(edited by gbxj.4597)
Showing Posts For gbxj.4597:
Yes, I did and stayed alive the whole time.
So, I’ve defeated Thaida Covington and didn’t receive the achievement. Anyone else had this same issue?
So, I was able to kill Tequatl 3 times already and didn’t have anymore issues with disconnecting, but I still saw some people with it, a friend and some people on chat had it. It seems that’s more common to happen during the battle, which is worse as you’re not able to loot even though you helped.
Personally I would like to see some anti DC mechanism that can preserve your position for short term time window (150 seconds or so). Before game puts you into empty overflow server.
That’s an amazing idea, mate. There should be some way of allowing people to loot even if disconnected at least. A 3 minutes window would be better I think, since it can take some time to reconnect.
I play on Sorrow’s Furnace and was waiting for Tequatl to spawn with many other people, there was probably something from 1 to 3 minutes left, and then I got disconnected for no apparent reason since the internet was working fine and I’ve been playing for a couple of hours before that without any problems, then I tried to select my character and a message appeared saying that there was some kind of connection issue, so the game went all the way back to the patch, where I tried to log in once more and another message appeared saying that there was some kind of connection problem and that I had to realaunch the patch to try again, which I did and finally was able to connect and select my character, but then I was sent to an overflowed server where Tequatl was already up and with few people there, so we got wiped. After that, someone at the chat said that had this same problem 5 times already and I guess that the same will happen to me if I keep trying. Hope this is fixed soon, cause this makes it impossible to beat Tequatl and it’s a really frustating experience.