Showing Posts For hiddenson.2587:

Guild Wars 2 Wintersday calendar!

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Do you still need submissions?

Elementalists series

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


@DoctorOverlord, thanks for the explanation and the thumbs up.

Charr would be cool indeed. Onto the graphic tablet as next project

[Fan Art] Ranger

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Well done! I particularly like the rough look, very Guildwarsy!

I did an elementalists series, the post is up there if you wanna take a look

Elementalists series

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


148 views but no words… Come on, like it? Hate it? I would not mind a little constructive criticism

Character Drawings

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Well thanks

As for me, I tried music too, but it takes me such effort to play something half decent, as opposed to a more natural, intuitive feel when drawing… We all have a medium that conveys more what we want to express, I guess.

Elementalists series

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Hey guys,

I just wanted to let you know about this series of digital illustrations I created around Elementalists at first, and then developed into a few other works. My main inspiration comes from a mix of Avatar The Last Airbender series and of course, Guild Wars 2.

Among others, this Fire elementalist:
And this Rusalka of Bloodtide Coast:
For the whole album:

Thanks for watching, and let me know what you think!

Artwork inspired by Guild Wars 2

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Really good, and great job on the armors, there!

Character Drawings

in Community Creations

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Well, I think you did a pretty good job there, for a first time

What I would advise you now, is to train your volumes, so that the drawing does not look flat. You can train with a ball, an egg, a vase… projects that seem simple at first but can be complex with proper lighting. Volume will improve your drawing tremendously.

If you’d like to have a look at what I do, you can check my flickr page

I hope this helps

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Underflow may not be the end all solution for all cases, but it’s definitely better than running around alone for hours… otherwise, where is the mmo feel in that?

Choice of race for mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Your overall answers seem to confirm that Asura and Sylvari are getting some practical love

Also, Banjax, I love your sly thinking there, well thought!

Choice of race for mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


I hear you there, BowmasterSol

Versatility Build Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Well, for my part, I do not use shatter much so I think I can answer your question. I am not a hardcore metagamer, so my build may not be the best, but here it is.

I focus on maximizing both my condition source/damage and my boons:

- Staff is the weapon of choice for doing both.
- Prayer to Lyssa gives an additional boon and condition.
- Signet of inspiration gives an additional boon every 10 secs.
- Signet of midnight increases boon duration.
- Staff clones stack boons and conditions, so they are as useful to keep alive as a phantasms.
- You can still shatter, to confuse a boss, or for that final killing blow.
- I’m on my way towards a 10/0/30/0/30 build — currently 10/0/20/0/15.

Hope this helps!

Choice of race for mesmer?

in Mesmer

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


I play a Human mesmer lvl 55. I chose Human because I liked them most during beta, but I did not take racial skills into account as part of my decision. And now I am wondering… what is the “best” race for a mesmer?

For example, when I look at the racial skills specifically, Asura seem like a great choice, their utility skills give more sources for confusion and condition damage. Sylvari seem good for a mesmer support build, too. As a Human, I like to use Prayer to Lyssa from time to time, for an additional boon and condition source. Not sure about the other two races, but I am curious to read about them too.

Versatility Build Help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


Mesmers are quite versatile, both in their choice of weapons and play style. For example, I enjoy having a long range staff in 1 and a scepter/torch in 2. I am quite mobile and can go in stealth if needed. You can also preserve your illusions or shatter them.

With that said, some people think the class needs a boost. I find it very playable (I’m lvl 55), except for the odd event that is difficult with any class anyway.

Of course, if you feel that magic and misdirection are not your thing, then this class is not fit for you

Leveling from 33 +++

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


I felt it went a bit slower than usual past 33, too. But now I am 43

What I do is make sure I log in a bit every day to complete the daily event. Combine this with exploring areas fully, helped me level up almost without noticing.

Creating Potions??

in Crafting

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


@Antiriad: yes, but out of collecting junk, you get +10 xp all the time, that’s not bad

The Mesmer: A Bad Proffession? Or just played by bad people?

in Mesmer

Posted by: hiddenson.2587


I am not as advanced as you guys, I just hit level 40 last night. However, I’ll play along and say that my mesmer does just fine. I really love the profession. Sure, it may not be as beefy as others, but you get your thrills from mischief and mind tricks.

I mostly use sword/pistol and staff. While this works very well, my only concern is that, in dense areas, mobs may respawn on me while I’m still cleaning up, and then things get heated pretty quickly!