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Last Nights Event Nerfs

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: gnawnsense.5732


The Arena Pit Fighting DE was completely removed? I haven’t been ingame to check, but that was actually a relatively entertaining one, regardless of difficulty.

My absolute main pet peeve with DEs.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: gnawnsense.5732


OP, I can certainly understand your wanting to be able to enjoy every possible conversation and info from NPCs. Look on the bright side: This is what “replay-ability” is all about. You will be able to level alts and see things you never saw the first time through.

While adding elements of the game intentionally for replayability, I do not believe this was one such mechanic, and as a result, is quite frustrating. Only because typically I can’t be dragged into caring too much about the actual in-game lore, but this title naturally draws you in, or attempts to. It also has design elements like being able to swap out trade skills that eliminate my desire to reroll an alt. Plus, more than likely, I’ll want to check additional zones out, or level a completely different method.

I get the point, but chalking it up to that is still frustrating in itself.

My absolute main pet peeve with DEs.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: gnawnsense.5732


The most frustrating thing to me is how the game is so interactive and the ease of interactivity when compared to most games, I’ve found myself really enjoying going through the dialogue and speaking to the NPCs around areas to get more of an idea of the backstory or current events happening.

The main problem I’m having is that when referring to a renown heart as a progress tracker, which is what I do, I enjoy reading the text and reading more about the available options to complete the objective for the renown heart. But half the time there is a DE going on near me. So if I haven’t discovered all the map and don’t see the renown heart but complete the event, the heart is automatically completed and I lose out on dialogue that I thoroughly enjoy, and helps make the zone and my tasks there make more sense.

It’s happened a few times. And more frustratingly is how fast the dynamic events fill up the renown hearts. In literally less than two minutes of participation in a dynamic event, the renown heart is completed and I lost any chance of getting that bit of lore.

Most people probably don’t mind, and I know I’m nit-picking, but it really would be nice if there could be a solution to this problem between dynamic events completing renown heart objectives, or at least changing how renown heart NPCs react by allowing me to communicate with them through the dialogue the first time we speak, regardless of heart completion.


Bad dynamic event design

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: gnawnsense.5732


I agree about how frustrating it is given the current situation with dynamic events. It’s obvious they encourage the dynamic events to be more of the bulk of the leveling experience than renown hearts, but typically due to the influx of people in all the zones I’ve been in currently, I’ve yet to see but a handful of events fail. As a result, most of them stop in their tracks. Some don’t, and play out further, but most of them stop immediately and either go in a loop (which I refuse to grind dynamic events back to back) or there’s simply silence in that region of the zone for a dreadfully long time.

Would like to see more options available with a successful finish on more dynamic events.