Showing Posts For hiess.6915:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hiess.6915


  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: hdr→signature == PACKFILE_SIGNATURE
    File: ..\..\..\Services\Packfile\Packfile.cpp(2122)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 2000
    BaseAddr: 012F0000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 54517
    When: 2015-10-23T17:34:54Z 2015-10-23T20:34:54+03:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:00:33
    Flags: 0
  • System <—*
    Processors: 4 [GenuineIntel:6:12:3]
    OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)
  • System Memory <—*
    Physical: 4956MB/ 8131MB 60%
    Paged: 5709MB/ 9411MB 60%
    Virtual: 2463MB/ 4095MB 60%
    Load: 39%
    CommitTotal: 3701MB
    CommitLimit: 9411MB
    CommitPeak: 6691MB
    SystemCache: 4731MB
    HandleCount: 42690
    ProcessCount: 97
    ThreadCount: 1474
  • Process Memory <—*
    Private: 1175MB
    WorkingSet: 1038MB
    PeakWorkingSet: 1038MB
    PageFaults: 837385
  • Memory Category Usage (Inclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Root 597.32 434785
    VRAM 293.24 16874
    Art Assets 265.20 3376
    Programmer Data 246.98 197356
    Anim Import Models 175.47 371
    Anim Import Packfile 175.47 371
    Game 110.56 106692
    Content 96.48 37301
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.34 17
    Engine 70.45 75897
    Uncategorized 54.16 214720
    Character Models 53.07 622
    Gr 49.65 43605
    VRAM – Prop Tex 48.63 602
    Collections 48.09 1942
    Dictionary 47.63 388
    Composite Models 43.42 404
    VRAM – Composite Tex 40.17 33
    Map Assets 33.91 2112
    Composite Tex Pool 33.17 70
    Composite Tex 33.17 70
    Collide 30.97 19333
    VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
    Prop Models 29.33 1608
  • Memory Category Usage (Exclusive) <—*
    [Category] [Size(MB)] [Count]
    Anim Import Packfile 175.47 371
    Content 96.48 37301
    VRAM – Gr Postproc 91.34 17
    Uncategorized 54.16 214720
    VRAM – Prop Tex 48.63 602
    Dictionary 47.63 388
    VRAM – Composite Tex 40.17 33
    Gr 38.18 1618
    Composite Tex Pool 33.17 70
    VRAM – DirectX Geo Buffers 30.56 1520
    Prop Packfile 28.18 202
    VRAM – DDI Shader 21.68 14317
    VRAM – Character Geo 21.22 188
    Collide 14.25 1844
    Collide Havok 12.37 16773
    Archive 11.20 38
    Composite Packfile 10.22 302
    Character Packfile 9.53 64
    VRAM – Gr Img 9.40 6
    Audio FMOD 7.77 346
    Audio 5.67 569
    VRAM – Terrain Tex 5.27 25
    VRAM – Map Env Tex 4.58 13
    Composite 4.52 547
  • Game Context <—*
    MapId: 62
    Flags: 0×241
    ElapsedTime: 00:00:14
  • World State <—*
    <WorldState BufferCapacity="33521664" BufferUsed="1038" DrawCalls="17" Fps="63" EffectLights="0" Lights="0" Materials="13" Particles="81" Submodels="17" TextureLoadsPending="0" TextureMemory="486388334" Triangles="34" VerticesSoftwareTransformed="0" VideoMemoryTotal="26861576" CameraPos="-3445.51, 34477.7, -881.411" CameraFwd="-0.973705, -0.0360062, 0.224951" MapName="wZY+N.ydYX4" MapNamespace="fpeA2" MapType="Public" MapId="62" MapGuid="63A5E889-60AA-4B67-97A0-88D08898B9BB" PlayerFacing="-0.999684, -0.0251178, 0" PlayerPos="-3705.17, 34468.1, -741.424" PlayerVelocity="0, 0, 0" />

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 10.0.10240.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]

