Showing Posts For hullux.1487:

[EU][RAID][GUILD] [LFR] is recruiting!

in Looking for...

Posted by: hullux.1487


I’d like to join. I have a full berserker stat set warrior with almost full Ascended (missing both accessories) I’ve also got lvl 80 necro, ranger, thief, ele and revenant. (most of them are geared but none of them have elite specs unlocked)

[EU]Reactivated guild looking for members

in Looking for...

Posted by: hullux.1487


Crimson Scars [CS] is a recently reactivated guild. My guild has been around for a while but we’ve only been a small irl friends guild. I’ve recently started playing this game actively again with 2 friends, and with all the new guild stuff that came with HoT, I want to grow our guild.
We are looking for players who are active and friendly. Being familiar with the game is a +
We are mainly a PvE guild but I’m hugely into PvP so a team is not out of question.
But In PvE, We do fractals, world bosses and general farming. Raids will be a things as we get a raid comp together.
I’ve also been planning on doing weekly guild missions on Saturdays around 6-8pm GMT.
Our server is Gunnar’s Hold but it’s not a requirement. We’ve also claimed Gilded Hollow as out guild hall.
We use Discord for voice comms and such but it’s not mandatory to join our room.

If you are interested in joining just mail me ingame @ hullux.1487. If you have any questing you can leave them here or mail them to me.

Guilds: Activate Recruit Mode!

in Looking for...

Posted by: hullux.1487


Hi everyone!

My new small and casual guild Crimson Scars [CS] is recruiting and looking to grow.
Pretty much anyone is welcome but a bonus would be a LvL 80 character.
We are a PvX guild focused on PvE. We are located on Gunnar’s Hold server in EU.

Our activity is pretty varied but we are active mostly on weekends and weekday evenings. I’m planning on doing weekly guild missions on Saturday evenings around 6-8pm Gmt.

Most of what we do in game is farming, world bosses and fractals. Raids will be a thing as we gain strength. I’m also hugely into PvP and I do that a lot. We have also started an expedition to Gilded Hollow but have not managed to clear it because of the lack of manpower.
Discord is what we use for voice comms.

Feel free to ask me anything about the guild!
Contact Info: hullux.1487