If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
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If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
I like how you said “random” …. :/
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Piken didn’t deserve 3rd place in no way. GG double teaming. Too bad you screwed up Baruch because of it.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
It’s not enough that we had this match-up TWO TIMES in the season, now after it ends with the same match-up the WvWvW between seasons starts with the same servers again?
Is there any logic in this? SFR is getting kinda tired of being double teamed for what it seems now 3 weeks in 2 months.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
I am very disappointed on how my fellow server players treated this week
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Jade Sea is doing a terrific (and terrifying) job. Too bad we (SFR) slacked so much during the week.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Guys guys :S less arguing more talking about great fights!
I liked how 2 days ago JS was defending its keep in EB with 7 warriors constantly banner ressing their lord and resetting the capping bar
It turned out to be an epic battle that lasted about an hour (the lag wasn’t on our side :/ )
agreed and every 5 minuts ppls whispered me…..
lets go out and kill elona instead<3 we don’t need them to hold the gate for us<3
was a fun laggy hour:D
I did yell at you several times that if we attack Elona we’ll be in their position just with nobody around to try and block the Jade Sears. All is well when it ends well.
I especially liked the swap we did with Elona haha as they were holding the center and we were trying to block Jade Sea. Then we were like “kitten it, let’s take center” and the whole SFR blob clashed with some Elonians as the rest figured out it’s a good time to get the kitten out! So they started defending the JS keep as we were taking it. Still took a crapload of time heh.
And then I was on the walls trying to clear them when I meet the Elonians wall clearing squad WUSHHHH i was like “aw SHIZZ! and jumped the heII off” …. “WUSHHHH”
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Guys guys :S less arguing more talking about great fights!
I liked how 2 days ago JS was defending its keep in EB with 7 warriors constantly banner ressing their lord and resetting the capping bar It turned out to be an epic battle that lasted about an hour (the lag wasn’t on our side :/ )
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
War is about more about politics than fighting.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Elona is 2nd right now, let’s see how the week will end
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
I’m gonna take a week off work to command vs Vizunah :/
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Trash servers? Hardly. I don’t really understand what’s this attitude with “omg SFR trolls” blabla. I didn’t start this whole conversation. Also who cares about “SFR troll warriors”. I’m just sitting here at work replying to some forum thread that went off track since page 2, yet I only lately added 3 replies to express my point of view, which should be totally fine as it’s my opinion and you should respect that.
I didn’t insult nor type anything aggressive. What’s up with the attitude?
Also Kingface, don’t take my post out of the context as I replied to the guy I QUOTED. I bet you learnt that technique from the modern paparazzi mass media.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
(edited by iSpawnAtHome.3810)
Tell me if I’m wrong but:
- If VS focused SFR on week 1 and Piken took the opportunity to finish 2nd, it was because VS was scared of SFR so VS doubleteamed with Piken.
-If SFR focused Piken this week and RS took the opportunity to finish 2nd that’s because SFR did a 1v1 with Piken they won and it’s not a doubleteaming.I get it right?
Morality: SFR is the best EU server no matter what.
- Piken didn’t take the opportunity, they double teamed by going 1 by 1 in our keep taking a shot at us, VZ was “scared” of SFR cause we were top EU for a very long time while Piken didn’t pose a threat
- RS didn’t take any opportunity as they barely attacked Piken, they couldn’t attack them more because we were already focusing Piken big time, RS didn’t cap and held any Piken important objectives and if we (SFR) wouldn’t have focused on Piken I’m pretty sure RS would have been left the 3rd place.
Morality: SFR was the best EU server, in my opinion as long as we can beat other servers 1v1 (see Piken this match-up cause they think they’re special in this thread) we are the top server indeed. However this cannot be proven as ArenaNet categorizes servers differently, some criterias having no place whatsoever in PvP
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
1st – Vizunah Square – 294.668
2nd – Piken Square – 224.715
3rd – Seafarers Rest – 216.931
Vizunah just wanted to assure it remains top, after that happened it lost interest leaving Piken rather desperate at the end of the week.
1st – Seafarer’s Rest – 239 374
2nd – Riverside – 186 442
3rd – Piken Square -159 662
Not sure what to say here…we don’t need to double team you to win the match up (we just need servers to not double team us! meh :/ ).
