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[PvX] Improving the Inventions line

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


What this does is turn BK into a strong melee kit that still relies on Skill Shots, as actually hitting an enemy with the rolling bomb is now important; just as it is with Grenade Kit. I envision the casting animation to be like a nice sedate round of lawn bowls, with more explosions.

Right now I feel that BK is a somewhat spammy, hard to counterplay weapon kit, because a lot of its surprise factor comes from the fact that bombs are dropped at the Engineer’s feet, with little tell as to which Bomb it is. They’re not even colour coded. At most, Fire Bomb and Smoke Bomb have different smoke effects, but Concussion bomb, arguably the strongest bomb out of the kit in a Condi build, looks almost the same as the autoattack.

Then again, this kind of Explosives focus makes it more of a trait in that trait line than Inventions; but I really do feel that BK needs to be better not only for Power builds overall, but have better counterplay; and supersede Grenade kit where it matters: Melee Range

I like this idea of changing how the player actually ‘uses’ the bomb. I know it’s nothing major, drastic, or game changing but I personally find it silly that my character has to bend over and place a bomb on the ground every time he ‘attacks’. I think it would be cool to roll the bombs towards a foe or a toss on the ground like a bowler or even maybe a toss in the air (swing the arm and the explosion happens right in front of the player, NOT a ranged grenade-like attack) that would give it more of a melee attack feel.

I think it would be interesting as an airburst style explosion attack that is a shaped charged to make a cone/arc attack. Either way, I think it would change the way BK was played which would be nice and I would like to play one of these new styles of BK as the spamming AA does get quite dry and boring. And yes I think this is more of an Explosives focus, but that doesn’t mean the trait has to be in that line, I can find traits in all the trait lines that don’t really feel it belongs there but it is.

What would make a good new weapon?

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


I would vote for anything new to be honest. Would like to see Hammer or even Mace. I am a kit lover though, so I would love to see some new kits. As I said in an earlier post I came up with an unarmed kit idea that has 3 variations, figured I might as well post it here and see what the community thinks of them.

R.P.G. Kit (Rocket Powered Glove Kit: Uses rockets attached to steel gauntlets to benefit from their force and speed)
#1Melee Punch Chain

  • Jab
    Light Damage
  • Cross
    Light/Medium Damage and Vulnerability
  • Hook
    Heavy Damage and Confusion/Daze

#2Wrist Rocket
Medium Ranged Projectile
Fire a small rocket exploding on contact

#3Vent the Rockets!
Burn and/or Blind AoE
Vent the exhaust from your R.P.G. in a short radius blinding/burning those caught in the steam

#4Lift Off!
Ground Targeted: Leap Attack
Use the rockets to launch yourself a short distance

Channel: Knockdown and Cripple AoE
Pound the ground using the explosive force of the rockets causing the ground to become unstable and shake damaging foes and making it difficult to stand

ToolbeltLight ’Em Up!
Your weapon/s are covered in rocket fuel, igniting them causing your attacks to burn your foes


Your weapon/s have rockets attached to them causing your attacks to damage multiple foes from the explosions

E.C.G Kit (Electrically Charged Gauntlet Kit: Uses an electric core on a set of insulated steel gauntlets)
#1Melee Punch Chain

  • Jab
    Light Damage
  • Cross
    Light/Medium Damage and Vulnerability
  • Hook
    Heavy Damage and Confusion/Daze

#2Stun Dart
Medium Ranged Projectile and Stun
Fire a short range electric dart that stuns a foe

#3Static Buildup
Daze/Blind AoE
Charge your gloves with electricity causing a small burst dazing/blinding nearby foes

#4Energy Transfer
Short Charge/Leap Attack
Charge your gloves causing you to fly towards a foe looking for the path of least resistance

#5Lightning Rod
Channel: Daze/Immobilize AoE
Pound the ground sending out jolts of electricity in a radius damaging and dazing foes within the field

ToolbeltShort Circuit
Your weapon/s are electrically charged dealing extra damage and causing vulnerability to your foes

Watchwork Glove Kit (Uses the ingenuity and power of the watchwork technology to create a set of enhanced gauntlets)
#1Melee Punch Chain

  • Knuckleduster
    Light Damage
  • Spiked Knuckles
    Light/Medium Damage and Bleeding
  • Wrist Blade
    Heavy Damage and Bleeding

#2Cogs and Sprockets
Medium Ranged Projectile Attack
Launches a set of gears that damages foes in a straight line (maybe even return, dealing damage on it’s way back)

#3Round and Round
Whirlwind Attack (movable, set distance, or stationary)
Blades extend from your gauntlets as you spin around and damage foes in a radius

#4Grind My Gears
Dash Attack
Use a set of gears that are attached to your boots to “skate” a short distance

#5Need More Lubrication!
Blind and Knockdown/Cripple AoE
Spray oil all around yourself in a radius blinding those initially hit with the spray and crippling/knocking down those within the field

ToolbeltWind Up
Your attacks are powered by watchwork gears granting you haste for X seconds

What would make a good new weapon?

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


I’m right there with you on needing lots more space for ideas. Dream is what I do. I’m an indie developer and love to see what majestic ideas the playerbase comes up with in tandem with my own desires/ideas. To all the fellow dreamers out there, dream away!

What would make a good new weapon?

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


Sad to not see any more ideas, although I can’t really blame anyone since there hasn’t been any new skills added (other than a new heal skill for each profession) and no mention of any new skills in the near future, especially after it’s been over a year since ANet said they were going to.

What would make a good new weapon?

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


All of these seem like good ideas to me, I’ve been playing engi since beta weekends and feel like they need something a bit more. Hammer/mace makes a lot of sense to me for this class, dagger I could see. The other kits people have suggested I think would be great additions as well, I’ve thought up of a few unarmed style of weapon kits myself.

I came up with 3 variations: R.P.G. Kit (Rocket Powered Gauntlets; more fire based), Electric Touch Kit (lightning/electric based), and a Watchwork Fist Kit (to keep with the newly introduced watchwork technology/lore). I haven’t posted my full idea yet on the forums, but I’ve thought up of the names and types of attacks (to include the toolbelt skills) and even some possible effects.

I’ve always been attracted to unarmed style combat in games and some of the animations are already present from Elixir X’s rampage effect so it’s not too much of a stretch. But realistically, anything new would be nice, whether it’s weapons or kits.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


Does anyone else get the feeling that they just don’t look at this thread because of the ANet logo to show that at some point they actually did respond, and now just pass over it without actually looking at the amount of comments and the fact that it’s been on the front page for as long as I can remember?

Chainsaw kit

in Engineer

Posted by: haavik.8537


I think this is a very feasible idea. There is even a chainsaw-like greatsword already in the game, could even use that as a base model for the kit. I agree with tattoohead, make it an elite skill and give the hobosack a different look or remove it completely.