Showing Posts For gulmari.2904:
So I take it you’ve never played WoW.
LoL this comment made me laugh… please obviously you’ve never played WoW. I have a question for you… maybe do a little research and find me a top 20 5v5 arena team with a hunter in it…. oh thats right there isn’t one, and there’s a reason for it that has nothing to do with player skill.
as long there is ranged vs melee in MMO’s melee will always have the upper hand and its stupid as heck.
You and I have apparently not played the same MMO’s.
Find me an MMO where ranged classes have as many escapes, slows, stuns etc as melee have gap closers, slows, stuns, snares etc.
Lets take this game for example…
Shortbow- Quickshot- leap backwards 3second swiftness 9 second CD
Crippling shot- 3second cripple 12 second CD
Concusion shot- 1second daze/stun 25 second CD
Longbow- Point Blank Shot- varrying KB 400-600 15 second CD
Barrage- channeled AoE cripple stacks 12 times (if they stay in the AoE)
its 1 stack per second if they get out of the AoE its 1second of cripple.
Hammer- Earth Shaker- 1-2second AoE stun/gap closer 10 second CD
Hammer Shock- AoE 7 second cripple 12 second CD
Back Breaker- 2 second KD 30 second CD
Greatsword- Whirlwind- AoE short range gap closer 10 second CD
Bladetrail- Medium ranged 4 second cripple 15 second CD
Rush- long range gap closer 20 second CD
Sword/mace- Flurry- 2-4 second immobilize 10 second CD
Savage leap- medium range gap closer 8 second CD
Hamstring- 7 second cripple 15 second CD
Tremor- long range 2second KD 25 second CD
Mace/shield- skull crack- 1-2 second stun 10 second CD
pommel bash- 1 second daze 15 second CD
shield bash- 1 second stun 25 second CD
Oh and warriors are a “melee” class yet their ranged CC on the rifle is a combination of both our longbow and shortbow CC’s
Rifle- Aimed Shot- 5second cripple 10 second CD
Rifle Butt- knockback 15 second CD
“Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.”
Anyone that tries to dispute what a “Ranger” is by using any definition other than the one the GAME give you is an idiot pure and simple.
Notice how it states that “rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows”. The problem is that we aren’t able to do this. Want to maximize dps ? Use a sword. Want to kill something from a distance? Good luck since there’s no effective way to do this since kiting in this game is non existent with the multitude of gap closers, crippling, immobilize, stun etc.
Rangers are “ranged” combatants that lack the ability to keep a target at range. Yet when you switch to a sword not only does your dps increase but your auto attacks cripple letting you stick to your target. Does it make sense… nope, but as long there is ranged vs melee in MMO’s melee will always have the upper hand and its stupid as heck.
My only issue with this skill is that Trapper’s Expertise and Trap Potency are 20 and 30 point skills in the crit (skirmishing) tree. Traps are used for the condition damage and yet they are in a tree that you use if you want to sacrifice condition damage. Just seems backwards to me.
Also I have found the same issue as far as targeting the traps goes. I constantly hold the right mouse button down so that I can turn with the mouse and strafe with the “A” and “D” keys. Doing this though makes my mouse cursor go away preventing me from throwing my traps. In order to throw a trap I’d have to switch to keyboard controls (much more clunky in my opinion) which drives me crazy.
Why can’t this work with swaping pets?
This trait has no place in pvp or dungeons so wouldn’t make anything imbalanced. The only thing it would do is actually make the 5 point trait Zephyr’s Speed actually useful when using Master’s Bond.
This trait is only useful for exploring areas and farming. Why don’t we make it actually work in those situations. Currently if you move from land to water your pet “deactivates” and you lose the stacks even if you are using the same pet for land and water combat. Move from underwater to the surface and you lose the stacks. Swap pets to revive and ally quicker and you lose the stacks.
Why not reward proper micromanaging of your pet by allowing the bonus to persist through a swap? The only time the stacks should go away is if a pet actually dies. This trait as it stands only punishes players who explore or use more than one pet for different situations, and with it being a Beastmastery trait you would think it would encourage it.
Look at the other legendary weapons and they may look “over the top” but they aren’t some trolls wet dream. The main problem I have is that the legendary weapons actually do have more damage then the exotics at level 80. It may be a small difference but the difference makes them BiS.
Because the legendaries have more damage ,and therefore are the best weapon for their respective categories, means that in order to min/max your char you need these weapons.
No self respecting non troll is going to want these weapons period. ANet took a serious dump on rangers with these skins. They apeal to trolls, bronies, or really girly girls.
The only option for Min/Max and not look like a total idiot is to get the legendary and transmute it. Its mind blowing that ANet would do something this ridiculous.