Ich Bin Marc – Thief 80
All Your Dolyaks Are Belong To [Us] (Fort Ranik)
If you don’t play Improvisation, play it : it’s nearly mandatory against condi mesmer because the stolen skill gives you all boons (minus quickness) with ~2s resistance (so you can heal through poison or spike with confusion+weakness+blind) being the more important and aegis, stab, protection , regen and vigor all adding to your sustain … this stolen skill is really helpful and you want to have it twice. Plus the random cooldown reset can save your life.
Don’t panic shadowstep when you get condi bomb’ed, sage amulet got no condition duration and the condi will likely be gone in like 5 sec so stay cool, plasma and you will see that you have taken like no damage while you can still be “full” aggressive. If you need to heal, use your signet of agility to get full endurance if not already the case, and you get a condi clear on top of that, to get full heal.
If you are S/D you should be playing EA and then the matchup is way easier since mesmers have an hard time to attacking you because of the clones so you can do some random dodges into clones attacks to get rid of conditions. With EA i even think you can not use the #2 return
On D/P, you should take PI so no EA for you but you have shadow shot for blind and headshot for rupting. Try to “taunt” their shield 4 and stow your weapon and blind it so it’s wasted (or better hit with basilic venom so you destroy it + PI proc + burst opening). Try to interrupt the signet of illusions so they don’t get another distorsion or burst ready or the heal, 0,25s cast time so you have to predict it but if you miss it you can AA to poison the heal tick so they get less. Remember that they cure conditions on shatter so don’t be too confident about your blind.
I don’t think you are supposed to 1v1 condi mesmers but you have enough tools to take the damage and force them to use their cooldown and you have the damage to kill them fast when they got no cooldown (+1 situation) as long you are not afraid to eat some condi stack.
There’s a reason only warrior, thief, and mesmer can run berzerker stats in pvp. They’re the only classes with easy to land burst and accompanying strong cc/immunities; they’re also the only classes with remotely decent disengage, as dragonhunters are super immobile and cannot escape, and so are necromancers and eles whose ridiculous nerf to ride the lightning killed them
Last time I have checked thiefs run marauder and mesmers run sage or carrion.
A thief running zerk has 11khp and is unable to +1 against a DH or scrapper because it just dies from cleave.
A mesmer running zerk is a one trick pony.
Disengaging can be done by nearly every class. Most of the time people don’t even bother chasing you because that’s pointless when the disengager know what to do.
All is vain
DS is doable with 15 people per lane (non guild team) so it’s fairly easy and most of the time boss reset occurs because of people not paying attention and/or not suited for the task (like zerk people with no condi clear when getting rooted by husk is fairly common).
At least half of the zerg is just braindead during this event and just AA all the way long. And tbh i’m always surprised by the fact that people never cc the thornheart but instant cc the mouth even you explain that you want to slow cc.
If you miss the starting instance, just pop a tag and start a lfg you will be surprised by the number of people just waiting for a taxi.
TL;DR : people should farm more leather and promote more instead of complaining.
TLDR you don’t understand economics. Nobody is going to waste spirit shards on something as dumb as converting leather. Spirit shards are a limited input and people will try to get the highest gold per shard they can. You can convert spirit shards into something else at 1.5 to 2.5 gold per shard and then pay the TP tax, and go out and buy the leather.
Let’s say a spirit shard worth 2,5g.
If you buy the output leather it costs you about 10/11 gold so the worth of 4/5 spirit shard by TP. The recipe costs only 1 spirit shard. So it’s more efficient in spirit shard to promote.
TL;DR : l2math ?
I don’t know why so many people on this forum are shocked when gamers act in a rational economic manner.
People that only farm liquid gold to buy things instead of actually farming things only increase prices. Sure it’s a rational economic thing to do since you have the best output/time ratio but it create low supply/high demand on basic things which quickly inflate in prices because people are wealthy. But more people farm only gold and less people actually farm the mats, worse the situation is for the gold farmers and better is for the mat farmer. Leather isn’t just worth enough for people going specificly for it at its current drop rate but enough for people to whine about.
He meant that spreading the population to allow both competion between servers and reward for all wvwers is the goal of this.
My god that’s a lot of micro-management of the auto-chain…do people actually do this? Is it even worth it to keep it queued up for the half-second of reflect or whatever it is?
I have made some LB rangers push themselves into their death with that. A more concret example (only the first fight).
So yeah having that in mind may be useful.
+15% add an another second only if original duration of a single application (multiple hit does not count) is longer than 7s.
List of applications of burning that last at least 7s on one hit :
List of applications of chill that last at least 7s on one hit :
List of applications of bleed that last at least 7s on one hit :
List of applications of poison that last at least 7s on one hit :
List of applications of torment that last at least 7s on one hit :
List of applications of confusion that last at least 7s on one hit :
(Don’t want to do other conditions but you get the point)
Conclusion :
Food with +15% on chill /burn is totaly useless
Bleed / poison will benefit much of a +15% only
Suggestion :
move +40%/-40% all conditions duration to +15%/-15%
move +15%/-15% specific conditions duration to +25%/-25%
People still golem rush in 2017 ? First news, I thought the meta was to stack proxy catapult to melt walls in seconds.
Condi + Epidemic bomb works wonder, siege disabler, AC (5 AC sup should pretty much melt the golems), a proper scouting (because nobody can’t build 20+ golems without being seen and moving them is slow so you should be able to siege up the fort before they come). There is even the Invulnerable Fortifications tactics that can help you. I have seen 40+ golems rush failed pre-HoT because of proper defense.
