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Turning off WVW chat...

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


You can always switch to the combat log. You can also disable various channels in the Main tab as well as create a new tab with the only channels you wish. Just do some clicks on the tabs (and the chat window as a whole) (with the right button too) to see the available options.
Hope that helps

Is WvW even worth it at lower levels?

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


I am also low level (29) and what I do is avoid the AoE’s during sieges. On the battlefield I try to move with a group of other players and not face enemies 1vs1. Of course that happens often and mykitten is getting hit hard from 80lvl chars. When I find that is the case I try to move away from it’s range or lead it to my group so others could help.
Defending a structure with siege weapons (like carts) is also fun.
Maybe, if you are interested in that, you could gather some materials, fight some monsters for a change.

3 Things what ruining WvW experience for me

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291



I must say it. I hate that bag looting system in WvW. In the rage of great battle the last thing what you want do and on what you concentrate is holding ctrl and looking for that tiny little bags on ground. 50% of my time after every fight is running back and looking for that loot. 50% of them i never found. Its so frustrating!
– Make autoloot really automatic. Kill player/mob -> items jump right into inventory. I dont see any reason why dont do that.

Looting is perfectly fine. If the battle is so great you shouldn’t be regretting the missed loot. Otherwise, if the loot is more important, just hit F and stop fighting for a moment.
Please stop trying to make everything (semi)automatic and easy.

Low levels in need of a bigger boost to stats?

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


I am “sub 30’s” (if you mean level) and I had a ton of fun 2 days ago (unfortunately I play rarely). There sure are 80lvl enemies that hit hard but I try to stay away from them (after I get hit few times). I also try to stay in a group. Maybe I have the advantage of playing ranged profession, so idk about melees.
Basically if I see I am getting hit hard I try to stay low – go back, attack some dudes that are busy fighting with someone else and try to stay away from AoEs and high level enemies. Also try using some siege like arrow cart.
In addition try thinking of it as a learning process It’s natural to be weaker than the more “experienced” players that have better gear at least until you reach them.
For me the artificial boost to lvl 80 (in hp and stats) is enough to have a lot of fun – being 26-28th level I had no problem being part of a small group of 5 to 20 brave warriors that was holding a tower for 4-5 hours with constant retakes of the nearest camps.
You can also ask in /team /map channels what to do if you don’t know. Find someone who knows and move with him/her. Or watch and ask where is the action and be part of it. But be aware of your weakness and don’t be too brave
Hope that helps

World vs World Player limits are needed

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


I’m being camped at the spawn this very moment and let me tell you it is so much fun playing against a group that has ten times our numbers and a row of ballistae aimed at us! They even have people guarding the sides so we can’t sneak out and take supply camps.

Is this on all 4 maps? Can you build some long range siege (catapult or trebuchet) that is outside of their ballistas’ range? If not – is it true for all ways out in all 4 maps? Have you tried with a bigger group?

Badges of honour drop nerf?

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291



From what I have seen to get a bag and hence a chance to get badges you need to either get the Killing Blow or be one to F-stomp someone.

That’s my observation too. I usually get experience when I make (enough?) damage but I only got badges form the ones I finished with the finishing move or the last damage done while downed was from me.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


Friend, what you say I have never stated, im not asking for it to become “fair” in any other way then to even the numbers out, have a pop cap depending on demand, who could that possibly hurt? The only people that would hurt id tell ya is the people who relay solely on outnumbering the opponents, adding a way to force even numbers would not impose some big stamp of “balance” or “fairness” all it would do is level the playing field. It would promote the need of tactics, as opposed to zerging with bigger numbers. Has that ever occurred to you friend? No? Then sit down, relax and think about it.
I see your point of view so try to see mine.

Weren’t talking to me, but I have to say I find your point of view wrong and unfair.
What if for some reason the server you play against is more active (for example local holidays, vacations…)? Then their server will have to be represented by fewer players, kicking others that would normally play in the queues. Maybe they will be hurt?
So tell me, is your point “Forget about them. They are zergs, who cares if they don’t play? That’s even better for us because now we’ll have a chance to fight them with equal numbers.”?

(edited by freespirit.4291)

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


And that my friend is where you are wrong, points in the WvWvW does not affect the match making rating. They are a scoring system nothing more, nothing less. The MMR is adjusted according to wins and losses, scaled by finishing position.

As you can see by the ranking there are 2 servers above 1800 MMR, when desolation lose this week, there mmr will go down, regardless of how many points they got, while our MMR finishing second will go up slightly because we won against desolation. Riverside will get more MMR and take desolations place, where we will beat them like always and they get knocked back down. Thus the circle has been completed.

The thing you dont understand is that we are at the point in the ladder where we belong, thus we wont move, thus the ranking system wont “fix” anything.

Now go away.

And that my friend is… just you speculating about the future.
Plenty of things can happen that will change the table. How can you say you will always be second? Have you thought that some of the severs below yours might get better at WvW (new players, players from other servers, experience, etc.)? Haven’t someone from your server said people stop playing WvW? Don’t you think your enemies now know your weak spot – night shifts?
Not sure if it is allowed but imagine this extreme example – the first and second server in the table don’t like your server so their big guilds decide to make a plot against your server, leaving you always at third place. This way you’ll get fewer points and at some point your server will become third in the table and then passed by the next strong server that is winning.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


Freespirit – Nilco

Instead of hi-jacking the whole thread, how about you guys PM each other these long derailment posts ?

