Showing Posts For iMav.7869:
I think the bug occurs when hodgins doesn’t hit the boss.
Meaning if the boss screams and instakills hodgins or at the start of hodgins goes off and fights a breeder that you ignored then the dungeon will not complete because hodgins never hit the boss.
I hope its an endless labrynth style dungeon that just keep getting harder and harder as you go until your group wipes (making you lose).
I also hope there is some kind of scoreboard so you can see how your group does compared to others.
When I run dungeons I like to do something like this:
Its pretty boring cause all you do is sit in S/P and spam 3 all day while dodging around every so often.
When the enemy boss gets to 25% (or I get bored of pressing 3) I’ll swap to dagger to either backstab a little or spam heatseekers.
Don’t copy the utilities exactly like I have them there. The only necessary ones are Shadow Refuge and 1 stunbreaker/out.
I like to be careful and take two outs but sometimes I’ll take scorpion wire or a signet instead of roll.
The heal skill choice is just what i like most. There are good things about signet and hide so if you want to take those go ahead.
You are overcomplicating this.
The orb part is as easy as having all 5 party members hide behind the statue and LoSing the orbs into the prisons. You don’t have to be careful and precise about it. Just have 1 person go grab the 3 orb near the entrance, 1 grab the 2 at the back, and then kite circles around the statue until they are all filled.
My group could beat the orb part fast enough that dwayna only has 20% of her hp recharged.
Another hugely important part that you left out is that you get a debuff 10 seconds before you get petrified called “dead-eye state” the icon is the same as this:
This makes it really easy to go grab tears and unfreeze people right as they freeze, because it is very predictable.
I’m really curious. Why 4 and not all 5? She unstealths only after you put in 5.
I have never had sparks stick on eachother so idk what thats all about.
And idk if you haven’t noticed but you get a debuff on you for 10 seconds before you get petrified called “dead eye stare”.
The buff icon looks like this
Once that buff expires you get petrified. It is really easy for a ranged person to go find a tear and get ready to throw it at the person in that 10 seconds.
The spark part on path 4 is actually very simple. Gather all the sparks and just kite them around the statue until they all go into place. No need to get them into specific positions, just run around and they fall in.
My group entered this thinking it was impossible and left 15 minutes later victorious. Took us all of 15-20 seconds to do sparks by bunching up and running around in circles.
Oh. Its talking about little areas in the open world you can fight through.
Like in the Charr starting area. You can go into a crypt, fight a couple mobs and veterans, and then loot a chest at the end.
They can be soloed or 2 manned easy and last 5-10 minutes. And they are open world.
What is this about Mini Dungeons?
I can’t find anything about it.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but this is how the Diminished Returns system is made right now.
The Diminished Returns system penalizes how much money/exp and how many tokens you earn in a dungeon run.
The penalties go
1. 3/4s the normal reward
2. 1/2 the normal reward
3. 1/4 the normal reward
1/10 the normal reward
There are two ways to get penalized.
1. Doing the same run in a dungeon repeatedly.
2. Doing different runs in the same dungeon too quickly.
I am not sure if these stack with eachother at all or how they stack, as I have not tested that.
Now I completely agree with what this system is trying to accomplish.
I do agree that if someone runs CoF Magg’s path multiple times, they should not get as much of a reward for it.
The thing I have a problem with is the 2nd way to be penalized.
If I spend the extra effort to get good at multiple paths in the same dungeon, I should not be penalized as heavily as I do now.
I like to run AC explorable. Its fun, I run it a lot with a friend and whoever else we can pick up along the way.
The problem that I have is that you get penalized for being too good at AC explorable. Even though we are constantly switching what path we do.
The problem that I have is I am penalized for clearing the dungeon too fast. Its not like we are clearing the dungeon in 15 minutes or anything crazy fast like that.
We are doing nice 30 minute clears of each path. Averages are 25 min path 2, 30 min path 3, and 40 min path 1. Add 3 minutes average between each path for selling/bio/replacing members.
