Showing Posts For iBullStrike.6895:
Bump! Still looking for a decent guild.
2. I know a mentor from here (noobgood) but dunno if he is still playing lately since i don’t see him online.
He’s playing on NA.
Haaaa! That’s why i haven’t seen him online much, i forgot he got a NA acc. Good to know tho!
Anyway, still waiting to know if i can get some help here on EU servers.
Hi all,
Euro player here. I’m having trouble with my solo game playing in dungeons (specially arah), althought i have solid knowledge of dungeons and fotm tactics and mechanics.
I recently failed a trial in a guild i’d like to be in, because my solo game play is really poor and people advised me to work on it, so i’d like to improve my gameplay. I was wondering if u guys could lend me a hand on this matter, perhaps ?
Could u contact me ing, or over pm or, heck, send me a guild invite if u think i’m eligible for the learning.
Tkx in advance.
1. I have a lot of professions to learn with: ele, mesmer, thief, guardian, warrior (althought i’d like to avoid to play warr since its the easiest of the professions). All my toons are fully zerker equiped with, at least, exotic gear and with proper stacking sigils and %dmg sigils on wepons.
2. I know a mentor from here (noobgood) but dunno if he is still playing lately since i don’t see him online.
Here i go again… bump!
Bump! Still looking
Hi everyone,
currently looking for a hardcore pve guild for dungeons tour speed clear, guild missions and FoTM lvl 30 – lvl 50.
I have 5 toons fully zerker equiped with, at least, exotic gear and with proper stacking and % sigils:
Warrior (FULL ZERKER – 75 AR);
Ele (FULL ZERKER – 40 AR);
Thief (FULL ZERKER – 0 AR);
Mesmer (FULL ZERKER – 15 AR);
Guardian (FULL ZERKER – 0 AR).
I am able to switch servers if required.
Pls do not contac me if ur guild focus on quantity rather then quality, or if ur guild not focus in efficient runs.
If needed more info about my self feel free to ask.
HI all,
I’m looking to join WHAT.
Althoug i’m not new in this game seems like i need to learn how to run speedclears properly specially arah where i’m struggling with lupi solo.
I have 4 toons full zerker equiped and rdy to go: Warrior, Thief, Ele, Mesmer.
Hi everyone,
this problem happens with me too, specially when i’m fighting world bosses like Karka Queen, or Grenth or Lyssa etc. In dungeons or factals it goes fine and dont crash, but if i log on LA after playing fractals and then if i try to switch to another location in game the game will crash. I belive it is not a system problem since i’v been playing gw2 just fine since realese and this problem only start ocourring, to me, after the pactch from 4th February – The Edge of the Mists.
I’d love to see some answer/action from Anet towards this issue and not some answer saying its system problems, witch simply cannot be, by the reasons eplained above and by the complainsof many other users in this forum.
P.S.: sorry about the english errors…
The game needs new areas, skills and dungeons………It’s what players want in a MMO.
Living story is ok, but…………..
Totally agree!
living story is nice and all, but its more from it alrdy exists in a big proportion in gw2: GRIND!
If we only could get more areas, challenging ones, where we could get more skills and situations where could use those skills to be effective, it would be way more interesting! way more!
I’m really unhappy with the direction GW2 is going with alts. You are better off to have one main.
WXP is toon bound not account bound, additionally ascended gear is expensive, heavily time invested requirement and it will be harder to properly equip you alts.
I’m posting this here because having alts in GW2 at this time is more about convenience than actually playing them. I have 8 level 80’s, use 2 to play content and the other 6 spread out to farm world bosses, mine nodes and placed in places of convenience.
3 month topic. Do you, by any chance, main a necromancer?
3 month topic that remains pretty much accurate of the state of the game at this point, imo.
I really like to run dungeons, its the stuff I like to do more in gw2, and with this change in the way that our characters receive tokens, is not encouraging that I run Arah with my thief, and my necro, and my warrior. Now I only run it with warrior since its not profitable to do with alts because no tokens rewarded to build gear. This was a great way to get exotic equipment, that in other way is hard to get just by playing the game (and by playing the game I don’t mean playing the TP with I hate!), specially when u do not have all the time in your life to spend in a game, due to work or gymn, or other activities that you do in real life.
If I wanted a heavily time consuming game I would have bought WoW, and gw always was reconed because no need to spend your whole life playing the game to get a special item, with is a great concept, imo.GW2 doesnt have a dungeon team, and to be honest, dungeons lack interesting mechanics/challenge. I dont see this getting better anyhow, since the casuals fill their wallet with quaggan plushies and not us.