We just did a 1v1 with you and you lost…really really badly (not your fault entirely, sometimes you were outnumbered, others maybe you didn’t have a commander; we also lost a few blob fights especially on borderlands).
Riverside kinda kept their stuff (in EB at least) as we were only interested in proving a point towards you.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
(edited by iSpawnAtHome.3810)
Did you ever considered that you kinda annoyed us off by allying with Vizunah?
How many times do we have to keep repeating ourselves?? Piken/Vizunah NEVER and i repeat NEVER allied against SFR during week 1. Is that so hard to UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!! Its been already said so many times by now its really getting old and very stale.
It’s a game for crying out loud, get over it!!!!!!!
I found on youtube (can’t link, forum policies) several movies where Piken and Vizunah blobs were passing by each other at a distance of several meters, yet they did not engage. I also was a witness of how you took our keep in EB in the weekend when Piken was on the wall while Vizunah was fighting inside with us, then when Vizunah started getting weakened they would rush outside and Piken would jump down.
This happened for about an hour (nice bags though).
Also saying that “this is just a game” creates a weird dilemma as you had to team up with an enemy against another enemy just to win….remember “it’s just a game, get over it”
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
They’ll finish second which is the best they could have achieved. Good on them.
Good on them … ok
Okey to get back on-topic some highlights for me this round were the following:
- RS vs SFR splitted by a bridge, RS decided to go down and take SFR from down ??? They got wiped in 30 seconds. never attack from low ground guys
- Piken farmed with several ACs and Ballistas on Eternal Battlegrounds at their spawn point late at night when the map was half green (SFR) , half red (RS)
- SFR getting farmed on home borderland by [scnd] guild, really pro [scnd]! If you were to watch them move you could easily compare them with a fish bank
- SFR defending RS on EB as RS was taking Piken keep by protecting the entrance inside the keep closest to the spawn entrance, RS failed to do so (huge surprise….really!, SFR was fighting with around 40 Piken that were trying to rush in their keep to save it) SFR was crushed by the constant influx of Piken against their defended Keep’s walls
That’s about all I can remember
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
(edited by iSpawnAtHome.3810)
I’m from SFR (not a PUG by far too). I’ve seen some people saying that you double teamed against SFR because we were strongest.
While at first I did approve of your reason, now I’m thinking it wasn’t such a good idea in the long run (season 2, season 3) as you allied with (again seen spoken of on the forum) Vizunah who were on the 3rd place for quite some time.
Did you ever considered that you kinda annoyed us off by allying with Vizunah? So hard that we’ll remember this for the next few seasons? Remember that the next season will most likely not have you and Vizunah in the same matchup when you meet us, and when that happens, unless the scoreboard demands otherwise, you might have some problems against us, like upgrading your keep and such…
I do admire your courage though, although history has many examples where allying (or not coming into conflict) with the strongest (as stated on the forums) has been quite a good decision (as there are examples to show otherwise, of course)
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
(edited by iSpawnAtHome.3810)
Avelos thank you very much for the long detailed posts
I shall look into those 3 GPUs and eventually decide.
Many thanks again!
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
I intend on overclocking my CPU that’s running between 80% and 95% in WvW. My GPU is at 100% though :/ .
Thanks for your answer Avelos. The GTX 760 seems rather expensive. Would you care to highlight the differences between GTX 650 and GTX 650 TI Boost?
Many thanks!
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
I’m currently running WvW (EB map) all day (as long as the queue permits) and in big blob fights I think I have like 10-15 FPS with all the settings down to minimum. This means that I can barely see where the enemy is and well…it’s just not pretty So I was thinking of getting a new GPU as my current GTS 450 is holding me down. My question would be which GPU would be the best deal for me with my current spec. I don’t plan on spending too much $ for it either :/
So right now I got an i5, the version that can be easily OCed, 16 GB ram DDR3 at 1.8 Mhz and the GTS 450 1 GB memoryxD
I was considering buying a GTX 650 1GB memory which is about 100$ right now but I’m unsure how big the effect will be upon the WvW experience.
Thank you for your time
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Will it be fixed till the end of the season? I would get rather frustrated if not since I completed the rest for the chest, only need this one (okey, I lied, and a couple of Ruins).
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.
Still bugged for me as well. I’ve got most of the league WvW achievements completed, I’m kinda missing this one.
If you don’t gain anything from arguing with someone stop wasting your time for free.