But because we complete multiple runs within an hour of eachother, we get penalized heavily.
It is quite annoying to run path 2, get 60 tokens, then go to path 3 and get 45. Its even worse after running a path and getting a mere 2 tokens for my efforts.
Oh, and I didn’t mention this when I was describing how the system works, but its not like how you imagine a system like this would work where it tries to balance the reward you get with your clearing speed, it just plain penalizes you untill you don’t want to run the dungeon anymore.
It would be OK if you got 3/4s the reward after doing 2 runs within the hour, but if you stay at a pace of 2 different runs per hour, then the rewards should stay at 3/4s the value, not rapidly decrease into nothingness.
It seems like the only way to efficiently run dungeons is to be a casual player that logs on, runs 1 or two dungeons, and then calls it a day.
The thing is, I don’t want to be a casual player.
I love catacombs explorable. I love the dungeon, I love the rewards. I play GW2 a lot during my day and I want to spend the majority of that time running Catacombs Explorable.
Why am I being penalized so much for being a hardcore player?
Sorry for ranting so much, but this diminished rewards system needs to be reworked into something better really badly. It penalizes hardcore play way too much.
Kohler is easy once you read a guide, but stupidly annoying to figure out without one due to vague and inconsistent mechanics. He has an AoE pull which fires projectiles that aren’t actually projectiles, so if you thought Mimic or Feedback could protect you, you’ll die anyway. Great consistency. He also tends to pull you through walls somehow. On the plus side, his attack is actually telegraphed well, which is more than can be said for plenty of other attacks.Spike Trap Room:
It seems like the devs intended for you to time the spike traps, but that’s idiotic. Not only is always the best idea to spam them as often as possible, but even if you did try to time them you wouldn’t be able to because there’s so many enemies that they don’t all render, so you can’t possibly tell whether there are any enemies over your trap regardless.All you do with this is have four party members stand on top of the poles with the spike trap chains so they can’t take aggro and have them spam the trap as often as possible, all while using ranged DPS on the boss. Meanwhile a guardian or warrior should kite the enemies across the traps. Totally trivial.
Ghost Eater:
I have no idea what was intended for this fight, but the mortars are all completely useless. They do complete crap for damage. It’s even more perplexing because the boss is just tank and spank. He only has one significant attack that’s easily avoided. Why did you think we would need the mortars? What was supposed to be the gimmick for this boss?
Hi. I like running AC Explorable and have my opinions on these as well.
I actually really like this boss. He has a nice broadcasted 1-hit KO attack that you have to dodge. Its not like once you know about it you insta-win every time. You still have to pay attention during the entire fight, and a 2 second doze off could get you killed.
Having the pull go through walls and projectile reflection shields is a good balance idea, because then it would be too easy to block his attack.
One thing to note is that Aegis blocks his pull, as well as mist form.
Spike trap room.
I also disagree with you here about this room being a problem. It does become very easy once you know to have 2 tanks sit in the middle kiting all the mobs while the 3 others run around activating all 5 traps. Though one thing I like here is that there is a glitch where the breeder won’t always run in, so someone has to go aggro it and pull it into the traps.
Ghost eater:
I 100% agree here. Ghost eater is way too easy to be a final boss, and the mortars are completely unnecessary.
Whats even worse is that the oozes he spawns don’t actually do anything. I stood next to one in a fight and took 0 damage from it.
I do wish there was something special about this fight other than dodge his tunnel-pop up.
Now one thing that you didn’t mention that I feel is a problem in path 2 is the first spider boss. I like the boss; I like how you have to go around destroying the gargoyles and little spiders before turning on the boss. But the big problem with this guy is that there is no way to dodge his AOE poison spit.
Its not that its hard to dodge. There is a big wind-up animation to it. The problem is that he has a huge damage recoil animation that is in a constant state of playing, so it is actually impossible to see when he is about to spit poison at you.