Showing Posts For ikarii.3645:

Remove Armor Durability!

in Suggestions

Posted by: ikarii.3645


I haven’t spent any time in WvWvW yet, but I really want to. My favorite aspect of Warhammer online was the RvR. My opinion on this is that all PvP interactions should not come with an equipment penalty.

Death penalties (in the way of reduced health) and the payment for removal of such a penalty is fine if a gold sink is required. But having the same level of equipment damage in PvP just seems counter to fun. Especially since WvWvW encourages combat in an environment that isn’t entirely fair with current game engine limitations (pop-ins anyone?). I believe it’s okay to punish a player for making a mistake, but when that mistake isn’t one that could have been avoided (invisible opponents), it seems a little beyond harsh.

All that being said, these concerns have prevented me (so far) from participating in the one area of the game that I was confident was going to be my “end-game” for years to come. I’m already “poor” and it would appear that participating with anything less than a level 80 in a full set of exotics would be a recipe for bankruptcy.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ikarii.3645


This is a great idea. Without something like this I am left with key-board turning. This levels the playing field for those who are unable to right-click turn and multi-task during combat. Lower dexterity requirements and allowing a deeper focus on skill tactics. Just my 2-cents, but I would love to see something like this implemented native in the game engine.