Showing Posts For jason barnes.4239:
Tier 8 is not actually what this proposal is about solving, it’s more an example of a knock on effect.
So the problem with WvW is numbers disparity because people are spread unevenly across servers.
What’s stupid about this is if it was faction based you could aggregate servers into instances and attempt to fill servers for each faction and maybe counter the disparity. Could solve the tier8 problems in one fell swoop as well and make it easier to balance factions
So I wonder if an easy fix would be to change it to factions, red, blue, green.?
Would not need to change existing maps, but what you would do is possibly have extra copies of them (overflows) depending on queues (needs to be thought out how this would work).
For initial faction assignment you could base it on your servers current color and maybe to make it even you could start at T1 and assign those colours, then T2 current green is assigned red, T2 current blue is assigned blue, T2 current red is assigned green (like a draft, you don’t want all greens to become green otherwise you have all the best servers in the tiers become a new super green!). The advantage of this initial assignment is server members get to stay togethor.
Ok so the biggest holes in the plan revolve around the overflow, how to handle that. Because once you open an extra server you don’t want to shut it down and lose any upgrades but on the flipside you don’t want queues and additionally you don’t want extra servers during off hours to entice pvdooring.
Maybe an option is there are primary servers and if the extra servers are not needed anymore you shift everyone on the overflows to primary, lock the extra servers , freeze their current ppt contribution in place. When they reopen you reopen them as they were and their ppt contribution continues (similar to how things resume after a restart).
Anyway this is back of a paper napkin type thinking, but maybe some spark of an idea on how to fix WvW?
I have seen a cliff killing 25 people+
I don’t have the screenshot to proof it, but I am sure I can find somebody who took one.
The cliff is not op, the ground is what kills you.
I don’t know how arenanet got this so wrong.
Take for example Planetside 2: You have a platoon which is made up of 4 squads. Each squad is 12 members and has their own colour coding. You have a platoon commander who can administer the members of each squad, and then you have squad commanders who manage their own squad. On the map you can always see all members of your platoon and identify them by their number and colour code. Squad leaders can set squad waypoints which all members of the squad can see, platoon leaders can set platoon waypoints which all squads can see.
Now to join a squad you are either invited in the case of private squads or squad leaders can actually advertise in a central public menu for members to join. My view is this would be simple for GW2 to implement and would be a massive improvement (instead of 12 man squads, make it 5 due to the small size of the gw2 maps and maybe call platoon, warband or raid). Might even help reduce zerging because instead of a massive commander beacon drawing all members to the one spot, you’d have to either join a warband OR find a roaming warband and try and keep up.
Make it so you only ever see your platoons commander icon (or get rid of it altogethor). I would remove map and teamchat, only allow communication within your warband. You want scouts? send out your own scouts instead of being able to rely on any random person on the map. It would be bypassable via outside comms, guildchat etc but it would be at least a slight improvement. Would maybe make tactical ninjas slightly easier.
Anyway none of this will ever happen, WvW is the lowest priority right now.
We are all outmanned at different times on the weekend but this is more limited on a weekend as people can stay up longer, no work etc I personally never saw JQ outmanned but I don’t play on EB and nor do I likely play same timezone to you. But on a weekend we are all in the same boat. The weekend was the best WvW I have been involved with to date with great even fights against both servers at all times I was on and the scores reflected that.
“even fights” isn’t how i would describe what you are talking about with weekend fights. The numbers being equal is only part of the equation.
This is oversimplifying.
Numbers do matter in WvW but what also matters is strategy, leadership, and field presence.
A server that is sitting just barely above the queue level might have a lot easier time getting all of their coordinated people on the right maps where they are needed and working together.
A server that has an hour long queue may not have such a luxury.
I’m not claiming this is the case, but this is just one reason why such a simplistic view of “fairness in WvW” isn’t so cut and dry.
Fair point, though all the servers seemed to have queue problems on the weekend so hard to predict the effect. Reality is the wvw system has not been designed to be “fair” so we just need to accept that.
This week has seen some epic fighting and we have enjoyed a very good natured thread.
IMHO, Yes I agree coverage matters, BUT it is best to just leave it alone as a topic and get on with the game. IMHO, talking about it just awakens the forum warriors.
Time and the ratings reshuffle will sort out coverage issues.
Look I agree, as long as we also don’t pretend the complete turnaround in numbers is “surprising” or unrelated to coverage.
No way were the fights even. I was in EB multiple times when JQ was outmanned. We even took their keep from them, and were spawn camping them for a little bit. Now its like they have a zerg of 40 people everywhere at once!!!
We are all outmanned at different times on the weekend but this is more limited on a weekend as people can stay up longer, no work etc I personally never saw JQ outmanned but I don’t play on EB and nor do I likely play same timezone to you. But on a weekend we are all in the same boat. The weekend was the best WvW I have been involved with to date with great even fights against both servers at all times I was on and the scores reflected that.
To imagine an entire server is different to any other server with regards to weekend commitments is ridiculous.
I think it’s a very even balance between the servers it’s a shame coverage has such an impact on the overall score but all you can do is focus on your own timeslot and try and do the best you can.
Man is JQ not allowed to play during the weekends or something? The difference is astounding.
the weekends is where everyone has coverage and so the fights are nice and even because it’s not a numbers game. The SEA/Euro time during the week is pvdoor, time. Get in make everything T3 and then when it’s back to even numbers you have the advantage of fully upgraded keeps.
LOL seems plank buster (pve aoe knockback item) does not have an aoe cap. Knocked 30 people off a cliff near woodhaven
JQ appeal was JQ were #2 simple as that. The guilds wanted T1 but didn’t want to join the already #1 server but at the same time they didn’t want to work too hard from #3 …. however jq were already close. NA was even, sos oceanic was dominant, jq sea/uk was stronger.
So it’s not surprising the influx has tipped the balance.
Anyway it’s too early to be running up white flags, with such a dramatic change there is an element of shock and awe and a period of adjustment and settling is to be expected.
SoS undermanned, who starts these things…… If SoS is undermanned its because everyone gave up.
This week also shows you its the Auzzies that carry the server because they had Australia Day on reset so most were out having fun and didnt give the server the start they had been accustomed to.
The fact half of qld has been without internet wouldn’t have helped either.
I wouldn’t start panicking about our oceanic poor showing yesterday yet. It was australia day so most folks were at bbq’s etc celebrating hence the outmanned buff on several occasions.
BTW, “To The British and Europeans” – Britain is in Europe, if you can’t get long standing real world geography right, how can you be trusted with the geography on a fantasy map which has existed for a far shorter period of time…..
First ask a brit if they are european and they will tell you no, so it’s relevant to call out to them as british.
Second it’s up for debate whether britain is part of europe. Technically a continent (which is what europe is) is a continuous expanse of land. Britain is not part of that continuous expanse of land so could therefore not be part of the continent of europe.
However geographically it is right there with europe and is part of the european union. It does not however use the EU currency.
TLDR: It is not unreasonable to appeal directly to brits as brits and not as europeans.
Try the healway spec with clerics gear. You’ll simply outheal anything they do and with every shout turning a condition into a boon + purity, you’ll be dropping those conditions constantly. Additionally those shouts give you lots of regen, protection and stability.
Mind you thiefs will generally have too many escape options for you to be able to kill them so it will stalemate.