Showing Posts For gandhigonewild.3645:

A different kind of Kaineng War Report.

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


SoS does keep to themselves ,but they do help out on Kaineng. I would agree that doing PvE events with them in Orr can be infuriating because you have no way of communicating effectively with them. This leads to SoS’s entire section of the PvE zerg basically doing something different than everyone else. Overall, SoS has been very welcoming and allows people to join in. Its just tough to find somebody who you can communicate your intentions with. You really can’t argue that their early morning WvW actions aren’t making a difference.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Nice teamwork last night Kaineng!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Its definitely encouraging to see Kaineng start to get organized. We’ve delivered some real punishing defeats to Borlis and DR. Its just too bad we don’t have the numbers to hold what we do take.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

post your server stats here

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Kaineng and Devona’s Rest are stuck in in an awkward place. We have little to no chance of moving up until we grow in population rapidly. It doesn’t seem like there are any “big” servers that we can compete with and not have it be a complete blow out.


Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

2 Suggestions to counter Tower/Keep Ping Pong

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Making the towers and keeps stronger would only make the game more imbalanced for lower population servers. Instead of hanging on to a keep and a handful of towers they will probably be left with camps and the occasional tower. It will completely ruin WvWvW beyond hit and run attacks on supply camps.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

How are servers supposed to ally without the right tools?

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


I think its easier for the more established servers to do it. Kaineng and Devona’s Rest attempted to get an alliance going ,but it fell apart within days. There isn’t any real way to inform the masses who don’t visit the forums. The result is the zerg kills anything that has a red tag above it and takes anything that is easy picking.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Borlis Zerg falls victim to infamous Kaineng Meatgrinder!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645



The brave defenders of Kaineng managed to wrestle control of various enemy encampments as well as a keep in the Borlisian homeland -(STOP)-

The evil Borlisian barbarians attempted to take back keep with 3 golems. The Brave Kainengian forces held the keep lord’s room for a period of two hours against constant attack by overwhelming Borlisian Forces -(STOP)-

Borlisian Attackers wiped out at least twice despite outnumbering valiant Kainengian defenders -(STOP)-

Tactical Retreat completed-(STOP)-

Medals of Valor recommended for members of [Nuke] and [LaZy]-(STOP)-

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

(edited by gandhigonewild.3645)

Battle for Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


I was in TS with Fubuki last night during that attack on SM and it was pretty obvious that DR was going for us instead of Borlis Pass. They didn’t conveniently happen to ignore BP’s side of the map…it was an intentional grab at our resources because we have less manpower. Nobody is upset about it because its part of the game, but its still pretty laughable when some DR guilds claim they don’t go after us.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Battle for Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Really impressed with the coordination of our server lately

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Battle for Kaineng

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Kaineng players on the eve of battle

After intense fighting the brave freedom fighters of Kaineng managed to push the Northern Shiverpeak barbarians out of our homeland.

A great battle soon erupted over Long view tower. The brave defenders of Kaineng were victorious in the face of endless hordes of Shiverpeak barbarians.

Sadly, like the Spartans of old, the brave Kainengian heroes were attacked by endless hordes of evil Shiverpeakers whose numbers proved to be too much. The valiant defenders of Kaineng died defending the Orb and the Lord.

Ask not what your server can do for you! Ask what you can do Kaineng!

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

(edited by gandhigonewild.3645)

Well played Devonas.

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


NSP can own practically the entire map and Devona’s Rest still attacks Kaineng

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

RUIN apology to SoS server

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Makes me want to rush out and join you guys….wait….no it doesn’t.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Current scores on North American servers.

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


I don’t think people completely understand just how mismatched some of the servers are. Northern Shiverpeaks probably out numbers Devona’s Rest and Kaineng combined in server population. In WvWvW it certainly feels like you’re fighting 3 to 1 odds constantly.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

[Merged] World Mismatches?

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Even taking a supply camp will result in a zerg of NSP players taking the map…pretty aggravating at times.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Kaineng... going down... Dev's... send... reinf *end transmission*

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


I leveled up to 60 so far in Devona’s Rest and Kaineng…both are pretty empty PvE wise. Some of the lower levels had groups downing bosses,but after that things get pretty spread out. You really stop seeing decent sized groups doing quests after level 30.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Commander's Compendium - And Why I Think It Should Go

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


I don’t understand why they just didn’t implement an auto-grouping system….you go into a WvW map and you’re tossed into a big group.

Don’t want to be in the main group? Leave it and make a smaller one.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Kaineng... going down... Dev's... send... reinf *end transmission*

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Right now its a disaster….NSP is pretty much stomping both DR and Kaineng into the ground

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Been Like this pretty much all week in our match up…..We’ve pretty much given up doing anything that isn’t raiding supply camps for XP and Karma. Even then NSP has a crew try to intercept us within 20 minutes.


Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Loosing your World? Enemy of your enemy is your FRIEND!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


My experience so far has been this:
-World A starts beating World B and World C badly.
-World C organizes a push
-World B sees World C organizing a push
-World B attacks World C while they are distracted

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

This will help WvW low pop servers

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Something does need to be done….Kaineng and Devona’s Rest are ghost towns. I never see any major guilds playing in WvW on either server with the exception of [LaZy] on Kaineng. Seems like everyone has jumped ship.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

[Merged] World Mismatches?

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


I play on Kaineng and Devona’s Reach….its not even a matter of people organizing. Whenever we do organize a fairly big push to retake things we’re promptly zerged to death. Even if we do manage to hold them off they always take everything back over night. Your approach isn’t working for the least populated servers. People aren’t organizing in WvW here, they are leaving for better matched servers. If we continue to get stomped in every match up the servers will end up being ghost towns.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Honestly the match ups are pretty horrible. Kaineng and Devona’s Rest have practically given up against Shiverpeaks. I feel like even if Kaineng and Devona’s Rest were to join forces we’d still be completely slapped back to our spawn.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

[Merged] World Mismatches?

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


The problem with WvW on Devona’s Rest is that once NS nights caps there is no way to take anything back. We just don’t have enough people on.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Moving to Kaineng. Join me!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Average Kaineng experience: 12 people hopelessly trying to fight a zerg


Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Server frustrating you? No teamwork? Long Queues? Look inside!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


DR has tough competition like Kaineng….lol

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng

Moving to Kaineng. Join me!

in WvW

Posted by: gandhigonewild.3645


Every time I’ve seen Kaineng organize a push it has been promptly crushed by the two other servers pushing together.

Level 80 Norn Warrior
Kætilmund [LaZy] -Kaineng