You are right – I apologize. I just felt irritated of all the “change requests” in the last few days and wanted to express my opinion.
The thing is that I really like what Eliteseraph.4970 said in his/hers first post:

It’s not MEANT to be a completely fair matchup where all sides have their team numbers balanced perfectly. In truth, it’s quite the opposite: The fact that a server is, at all times, fighting against TWO other servers is fundamentally unbalanced! The entire reason why WvW is open-ended is to promote unbalanced and uncontrolled warfare! Spontaneous, chaotic, non-stop combat.

And that’s what I love about WvW. Therefore I am against the suggested changes.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291


Ok look at this :
2037.296 Vizunah Square
1881.94 Far Shiverpeaks
1838.906 Desolation
1800.944 Riverside

This is the bracket im in. The team that finish third, will be switched with the 4th team on the list. Top team cant move, second team dont move being second.

1727.343 Augury Rock
1705.124 Kodash
1642.647 Aurora Glade

This is the bracket riverside/desolation can be in, top and bottom gets rotated out accordingly.

Makes sense? I bet it does now.


Anyway tell me using the above format provided in the quote of me and explain to me how the ranking system will fix this, dont type your own kitten, use the template I used. Go ahead, im waiting.

And also, I argue with you because you amuse me, the same way a cat playing with a roach amuses the cat.

Can I explain it for you, please?

After few weeks of whining and sleeping your server (FS?) will have won very few points. In the same time, some of the lower tier servers – Augury Rock, Kodash or Aurora Glade (in your example) would have nightcapped the hell out of the other 2 teams and would have way more points than your server. So they will go up, you go down. At some point you will reach an equally matched server… Or in case they all do nightcapping (i.e. play at night) your server will drop at the bottom and will be matched against the 2 servers that do the least nightcapping and you will have chance.

I think that’s how the system works.

The unmitigated foolishness of asking for WvW to be balanced on what time of day you play.

in WvW

Posted by: freespirit.4291



We obviously have a 24/7 presence but not like Viznuah Square, and that is the problem, the game should NOT be won because of a couple hours during the night, 24/7 is supposed to be 24/7 not just 8 hours of night right?

So you are saying that your server and VS are equally strong during 2/3 of the time, but they are way stronger during the other 1/3 and that this is unfair and ANet should make some changes?

What is it people cant grasp about why night capping is a problem?

What is it people cant grasp about having less chance of a victory with smaller army? You need tactics. If that doesn’t help too… sorry – you lose. The next time your server will face another server that is less organized, has lesser army, etc. and you’ll have bigger chance to win.

Lets assume that a wvwvw allows 100 people per server, per map. Thats 400 players from any server at any time.

20.00 Primetime.
Server A : 400 players (100 each map)
Server B : 400 players (100 each map)
Server C: 400 players (100 each map)

This could be called a “fair match” right? even numbers, not counting people afk in the maps or doing jumping puzzles, but the numbers are even right?

03.00 (night time)
Server A : 70 players (split across 4 maps)
Server B : 400 players (100 each map)
Server C: 65 players (split across 4 maps)

Now all numbers are pulled out of a very nice top hat, and its obviously not official numbers.

But by the illustration or indeed example, a smart man might see the problem. Its alot easier taking a keep with 100 players vs 20 then it is taking a tower with 100 players vs 100 players, right?

Of course it is easier. That’s why the 100-players team wins.

To spell it out : When WvWvW population is even, during primetime for example, its alot harder for any single server to take 100% of the maps, its also alot harder to take a single keep/tower.

But during the night when then numbers are not even it is much more simple, no defenders require smaller numbers to capture stuff.

That in a nutshell is the problem with night capping. It has been read and understood by a 6 year old boy, so I assume the people here will grasp it aswell.

I actually didn’t understand that problem – is it that your team is defending really hard that tower against the equally strong opponent and you feel bad when you leave the tower and the enemies capture it? You are right – that should be fixed. No towers/keeps, maybe just the camps, should be available for capturing when there are no players inside. In fact the whole WvW should be shut down when at least one of the servers has gone to bed/work/restroom.

Don’t you think this is the idea of WvW? Chaos, strategy, battles, and fun… whenever you login, not only when X members of server Y are awake? Where will be the fun when I login to play at night and me and the other non-lifer-6-year-old-kids from my team can’t capture any structure because… you are asleep?
“Oh look _guildmate’s_name_here, a tower! Let’s take it back from _opponent_server’s_name_here! Let’s kick them out of our lands for good!”
“Nooo man, we can’t. They are asleep now

You should really give the ranking system some time to put your server in the lower tiers where you will meet either another server with 24/7 active player base that will beat you and leave you behind, or a world with similar prime times activity.
In the meantime you can check sPvP or football, basketball and other sports where the teams are of the same size.