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Decrease Waypoint Travel Cost

in Suggestions

Posted by: iooioio.4126


I would like to see waypoint costs removed entirely.

I understand that the game has an economy and that coin sinks are needed to prevent hyperinflation, but I feel that charging players for travel is just a “quick fix”. We should have coin sinks that encourage us to use them (like prestige armour in GW1), rather than punish us with tedious running for not using them.

I believe I read somewhere that one of ArenaNet’s principles when designing this game was to get rid of time spent “preparing to have fun”. The waypoint system does that by cutting down on travel time, but it seems disingenuous to give players such a helpful system and then discourage them from using it.

I don’t find the cost prohibitive – it doesn’t really affect my decision to use the waypoints. All it does is make me feel bad every time I use them and I can’t imagine that was the game designers’ intent.