  • ClientContextThreadProc Thread 0×122c <—*
  • Trace <—*
    Pc:01733b0b Fr:0696f9f4 Rt:017350b9 Arg:00000002 00000904 4a1d3210 00000000
    Pc:017350b9 Fr:0696fa1c Rt:01734f55 Arg:4a1d3210 00000000 00000000 00000001
    Pc:01734f55 Fr:0696fa38 Rt:016fede7 Arg:4a1d3210 00000001 00000015 4a9ba610
    Pc:016fede7 Fr:0696fa5c Rt:01ea7f2c Arg:00000018 48e46010 0696fa84 01e6fb2b
    Pc:01ea7f2c Fr:0696fa6c Rt:01e6fb2b Arg:00000000 051863a8 00000010 41800000
    Pc:01e6fb2b Fr:0696fa84 Rt:019394a3 Arg:00000010 051863a8 3d3fd810 3f800000
    Pc:019394a3 Fr:0696fa9c Rt:01938f1f Arg:00000010 05185c10 05185c10 0696fac8
    Pc:01938f1f Fr:0696fab0 Rt:01933dc4 Arg:00000010 00000010 00000010 05186810
    Pc:01933dc4 Fr:0696fac8 Rt:01935799 Arg:00000010 0696fb54 0746dab8 05186854
    Pc:01935799 Fr:0696faf8 Rt:019381df Arg:3c83126f 017abb63 05186810 05186c60
    Pc:019381df Fr:0696fba0 Rt:017a9aee Arg:05186810 00000002 00000002 00000010
    Pc:017a9aee Fr:0696fc1c Rt:017aacf2 Arg:20f2087b 01d10db9 076f6c68 00000001
    Pc:017aacf2 Fr:0696fc5c Rt:017a92c1 Arg:04ff2d30 00c87890 015ff048 0174fe1c
    Pc:017a92c1 Fr:0696fc7c Rt:0174fd70 Arg:04ff2d30 076f6c80 0174fe1c 00c87890
    Pc:0174fd70 Fr:0696fcb4 Rt:0174fe98 Arg:0174fe1c 0696fcd4 76643744 00c87890
    Pc:0174fe98 Fr:0696fcc0 Rt:76643744 Arg:00c87890 76643720 a87a84bc 0696fd1c
    Pc:76643744 Fr:0696fcd4 Rt:7782a064 Arg:00c87890 8420de52 00000000 00000000
    Pc:7782a064 Fr:0696fd1c Rt:7782a02f Arg:ffffffff 7784d7b8 00000000 00000000
    Pc:7782a02f Fr:0696fd2c Rt:00000000 Arg:0174fe1c 00c87890 00000000 00000000
  • Thread registers <—*
    eax=0696f5a0 ebx=4a1d321c ecx=00000000 edx=000002c8 esi=76649ec0 edi=00000000
    eip=01733b0b esp=0696f9c8 ebp=0696f9f4
    cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00200246

eax-32 0696F580 00000000 76649ec0 00000000 0696f5fc
eax-16 0696F590 775c3e54 0696f5fc 775c3e28 0696f5a0
eax 0 0696F5A0 80000003 00000000 00000000 775c3e28
16 0696F5B0 00000002 00000002 5b934490 00000000
eax+32 0696F5C0 0696f9d4 5b637614 5b637618 5b637620
eax+48 0696F5D0 5b63761c 00000000 00000000 00000001
ebx-32 4A1D31FC 00000000 00000000 00000000 10090015
ebx-16 4A1D320C 00000904 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx 0 4A1D321C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
16 4A1D322C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx+32 4A1D323C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
ebx+48 4A1D324C 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
esi-32 76649EA0 0010c25d 850ff685 fffffcc6 ddebc033
esi-16 76649EB0 cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc
esi 0 76649EC0 031c25ff cccc766b cccccccc cccccccc
16 76649ED0 8b55ff8b 00a151ec 33766e00 fc4589c5
esi+32 76649EE0 08358b56 85766e08 cc850ff6 33000148
esi+48 76649EF0 fc4d8bc0 e85ecd33 0000b9e8 c25de58b

