Showing Posts For grimstone.2760:

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


Tittles are under your achievements tab at the top. I been working on getting “combat healer.”


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


I haven’t found anything on the back slot that shows.

Why is the Cultural T3 set not exotic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


They aren’t trash they just over priced them. They were a lot cheaper. I think the total cost was around 12 gold. I could see them selling for 3 gold a piece. That would be 18 gold in the end. for a rare just to reskin I can see that being worth it. But 100 gold is just insane.

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


You only see tittles if your clicked on to the person which is a shame. I would of thought they would of displayed under your name.

Why is the Cultural T3 set not exotic?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimstone.2760


Agreed. Something is wrong with having that set selling for so high when the only use for it is to be reskined. You can buy all exotic armor for about 12 gold. Paying 100 for an armor no where near as good just for the looks and for the looks of them to be what they are just isn’t worth it. I could understand if the looks where more eye catching.