Showing Posts For jacob.5609:

Unable to login after DC in story

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacob.5609


I got dc’d last night as the patch went live. I couldn’t get back in then and 12 hours later I still can’t get on!

[BUG] Meeting the Asura [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacob.5609


I bought these story chapters recently for the first time and I’m really frustrated that I’m a) unable to complete the chapters
and b) therefore unable to complete the achievements to work towards the luminescent gear.
This is real money that I’ve spent on this aspect of the game and it’s just not good enough.

Does swiftness influence fall speed?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: jacob.5609


A guildie and I were pondering the other day whether or not swiftness would mean that you fall faster in game.

We considered setting up experiments to try and measure this, but there are some hinderances to getting an accurate measurement. So, I thought I’d ask the wider community if anybody knows the answer.

So, before I start setting up experiments like a crazed asuran- does anybody know if swiftness affects how fast you fall?

New to Dungeons and want to learn?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jacob.5609


If anyone from the UK/English speaking european guilds is running anything like this please let me know!
The guys in Knights of Ares are awesome but sadly timezones aren’t on my side either :/

The New Dailies -- Feedback welcome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jacob.5609


I’ve just come back to GW2 after a few months off and initially I was excited by the new dailies. But I came to realise very, very quickly that this is not a change for the better.

I like the idea that it’s different every day and it gives the incentive to go and explore different areas than your current grind, but it just doesn’t work. You end up with dozens and dozens and dozens of players charging around a small area hunting down events that just aren’t aimed at that amount of players. There’s a certain amount of community support as players link the WPs in /m but more often than not the target of an event is dead before you can get from the WP to the event area. I was lucky enough to be right by the Sharman in Snowden when he spawned and he was downed in 4.6 seconds. There wasn’t even time for someone to link the WP. Meanwhile two of the other events had been bugged out for an hour or so which made it all the more frustrating.

I think this style of dailies has potential, I really do but I don’t think how it is at the moment is really defensible. It just doesn’t work. It’s massively frustrating.

Perhaps if across the server people had different areas to grind events in? Or there was a wider variety of things to achieve that day?

It could be good if it was balanced out and thought through better, but until then it’s nearly unplayable.

Loading stuck- Rata sum

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacob.5609


Do you need an asuran friend to take you through?

Unplayable Lag

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jacob.5609


Just adding my voice to the throng; it’s happening to me too on a newly built custom gaming PC and although I have reported it in-game I thought it was worth sharing in a community setting too.

7:11:3:191:101 Fix?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jacob.5609


I’m a new player and I’m feeling like I’m an extra straw on a broken backed camel!
I’ve just built a custom gaming PC and this is the first game I’ve played on it only to find that I’m lagging so much that I’m spending most of my time looking at frozen combat and hoping that when everything catches up I won’t be dead!

I’m both relieved and gutted that I’m not the only one dealing with this. It means it’s not at my end (yay! no more fiddling about with ports and complaining about my internet!) but it also means there’s no easy fix :/