills

in Warrior

Posted by: fredley.2354


Since the release of the game physical skills (except rampage, lately) have been sub-par to stances, signets or even recently nerfed shouts.

I suggest they should be changed to work along with burst skills (but not use adrenaline).
These skills would still have their current cooldowns and would be considered as physical skills (for the use of Peak Performance).

F1 and F2(berserker) for weapon releated bursts. While F3 and F4 would be reserved for a physical skill.

F3 for normal version of the physical skills. F4 for the berserker variations.

Idea is that you choose one out of 4 (kick, bolas, stomp, bull’s charge) while rampage remains an elite skill.

For berserker variations i suggest:

Kick → Roundhouse kick = launch + massive damage

Stomp → [Insert name] = 2-3 attacks much like some autoattacks (1st-knockdown, 2nd- taunt and 3rd stealth reveal).

Bolas → [Insert name] = some sort of lasso for a pull (why warriors, the only real brawler class doesn’t have a pull to this date is unbelievable).

Bull’s charge → [Insert name] = [Add effect]

These changes wouldn’t make a game breaking difference but would most certainly make physical skills see some use outside of the (random 1 test only) 1v1 builds.

PS: I know bull’s charge is used at times but it still comes second to all “good” utilities (especially in pvp and wvw).

(edited by fredley.2354)