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Options reset every time I log in

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hellsop.4219


Hey everyone

We started seeing this yesterday, some people were fixed with the hotfix but not everyone. We are currently investigating the issue and trying to isolate what makes some accounts different from others. A bug has been opened and I"m linking this thread in there, so if people could post their OS and which client they are using and any other information you think might help we’d appreciate it!

Windows 10, 64-bit client. Options persist character switch, but don’t seem to though re-log.

SMS... Thingamjiggy...?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hellsop.4219


I’ve had the Authenticator hooked up pretty much since that became an option, but coming into the game and seeing that I had received a dragon mini for “registering with Account Security SMS” when I (1) didn’t do anything with account security recently and (b) didn’t register for anything involving SMS at all… well, it’s a little concerning. I’ve pretty much read between the lines that this is a delivery of something that was promised somehow somewhere, but … If I’m getting this for turning on the Authenticator months ago, I’d rather the email mention the possibility rather than presenting the mini as though I’d just added a thing I didn’t add at a time I didn’t add anything. It made the impression that perhaps SOMEONE ELSE had added SMS notification to my account with a destination I didn’t know about, and that’s usually the first step in an account take-over. That is, the very thing we’re supposed to be alert for and suspicious of.

AP = Horrible measure of skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hellsop.4219


If a team member dies, its the partys fault for not communicating proper tactics and using proper utilities. Its the classic Cleric Staff Guard saying, dude why are you guys dying as he does 0 damage

Well, that’d actually be useful if the guardian presses something other than 1 once in a while. (A properly-managed cleric guardian is a healing fortress. Darned little should hit teammates and what does should be fixed in about three seconds. But it’s not something that can be done well only by buying gear; one has to actually practice. And have teammates that are willing and able to stay closed up. Not a problem for the compulsive stackers out there, but that ranger in the corner’s probably going to be fixing a lot of armor….)

AP = Horrible measure of skill

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hellsop.4219


You mostly see AP requirements in AC, and rarely elsewhere.

This is true, though I’ve only recently been exposed to this really.
I “only” have 8k AP, despite playing since beta, and this apparently makes me too stupid to play AC for some nowadays.

Never been an issue in the other hundreds of times I’ve been there, but whatever.
Shrug and move on.

OTOH, I’ve about the same AP, been playing since release, and I’ve only done about 8 dungeon paths ever. I’m bright enough to recognize “red ring = bad”, but when and where a graveling burrow’s gonna pop up, or what to fight and what to run past? Not really. Does that mean I’m a limitation to an experienced group? Hell yeah. And I’ve got no problem with that. But it goes to support the concept that the points are meaningless for this use. (I’m not sure there IS a useful measure either — “full zerk” isn’t gonna stay a “buy this to win” situation forever either.)

Zerker nerfed, allow us to swap asc gear

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hellsop.4219


I just thought of an idea that I feel would immediately stop the zerker meta without having to nerf or buff anything.

What problem are we trying to solve? “Zerk or GTFO”? You’ll just move it to whatever type becomes fashionable next.

No Reward for Dailies?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hellsop.4219


Henge of Denravi apparently reset today at 5 PM CDT (11 PM UTC) so the reset times aren’t as solid and reliable as they may seem.

A petition for Tybalt (Spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: hellsop.4219


I don’t mean to sound like I’m trolling here, this is a genuine question:
How were so many of you moved by the loss of your mentor?

I do agree they are all better than Trehearne’s arc, but I find all the dialogue so generic and all the character development so rushed and flat that I find it extremely difficult to care for any of these one-dimensional characters

I don’t find Tybalt one-dimensional at all. Getting the bits of his back-story out, about the loss of his hand and the impact it had on his career with the Charr and then the Order gave him a pretty solid and empathetic story.

Are these really personal stories?

in Personal Story

Posted by: hellsop.4219


Yandere is correct. This is a an “ignore the distractions, accomplish your goals quickly” story. You WILL get bogged down otherwise, and it’ll just keep getting harder.