(edited by hertigknut.8475)
Showing Posts For hertigknut.8475:
Wow, a topic about Ranger being OP. Seriously.
Anyway, LB is a terrible weapon IMO. But fear not, it will be replaced in a few months by the staff XD.
If you go powerbuild and stay behind in blobfights you can definitely down 5-10 ppl without a problem. Zoom in on a squishy ele and instadown him
Have his account name and a movie of him flying, wallhacking and speedhacking! Does it matter, nah.
Is it against the rules to post account names here?
Attached a picture of the lady flying away towards bay!
Im not buying anything until this game is worth playing again, until that ill log in to my full asc/legend ranger and hang out in the grove.
I loved the exploring part with new character, but this destroyed everything. It’s totally brainless game right now and suitable for a kid. Time to move on and find another game to play until things have sorted itselves out (if it ever will).
Adios Arenanet.
I have the same feeling, bought a new char slot a week ago. Now it’s worthless. It’s a shame that they dig the grave themselves.