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black lion key drop rate

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ivan.3571


If u ask me this is what Anet is thinking

Anet Coder1 : hmmm so we made a black lion chest that give random premium stuff
Anet Coder2 : better make keys for it
Anet Coder3: ok lets put it in the gem store
Anet Coder4: how about we let it drop or be crafted in game:
Anet Coder6: nah lets just make it via drop percentage at .000005%

Personaly, I don't think Dailies are a good idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ivan.3571


Dailies are horrible. In every game. The fastest way to make a game go from fun to a job…is adding dailies. And if you add a daily that rewards a currency type that is attainable in no other way…it’s just plain kitten poor design.

Anything that forces players to feel like the MUST log in DAILY or fall behind on their quest for whatever they want is terrible. When I get home from a long day at work, finish dinner, put the kid to bed, and feel like kicking back and watching a little TV or reading a book before bed…but suddenly remember “Oh Crap, I have to log in and get my daily for that stupid Laurel”…I get overcome with a desire to punch someone. Well, ok, not overcome :-)…but seriously, who thinks this is a reasonable way to treat the player base?

I’m sorry…that came out more rant-like than I intended…but the whole idea of dailies just makes me angry.

Give 30 laurels or 40 laurels or whatever you want for the monthly and just give gold and exp and karma for the stupid dailies already. Or 7 for weeklies that can be finished in a single play session.

Dailies. Are. Poor. Design.

/rant off

ascended items can be looted in fractals lvl 10 and above O__O

Note as long as they didnt put something like this

" Finish your daily or get permanent ban"

then i don’t think there’s a problem with it

(edited by Moderator)

why do you people bother with mega bosses?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ivan.3571


They are seriously a waste of time… you get one rare which you’re lucky to get 20 silver for and a bunch of other useless things that if sold will maybe total up to 25 silver…and you guys seriously spend hours waiting for these bosses to spawn…

Why do you do that?It’s so inefficient…

Doing ONE CoF run takes 6 minutes (8 if you’re on a bad pug team) and even conservatively gives you 80 silver per run…in six minutes you can make 3+ times more gold (and get tokens too) than you do waiting for hours for mega bosses…

You might say though… “but I don’t wait for hours, I just go when my guild tells me that the bosses are up”… ok, but even at that rate the best estimate to kill a mega boss would be 2 minutes per boss… add in the time to run there from waypoint, pick up your loot in the end, it probably takes 3 minutes minimum per boss, which at 25 silver per boss still only makes you 50 silver in those 6 minutes that it takes to run CoF… it probably takes a minimum of 3 silver to travel to each mega boss, so your total is a whopping 44 silver vs 80 in CoF… and on top of it all you can now only do the event once a day…while you can farm CoF till your hands fall off…

In fact… in 20 minutes of running CoF (3 runs conservatively) you can make more gold than if you did all of those mega bosses combined for the whole day…

Stop getting upset over these events, they are useless in the first place… no point getting your blood pressure up worrying about these nerfs to mega bosses… do what’s efficient… if you’ve never run CoF, it’s seriously the easiest thing ever to do… compete joke of a dungeon… you have no excuse to not try it… do 3 runs a day, get all your gold, then go enjoy the parts of the game that are actually fun instead of waiting in the swamp for hours…

idk but having final rest as a reward aint that bad… 20g instantly

Question about the game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


where can i find the guildwars2 files???

im about to change my rig so i need to transfer guildwars2 on it… but i cant find all of it…

i installed it in drive D but the thing is its only 15.5gb

and if im correct thats when i 1st installed it and w/ d 10gb+ patch it should be around 20gb+ but i can find them O___O where did d patches go? coz it took me 14 hrs just to patch the game xD

Lag after 03/20 maintenance

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571



whats wrong with the server???

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


10 am server time = 1 am for me

and im getting tons of dc/crashing/lag issue

LOL whats happening today??

Constant disconnecting.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


same… crashing etc… errors…

any possible manual patch to be downloaded??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


ok my gw2 is crashing a lot… as in a lot… O__O

it took me 14 hrs to patch the game xD so is there any manual patch???

P/P should be like Gunslinger.

in Thief

Posted by: ivan.3571



Attack 1/“Normal Attack” – should use both pistol xD
Attack 2 – im cool with the vulnerability
Attack 3 – also ok
Attack 4 – Daze xD How about change it to like old gunslinger skill in other game “Desperado” u know shoot 360 ° ?
Attack 5 – yeah need more rework on this…

cmon Anet… make it happen :P

Possibility ofa character name change?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


oh well ill just wait and ___

im going to remove overwolf xD

Still wondering why ......

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


idk… but its same as fraps its just that its on my old game C9

Still wondering why ......

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


btw my only modification was my “overwolf”
its for capturing screen/videos i use it during league of legends though xD

Still wondering why ......

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


I’m playing the game for about 3 months now…. I started last January but the funny thing is i already got ban twice xD

the 1st time my account got terminated and restored was on feb 27, 2013
and the reason was

Response GM Loxy via Email 02/27/2013 12:40 PM

After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account has been released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars 2 once again. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please let us know if we can assist you with anything else.

so its cool…

now this is there reply and still waiting for the final decision if my account will be free forever or terminated for good o.o

Response Peter via Email 03/19/2013 04:43 PM
Hello Howard,

We have reevaluated the situation and determined to reinstate your account at this time. Thank you for your patience while we investigated the situation.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.


Guild Wars 2 Support Team

yes i could play now but… if i my account got terminated permanently that gonna sux specially when im having too much fun already ___ but 1 thing for sure i wont return to the game if i got ban permanently since it could happen again


Possibility ofa character name change?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ivan.3571


is there any way to change your characters name???

character name

Schadenfraude — wrong spelling but i dont know if they found it offending… lvl 80
Schadenfreude;-— lvl 36

Elementalist Switching Weapons

in Elementalist

Posted by: ivan.3571


still wont be enough for different needs!~

Elementalist Switching Weapons

in Elementalist

Posted by: ivan.3571


O__O ive been playing the game for the past 2 months still… I’m wondering why wont they allow elementalist switch weapons xD?

coz we got 4 elements?

we can conjure ice bow,earth shield, lightning hammer, fiery great sword, fire axe?