Showing Posts For ianifique.4962:

Portal needs a timer

in Mesmer

Posted by: ianifique.4962


Seriously, I’ve just started playing mesmer, and i took one minute to realise a major flaw in the portal utility skill. I’m no instant genius, I know a lot of people must be aware, but how can it still be there after all this time? When you place the portal entre, you have 60 seconds to place the exit, but you have no idea when the 60 seconds is gonna end! Most of the time all you need is reach destination and place the second portal, but sometimes you prefer waiting longer to have more people rdy/better timing, but there’s no icon to help us, so we can easily fail to place the second one because the timer runs out!

The thief has this skill, sword skill 2: infiltrator’s strike, which switches to shadow return and gives you 15 seconds to activate it to return to your original location, and it has a timer icon to help, which flashes when its about to run out, just like many skills, including conjured weapons.

If so many skills have effect icon to help, conjures, mantras, etc., then portal needs to have this basic fonctionnality. It may be only a detail to some people, but just like Guild Wars 1, Guild Wars 2 improves every day with every detail

Salvage - no prompt for greens

in Suggestions

Posted by: ianifique.4962


Yes plz! Truly annoying, greens arent worth a prompt

Dolly zoom removal

in Suggestions

Posted by: ianifique.4962


If you watch carefully this zoom occurs at the start of such event, gradually zooming out, to allow you to see the whole creature. When the event is over the camera just zooms back to its normal state.

An option to disable right click targeting

in Suggestions

Posted by: ianifique.4962


Plz yes fix this, im constanly activating objects when i don’t want to and attacking too! I only want to rotate the bloody camera!
One of my best examples of what happened: I dropped lava on the ground before the fractal boss (dredge fractal) was there because I wanted to rotate view and I often click not too far away from my character.

Mouse losing focus -right click to turn not working [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ianifique.4962


It would be so simple for them just to put the camera handling on right-click and nothing else, PLZ! fix this