  • Code <—*
    01733AEB 2a02e8ae 31edffb8 50460000 66390674 …1…PF..f9.t
    01733AFB 14684a08 0000ba44 ac2a02b9 48ad2a02 .hJ….D.
    01733B0B e89031ed ff8b4608 8947180f b7460283 ..1…F..G…F..
    01733B1B 47100c89 471cf646 02017407 814f1400 G…G..F..t..O..
    01733B2B 0000800f b74606b9 00000000 83c0f403 …..F……….
    01733B3B c3894508 0fb74602 c1e80283 e0018945 ..E…F……..E
  • Stack <—*
    0696F9C8 01733b10 0000084a 4a9ba610 5effcd70 .;s.J……Jp..^
    0696F9D8 00000904 00000001 0696fa00 01732861 …………a(s.
    0696F9E8 0000001c 4a1d3b14 00000000 0696fa1c …..;.J……..
    0696F9F8 017350b9 00000002 00000904 4a1d3210 .Ps……….2.J
    0696FA08 00000000 00000000 4a0df810 00000000 ………..J….
    0696FA18 00000002 0696fa38 01734f55 4a1d3210 ….8…UOs..2.J
    0696FA28 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000015 …………….
    0696FA38 0696fa5c 016fede7 4a1d3210 00000001 \…..o..2.J….
    0696FA48 00000015 4a9ba610 48e46010 00000010 …….J.`.H….
    0696FA58 027cf12c 0696fa6c 01ea7f2c 00000018 ,.|.l…,…….
    0696FA68 48e46010 0696fa84 01e6fb2b 00000000 .`.H….+…….
    0696FA78 051863a8 00000010 41800000 0696fa9c .c………A….
    0696FA88 019394a3 00000010 051863a8 3d3fd810 ………c….?=
    0696FA98 3f800000 0696fab0 01938f1f 00000010 …?…………
    0696FAA8 05185c10 05185c10 0696fac8 01933dc4 .\…\…….=..
    0696FAB8 00000010 00000010 00000010 05186810 ………….h..
    0696FAC8 0696faf8 01935799 00000010 0696fb54 …..W……T…
    0696FAD8 0746dab8 05186854 3c83126f 3c83126f ..F.Th..o..<o..<
    0696FAE8 3c83126f 3c83126f 3c83126f 3c83126f o..<o..<o..<o..<
    0696FAF8 0696fba0 019381df 3c83126f 017abb63 ……..o..<c.z.
    0696FB08 05186810 05186c60 00000001 00000002 .h..`l……….
    0696FB18 00000002 00000010 0696fb38 0696fb40 ……..8…... 0696FB28 05186c60 00000002 0696fc08 0000000c `l.............. 0696FB38 00000000 0746dac8 00000000 05186854 ......F.....Th.. 0696FB48 00000001 05186810 05186b58 0746dac4 .....h..Xk....F. 0696FB58 0518684d 015fbfd7 05186b8c 017abec3 Mh...._..k....z. 0696FB68 05186810 00000000 00000000 0696fba0 .h.............. 0696FB78 0696fbb8 017aa18f 05186810 01dd616e 0696FB88 00000001 05186b58 00000000 0696fb94 ....Xk.......... 0696FB98 0696fb95 076f6b94 0696fc1c 017a9aee .....ko.......z. 0696FBA8 05186810 00000002 00000002 00000010 .h.............. 0696FBB8 0696fc08 05186c60 00c87890 00000001 ....`l...x...... 0696FBC8 01dd616e 4c1c9d42 00000068 00000000 na..B..Lh....... 0696FBD8 77838f2c 775c13c8 00000000 00000001 ,..w..\w........ 0696FBE8 01dd616e 7780769c 0000000a 8420d8b6 na...v.w...... . 0696FBF8 0696fc10 775c30a7 00c87890 00000001 .....0\w.x...... 0696FC08 20f2087b 01d10db9 01dd616e 00000010 {.. 0696FC18 076f6c28 0696fc5c 017aacf2 20f2087b (lo.\.....z.{.. 0696FC28 01d10db9 076f6c68 00000001 01dd616e 0696FC38 00c87890 7ffe0008 80000003 0696fc2c .x..........,... 0696FC48 0696efd4 0696fca4 017500b0 039cf294 ..........u..... 0696FC58 00000000 0696fc7c 017a92c1 04ff2d30 ....|.....z.0-.. 0696FC68 00c87890 015ff048 0174fe1c 00c87890 .x..H._...t..x.. 0696FC78 00000000 0696fcb4 0174fd70 04ff2d30 ........p.t.0-.. 0696FC88 076f6c80 0174fe1c 00c87890 00c87890 .lo...t..x...x.. 0696FC98 00c87890 0696fc88 01754d93 0696fd0c .x.......Mu..... 0696FCA8 017500b0 039cdeac 00000000 0696fcc0 ..u............. 0696FCB8 0174fe98 0174fe1c 0696fcd4 76643744 ..t...t.....D7dv 0696FCC8 00c87890 76643720 a87a84bc 0696fd1c .x.. 7dv..z..... 0696FCD8 7782a064 00c87890 8420de52 00000000 d..w.x..R. ..... 0696FCE8 00000000 00c87890 00000000 00000000 .....x.......... 0696FCF8 00000000 00000000 8420de52 0696fce0 ........R. ..... 0696FD08 00000000 0696fd24 77840d40 f53a3fde ....$.....w.?:.
    0696FD18 00000000 0696fd2c 7782a02f ffffffff ….,…/..w….
    0696FD28 7784d7b8 00000000 00000000 0174fe1c …w……….t.
    0696FD38 00c87890 00000000 00000000 00000000 .×..............
    0696FD48 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FD58 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FD68 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FD78 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FD88 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FD98 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FDA8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
    0696FDB8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 …………….
  • Error Logs <—*
    ot a valid model file
    Model ‘0×038995’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×045ac5’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×038a06’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×02d314’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×038986’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×045a74’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×038899’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×045b58’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0388a6’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×012f01’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0384f2’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×045a5a’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×03b1a8’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×045a4b’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0389ae’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0389cd’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×013dac’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×03897b’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×083a9b’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×083a9a’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×02e8fb’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×02e8fa’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×00ce40’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×00ce57’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×00ce02’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×00ce74’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×063bea’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×03b26b’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×006574’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0166ba’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e13’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e14’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e15’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e17’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e16’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e1a’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e19’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×007e18’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0045b5’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×03b230’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0045a3’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×00ce1c’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0038f6’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×00d8fd’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×006a28’ is not a valid model file
    Model ‘0×0ee90d’ is not a valid model file
  • DirectX Device Info <—*
    VendorId = 0×10de
    DeviceId = 0×13c2
    Version = 10.18.0013.5582
    Description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
    Compat = 0×00100000
    VidMem = 4095 MB


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hiess.6915


I’m can’t enter fractal with party!! It was then update