What if you could buy a whole dungeon for 1k gems? Would you do it?
I wont spend a single € in this game anymore m8. I spent enough €’s when I bought it already. :P
I don’t disagree that dungeons represent unchallenging content in this game, but its the most fun I cant get out of it. Nor even living world stuff where I get 3 fps when party gets wider and bigger for a stupid boss fight is more fun/profitable in my opinion.
Short answer about your buy dungeons with gems: no I wouldn’t, because I don’t play to have stuff not in gw2 or in any other game i’v played. Ever.
Pls bring GvG back to biss like it was in gw1! Best pvp content worldwide, you don’t have to re-invent all over again, cause the formula have been delivered back then.
I’m really unhappy with the direction GW2 is going with alts. You are better off to have one main.
WXP is toon bound not account bound, additionally ascended gear is expensive, heavily time invested requirement and it will be harder to properly equip you alts.
I’m posting this here because having alts in GW2 at this time is more about convenience than actually playing them. I have 8 level 80’s, use 2 to play content and the other 6 spread out to farm world bosses, mine nodes and placed in places of convenience.
3 month topic. Do you, by any chance, main a necromancer?
3 month topic that remains pretty much accurate of the state of the game at this point, imo.
I really like to run dungeons, its the stuff I like to do more in gw2, and with this change in the way that our characters receive tokens, is not encouraging that I run Arah with my thief, and my necro, and my warrior. Now I only run it with warrior since its not profitable to do with alts because no tokens rewarded to build gear. This was a great way to get exotic equipment, that in other way is hard to get just by playing the game (and by playing the game I don’t mean playing the TP with I hate!), specially when u do not have all the time in your life to spend in a game, due to work or gymn, or other activities that you do in real life.
If I wanted a heavily time consuming game I would have bought WoW, and gw always was reconed because no need to spend your whole life playing the game to get a special item, with is a great concept, imo.
On topic: expansion not needed tyvm sir, as long as Anet keep adding living stuff and one or more areas for endgame stuff. Lets face it: gw2 is not more not less then a money maker machine that will be self-sufficient if people keep buying gems with real money as they have kept till now, witch isn’t hard since gw2 lives from real life events like haloweens, Xmas, easter, etc, there will always exist an excuse to put a new skin on sale or a new mini-pet or w/e.
Offtopic: Trais/skills/combat system are pure garbage imo, since we can not chose your own skills to play, the combat mechanics are basic, and the important skills to avoid are, sometimes hard to percept. Gw1 combat system was a lot more interesting, a lot more challenging and, in most cases, the important skills were extraordinarily simple to percept by the players. Its not hard to see that the core stuff from gw1 were lost forever in detriment of stuff a lot more pve community oriented… Its a pitty, but ho well lets us play the best MMO on the market at atm and keep hoping it imporves in the next life…
I’v got one ig mail from gold sellers last few days. I reported the issue immediately via ig tool. I hope ANet does something now in order to eliminate this parasites real quick!
Bump! Still looking!
Bump! Still looking!
Bump! Still looking!
Bump! Still looking!
Bump! Still looking!
Bump! Still looking!
Bump! Still looking…
@ Troopa: paying to exchange servers is out of the question for me. I apretiate your offer in any case.
Bump! Still looking…
Bump! Still looking…
Bump! Still looking…
Bump! Still looking…
Looking for a guild focused on dungeons and Fractals of the mists.
Have exotic equip and voice com. systems.
Pm me ing or though this forum.
Hi !
Since the guild i am atm, formed by old friends from gw1, is practiclly dead i would like to find a place where i could play on a regular basis and learn the ropes of some aspects of game as: dungeons, fractals and WvW.
I can play every weekday from 8pm till 11pm (gmt time). On weekends i can be extremely active (a.k.a.: all day playing) if i got the mates and stuff to do.
I own voice comunication software and hardware, and am willing to comunicate with guildmates using those elements.
I have bought gw2 in the very begining but haven’t played much since a couple weeks ago. I got Warr, Necro, Thief all lvl 80 and i am starting to build a mesmer now (its only lvl2 atm). My experience with the areas i am interested in playing, dungeons WvW and fractals is not that big, so pls be helpfull!
I do not wish to exchange servers, so pls do not contact me if your guild is from another server.
You can contact me through forum or ing: iBullStrike.6895
Wish to hear from you soon!
P.S.: Please do not contact me if you only looking to fill numbers for your guild. I am interested in a serious guild who takes his guildmates seriouly, respectfully and helpfully and i do not wish to be another number.