Showing Posts For jedles.2908:
At Gendarran Fields near [Vigil HQ] POI and [Vigil Keep Waypoint] there is a point where the camera is not working correctly.
I bought 2 piece at gameshop at Oct 22.
The box are nice and shiny. In the box there is a serial key and a CD (only a setup application it what you can dowload from the offical site)
I was happy anyway.
Next day, Oct 23. In the morning Servers are slow, downloading speed 0-10kb/s… oh god…
BUT i could play at the evening finaly.
Everything new. Didnt know what to do where to go ect.
But now, after unlocking some misteryes…the game is too amazing! I can not exit xD keeps me playing, and when i teleport out to a non hot map, i forgot that i cant fly and i just jump off and ooops, die :’)
SO, TOTALY WORTH IT!!! (Also you can require a refound if you not p)leased
For xmas 1000 gem is enought for me (shy)
Some special event where you must use your mistery skills to get some special xmas stuff what you can farm and sell for a lot :P (but not impossible)
It can not be so hard… i saw a lots of people over 100 and there arepeople who unlocked over 120 mistery points already. (I DO NOT KNOW HOW bit there are!)
Gliding is fun! It would be nice!