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Combined Engineer Suggestions/Fixes

in Engineer

Posted by: jalioo.1639


This is a good list, but I just want to add one thing about the Utility Goggle. I hope the suggestion does not changed the direction of this thread. I’m lazy to create a new thread for the discussion on Utility Goggle.

First, I do not understand why it has the 10 sec immunity to blindness. Blindness is probably only applied by human players.

Going with the Anet balancing philosophy, I assume all conditions/CCs have counter to it. Fear counter stability (correct?), stability counter knockback/pull/knockdown, stunbreak counter stun.

So the question is, why is there no counter against stealth? One can say stealth is not a damage CC, so it does not need counter. But that gives a certain class full of stealth mechanics a upper hand in the fight.

Now it gets to my point of Utility Goggle. I “think” maybe Anet wanted to use Utility Goggle as counter to stealth during design phase. Imagine Utility Google as Infrared Goggle, when stealth is activated, pop UG, you can scan and detect the stealth players. This is logical. We are engineer, we should be able to counter something as simple as stealth. If not, what is the use of our gadgets? But midway Anet scrap the idea and just randomly put blind immunity to the Goggle.

Well then, you would say it limits engineer to always use UG to counter stealth. Well, not every class has Fear. We do not have fear so we cannot counter stability. Engineer is heavy CC, when Guardian pop stability, all your CCs are useless. You can also argue it makes the stealth class useless. Well Utility Goggle is not 100% uptime. Once UG is off, stealth can be reapplied by stealth class and laugh away.

To even tone down UG, make it that only engineer with UG can see the stealth player (allies can’t see it). This would make it 1 v 1 fight, instead of stealth player laughing happily in stealth mode while all other classes trying to guess where he/she is. If allies are smart, they when they see the engineer fighting an invisible air, they can AOE that area to kill the stealth player.

*typo correction

Boons keep you alive?

in Engineer

Posted by: jalioo.1639


exactly, i seriously think Oxstar is trolling. Please go back to your own forum, you spreading misinformation. I have stated in another thread before, RUNE OF ALTRUISM (RoA) is bugged. The proc is 15 seconds every heal skill. Anyone who keeps mentioning giving might & fury to allies every 10 secs (based on tool tips) is obviously a non Rune of Altruism user. They are just theory crafter coming into Engineer forum to troll. If you are RoA user, you would have noticed the effects do no proc every 10 seconds. This is because if you build around using RoA, you definitely would have paid very GOOD attention to its effect. If you said you are truly a user of RoA and not noticed the the proc is every 15 secs, then you are obviously a very WEAK engineer for not noticing this bug.

TLDR: Rune of Altruism proc is every 15 secs and not 10 secs. You cannot get perma fury on engineer with just med kit “5” and RoA (unless you have high boon duration).

Rune of Alturism is awesome

in Engineer

Posted by: jalioo.1639


I just want to chime in to this thread for a couple self-find “facts” after testing it for a while. I went on rune hunting after the nerf to grenade 1 skill.

Before i start, I think some of the posters above either are theory crafting or have never paid attention to the might and fury duration from this rune. Unless I am playing a different game, this rune give 10 sec 3x might and 5sec fury on a 15 sec cooldown (tooltip says 10 sec cooldown but anyone who has used this rune will notice the tooltip is incorrect).

Naturally I went for might stacking route because of sigil is working with kit now. I could easily stack 15 stacks of might with just 40% might duration + 20% boon duration from traits and use sigil of battle and explosive line trait (3x might on heal skill). But I find the damage is still subpar without high crit chance, and the main gripe is the clunkiness of the weapon swapping during a fight. I am a casual player, and I find constantly having to remember to swap from my grenade kit to weapon to activate the sigil and the back to medkit for the 3x might trait on heal is tiring and wasting my dps.

So I next look for an easier rune to use and found out about this rune of altruism. I thought it was made for engineer, but alas it looks the rune has some bugs after testing it in PVE.

1) Yes this rune is awesome. I think it beats rune of centaur (group swiftness) for engineer due to free 2 dps boon to the group (3x might and fury)

2) I think this rune is bugged because the cooldown is more than 10 sec. I think it is closer to 15 secs.

3) With this rune & 20% boon duration from traits & 15% boon duration from rune, you will get 7 secs fury from this boon, and 13.5sec fury from medkit 5. This is perma fury if you time it correctly. This mechanic is a bit clunky to use during fight because you have to drop medkit 5 and walk up front to consume, which means you will lose 1-2 sec of dps.

4) The price of this rune will probably rise after the event because it needs flawless snowflake. However, compared to other runes, this rune looks like it is build for engineer. Other classes are better off with many other runes for their armor. Since engineer is the least played class, we might not see any upswing in the price of this runes. If you want to be safe, stock up 7 pieces.