And well pretty much, if a side wants to burn dozens of golem their commitment should be rewarded by an additionnal pressure. It’s not like they are free either gold wise, time wise (building and moving them is slow) or supply wise (and recovering that supply takes time).
I’m sure you will publish your whole methodology , the equations and the variables so everyone can check your result and the balance team will be glab to have a scientific tool to check their work make this game a better place.
Else it’s juste a baseless claim backupped by numbers that may or not be accurate but since nobody can check they account for nothing.
You can’t explain poetry, just believe or all is vain.
No. ABML was an exploit unintended by the devs. Leather farm is something the devs created to increase the supply of leather. It’s totally different and leather farm was never design to achieve the same purpose as AM meta (ML or not) reward. QQing about a new farm that doesn’t achieve the ABML level of reward is just stupidity at its finest.
The problem about updating salvage result or crafting receipt is that the pop is so high that the resulting influx is going to crash the market.
Atm, t5 → t6 (raw) is profit :
sell price of the receip : 250 * 83c + 20s14c + 5*20s16c = 3g32s29c
buy price of the receip (aka opportiny cost) : 250 * 1s + 23s30 + 5*21s33c = 3g79s95c
The receipt output according to wiki en average 18.92 t6 so about 3g81s23c (buy price) or 4g40s07c (sell price, i let you make compute the tp tax). Here is a link to gw2profit, which assummes a average output of 17, which shows that if you want leather, the receipt is still a profit but isn’t if you want to sell because tp tax which is prefectly fine. If you intend to sell leather, you misunderstood the purpose of this farm.
tbh i’m pretty impressed by the way Anet implemented this because :
The only thing that bothers me is the HoT exclusivity but cleric farm or ABML were already HoT only.
T5 and T6 are linked (not anchored because that implies one doesn’t move), a huge influx of T5 will make the promotion even better so T6 should get lower as T5 does. T5 is still faaar away from vendor trash and the demand is lower than i expected since the promotion is worth it.
People that are just farming gold to buy leather are basicly saying “I find that leather too cheap”. There is a lot of way to acquire a lot of leather in this game (wvw is a giant leather farm) if you go out of ABML and SW.
As a final note, i’m pretty amazed by everyone who just discovered that unstable hide is a good farm, we know it since bloodstone fen. Did you even cleric farm ? I think people whinning about low tiers never did because i’m drowing into low tier leather.
TL;DR : people should farm more leather and promote more instead of complaining.
Welcome to sPvP,
They sadly removed the tutorial for stomp/rez/capture mechanics but having to go through an instance, unskippable, where an npc slowly says things that should have taken 0,75s to cover with well done pop ups is something nobody wants :)
read dat popup please they cover nearly everything you “discovered”
Since you are new it’s pretty normal the first matches are hard for you (the system makes the assumption you are an average player which you are not since you got no experience before), your rating will go down quickly and you will likely find oponents more in your skill rating.
A couple of tips :
learn your role, what you have to do as a <insert profession> in a team
look at the map to perform your role the best (you don’t want to 1v1 if you are in a
support role)
try to optimize your build to your role
learn what you can do and what you can’t do, staying alive is better than dying so don’t try to hold points 1v3 or duel people that rekted you just before
try to communicate with teammates
ask questions in chat, look vids/stream
stay cool
Good luck in the Mists
People that only farm liquid gold to buy things instead of actually farming things only increase prices. Sure it’s a rational economic thing to do since you have the best output/time ratio but it create low supply/high demand on basic things which quickly inflate in prices because people are wealthy.
And? It’s still the reasonable thing to do. And inflation happening is not on players’ but on Anet, and it’s devs that would need to do something about it.
Yeah it’s still the “reasonable” thing to do but doing that only makes the situation worse for everyone. Leather will rise until reach a price where it’s better to farm it directly than farming gold and buying on TP and i see nothing wrong on that.
No. Inflation is not because Anet. It’s an inherent mecanism with a free market and MMO economy. All liquid gold farmers contribute nothing in supply, increase the demand and decrease the gold value. Yeah, totally Anet’s fault.
Leather isn’t just worth enough for people going specificly for it at its current drop rate but enough for people to whine about.
As long as the leather farms are so inefficient compared to gold ones, it will never reach that point (because if the inflation were to advance so far, TP market would require intervention long before it might actually happen).
And why the TP market would require intervention for something the players did on purpose ? I failed to see why Anet should “fix” something when players are just hurting themselves. The game isn’t made for farm, leather (like any others mat) is the kind of thing you gather more quickly on actually playing the game than farming. The new farm is a just a way for Anet to tell you : you wanted a farm here it is, stop complaining. I really beginning to think that Anet should nerf gold incomes to make people think about their behaviour.
If you want to maximize your T6, you convert.
No. If you want to maximize your t6, you farm gold and buy them. Converting is a loss.
It’s not a loss gold wise.
Welcome to “hell” henry :)
And you know the class is broken when its impossible to die on thief unless the other team has a thief! The only time a thief has to be careful is when the other team has a thief.
A decent rev can put some heavy pressure on thief, with legend/weapon swap + reveal it can rekt a thief pretty fast and he even got good mobility to do some chasing. Try to +1 when you got a rev chasing you, it’s worse for you than if it was a thief because rev can handle the 2v2 for far longer than a thief and still do high damage to both thief and its teammate.
But people don’t play rev because it’s “garbage” while it’s still fine.
Anet doesn’t consider price as a problem. The inhability to farm it was the problem for Anet.
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