Showing Posts For hqeq umop apisdn.7526:

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: hqeq umop apisdn.7526

hqeq umop apisdn.7526

Unable to look straight down when using Action Cam

Please remove the threshold for vertical looking in Action Cam. when trying to set fire fields to blast might, it is very inconvenient to be unable to cast a fire field at your own feet (ele focus 4)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: hqeq umop apisdn.7526

hqeq umop apisdn.7526

So… Just to clarify… did an Anet dev comment on the first page of this thread to mock us and then not respond to any questions?