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Quest: Rhrell Crankmane

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


Another possibly broken quest in the same general area is “Disguise Yourself As Separatist and Assault Flame Legion”.

8 our to of 8 Supplies have been destroyed but the Evidence Planted seems stuck at 3 out of 5 and will not advance. In fact, I can’t find a way to plant evidence, and else going into the quest seem to be having problems finishing this one also. We all just sort of kill the Flame Legions who pop up in the hideout and then run around trying to figure out what and how to do the rest of the quest only to leave it behind.

I hope I’m wrong about both of these quests but I can’t find a way for either of them to finish up for me at all.

Quest: Rhrell Crankmane

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


We’re suppose to be protecting Rhrell Crankmane in Charr country from ghosts while he fixes his Ghost Controll Machines, but so far for over 20 minutes he just hammers away at this one machine in the Ruins of Oldgate.

I think this quest is broken as a small group of players have already come and gone because he just doesn’t want to move on when you talk to him and I certainly don’t want to stand around for this long to finikitten.

Could someone check in on this please?

Rich (ore name) Vein??

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


Thanks for all the help and info… didn’t know this. Thought it was a bug, glad it was my own ignorance (blush) and not the game

Rich (ore name) Vein??

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


So I can stand there and mine it multiple times one after another consecutively then without having to leave and come back to it? If that’s the case I was not aware of this… thanks so much for the enlightenment, Jink

Rich (ore name) Vein??

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


I’ve come across so many of these while playing and I have yet to find these particular veins worthy of being titled “RICH”.

All I ever get is 3 of whatever the ore is when I find one. In fact, I can find more ore and gems within the ‘normal’ veins than I could hope to find in a ‘rich’ vein.
It would be logical that a ‘rich’ vein should actually produce consistently more ore and possibly a gem or 2 every time you come across one, but this is never the case for me.

So… I’m assuming this must be a game bug… right? Which means that this should be fixed, hopefully

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jacina.7416


Security Coordinator
“In short, we are fully committed to keeping this community free of bots and illicit gold sellers, and we very much appreciate your assistance in identifying and eliminating them.
Thank you for your understanding and patience as we continue to improve our ability to deal with this issue.”


Seraphs Landing Soldiers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


I’ve been in Seraphs Landing in Harathi Hinterlands for a few hours now and noticed that there are 2 Seraph soldiers stuck just inside behind the south gate. They keep running and jumping over each other trying to get free of the place where they are both stuck.

I have not been able to find any place in-game where you can contact DMs or report such things and was unsure as to where and who to report this to.
If someone knows where I should send such glitches that I find might please let me know.

Character Stuck In Rocks

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jacina.7416


I have played many MMOs where they give you the option to click an Unstuck command and it would move you a small distance out where you were just enough to let you be mobile again.
I also agree with Mathisk that using the way-points is ‘ok’ as a last resort but the least desirable solution, and it cost you dearly to do so since we do not really get to make all that much gold in this game.

Character Stuck In Rocks

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jacina.7416


Never mind… finally got her unstuck… but I think we still need some sort of Unstuck button or command.

Character Stuck In Rocks

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jacina.7416


I was trying to jump to a Vista Lookout in Skrittsburgh Tunnels but somehow got stuck between a rock wall and some metal grating. I can’t find any command to help move my character and she can’t jump at all where she is either. I even tried logging out and back in but my char is still in the same place and still can’t move or jump.
Anyone have help? Aren’t there some DM’s around to ask for help, because I can’t find even that

Zone exploration rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: jacina.7416


Thanks Ethics, but that is exactly what I have been doing, selling it all at the TP.
It would really be nice and exciting to be able to see what sort of reward you were granted for your characters hard work at least half the time, though.
This way I don’t feel very enthused about finishing up something even if I’m still hoping after a long and fairly difficult quest. It’s just a kill-joy this way as it is.
It’s sort of like someone handing you a present with your name on it but upon opening it the gift inside was chosen for someone else and NOT you.

Zone exploration rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: jacina.7416


I was going to make a thread of a similar frustration, but I’m not anywhere near lvl 80.
My frustration with the rewards handed out when finishing a quest and/or puzzle is that I never get any armor pieces or weapons I can actually use… never. What I do get is maybe a trinket and a piece of armor or a weapon that I end up having to sell because it’s not for my Ranger character. I hope this will be looked into and fixed soon to make the rewards match the profession of the character who has accomplished the task. After all, some of these quests and puzzles are quite fun but in the end they are a terrible let down when you receive your reward for all your time and hard work :/

Check the bot reports once in a while

in Suggestions

Posted by: jacina.7416


Just got back from the game to ask if anyone has seen this before?
There’s a group of 4 player/rangers with juvenile brown bears running a circuit around this area from the broken bridge in Kessex Hill and around the Wallwatcher’s Camp. So far I’ve seen them run around 15 times before coming to ask about this. It appears to be botting as they don’t change their course at all, just running this big circle around these areas shooting anything in their way and repeating it over again.

Check the bot reports once in a while

in Suggestions

Posted by: jacina.7416


In the last 2 1/2 days I’ve seen the same Doom You standing near the bridge in Kessex Hills just shooting at nothing until the centaur start their round of attacks.
I also noticed that all the drops during these particular area events suddenly disappear before I can pick up anything. Is this something new with botting too? I have not experienced this happening anywhere else in the game… yet.

I’ve sent an in-game report on this guy yesterday by right-clicking on him but I guess it was not followed up as I saw him again today standing in the exact same place and still shooting away at nothing. I was going to send another report on him but in the text box where you send your complaint I read a warning to those who report other players that it would not be followed up unless there was in-game chat about that particular person who is botting. I don’t think anyone wants to bother chatting about someone botting while they are fighting, they just want them dealt with and gone so we can play without this distraction that takes away from enjoying the game.
I’d really would like to know how and where to report these bots so they will be taken seriously and dealt with. Until then I’m not going to bother playing in these areas where I find them any more, they are a real distraction.

Can't Turn Off Creature Names

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


Thanks Mira, I did check this out before coming into the forum and I do not have this checked. I did notice that when I was in the game I got queued to be moved to an overflow? for the game and after accepting the transfer that’s when the names all showed up. After logging out and going back into the game the names were all gone, but as soon as I was queued again I declined the move. So far so good. Might this be a glitch with the queuing?

Can't Turn Off Creature Names

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


I’ve never had this problem before until today when I logged into the game, but every single creature; bug, frog, fish and monster’s name tags are displayed over their heads in the game. It’s a cluttered mess to go through the swamp and see frog, frog, frog, frog everywhere I go, let along all the monster names showing up as well.
How can I turn this off, I can’t find any option to do this and it’s ruining my game play.