Showing Posts For hargrave.8013:

Good bye Guild Wars.

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


The reason i dont play it much is this bs with the server transfers. jade quarry should be closed off lol. These devs who suposedly play on sbi arent much anymore it seems to always be 25-30 against 150 at the least.

Its a waste of time when you cant compete againt a sea of red 24/7 Ive heard of go do ninja spec ops and kill there supply goats and other crap no matter what 25 against 150 doesnt play out very well buffs or no buffs.

I wasnt gonna even bother posting till i saw this thread on mmorpg site linked lol.

This is the uber pvp ill give them that but the server transfer crap and anets lack of giving a crap in order to sell gems and cater to the fotm server transfer people is why i dont bother with this. If anet doesnt give a crap about balance and being able to do anything out there then why should i? just shakes head.

Free World Transfers: Limited to Once Every 7 Days

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


I will ask the question again why is there free transfers at all? Why isnt jade quarry and other high pop server closed. I mean seriously jade qaurry has to 75 to 1 against most servers or the current flavor of the month server. Very stupid decision on anets part. Yes john peters i know it took 5 years to make the game i heard the same thing from swtor. People want to pvp on somewhat reasonable terms even 25 vs 50 would be better then 25 vs 200 lol.

Free World Transfers: Limited to Once Every 7 Days

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


Why is there free transfers at all? This is no solution its a bad joke and why im seriously considering uninstalling as its a waste of time to fight with our 25-30 against 250 plus on the new flavor of the week server.

Jade quarry and some other servers should be closed or charged 20-30 bucks to go there.

When this first came out i was playing this regulary then a month or so in here this fotm server jumping just makes the game not even worth bothering with. I think ive logged in maybe 2 times or so in the last month.

why theres free transfers at all in general is wth in itself? Why jade quarry and some other fotm servers arent closed to these tools server jumping is a bad and stupid decision on your part.

Get your crap together anet!!! i dont care about crabs jumping over ships and gear treadmills!!

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


the problem is they should have looked into this ahead of time. As for the arguement “oh just go transfer” well thats not a solution either all your doing is moving the same problem to another server.

The problem lies with arenet and the servers. I dont like the false advertising going on for wvw either its not accurate to say what they do when the reality is you can only get in 25% of the time and your lucky “IF” your kin all gets in with you or your wife im close to uninstalling fed up with the ques

I'd like to see Commander redesigned.

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


The problem with the way it is now is everyone and there grandparents can have making it worthless. Second from what ive seen of those who have the commander thiing are not deserving or should have it. Basically if this were real life and we were in the military instead of having seasoned military leaders we have 12-15 year olds with no military training running a war. Do you see my point?

What i think ill be seeing a month from now if im still playing this is over 100 plus commanders and a lot of gold wasted on a meaningless item.

Ive seen “REAL” leadership in an mmo and it took that person a very long time to earn the respect of the community. What i see in this game is a bunch of kids who are blowing money to have a diamond on there head and not lead or help the community.

A real leader doesnt need a diamond above his head but i dont like the idea of people thinking b/c someone has a diamond on there head they should follow b/c its going to make the community leary of who to join a raid with? A noob with a diamond above his head or someone who doesnt have the diamond and can lead effectively

What the commander item should give is this

A working raid assist not this half bleep piece of crap one we have now a REAL raid assist window that shows the group who to target.

getting this item should be only for those worty of it. I.E community votes on who should have it.

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


ive been on 4 those and i was qued LOL thats a fact for you and when i did get in on those servers it was dead or 30vs5. Like i said thats not a solution either when i still have to QUE!

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


i can say it doesnt matter there is no such thing as a server without a que!! and even if it existed 9 out of 10 times it means nothing is going ob or no ones in that servers wvw b/c of it being a low server pop. Thats a pointless suggestion and not adressing the issue

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


doesnt matter what server your on gonna be a que for wvw believe me ive moved around a lot to see and im sick of moving. A net needs to get there crap together with the ques.

why Jade Quarry is 4th in ranking?

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


well there is some on going drama on stormbluff about jade quarry and henge teaming up or something its all everyone talks about and reports lol. I dont know if its against coc for servers to team up or whatever seems like a big deal though

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: hargrave.8013


I wasnt able to get into wvw the the day of launch. I wasnt able to get into wvw the 2nd day until 12:35 am. On average i have a 1 hour to 4 plus hour wait to get into. my longest que was 6 hours to date.

Heres my question why is there even a que? I think people considering buying the game should be told this upfront. Had i know this que crap was gonna be like this i would not have bought the game.

As of know im taking a break and possibly uninstalling the game.

When im able to get into the wvw i will say its awesome fun pvp thats “when” im able to do it. Just sick and tired of this ridiculous queing crap.

This should have been looked into in beta and not live.

On a side note i would consider purchasing a vip pass in the store into the wvw if it were available at this point i wouldnt need it now rather then later.

Ive played a lot off mmo’s this is the first one where im p’o b/c i cant play it.