Showing Posts For jinroh.9217:

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: jinroh.9217


Hey Chris,

are there any plans to improve the binding to an order?
like in GW1 points for Luxons/ Kurzick for more titles/ more styles / more locations etc.?
- right now its just to get all archivements…
- after you got 3 chars, each order done, no meaning afterall

are there any plans to improve the “heroic-feeling”?
like in GW1, where the player was a main charachter – unlike in GW2, where Trahearne gots all the benefits.
even if a npc talks to me as " Commander " it doesnt feel right, just cause i cant choose the title ingame by myself.
- right now alot of players dont care about the story
- once done, its done. second char wont do it again.

are there any plans to improve the home-instance?
something like housing – guess space for a own house would be there.
- right now there is no need to go there besides the quests/ storyline.

are you looking into other games, like STO, SWToR or TSW e.g. just to see what they do right and wrong?
- right now it seems to me, that you dont.

greetings and sorry for my bad english.
- Jin Roh

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: jinroh.9217


1. GW2 – Manifesto
2. RNG
3. Guild-Management

Best and Worst of GW2 Releases - Year 1

in Living World

Posted by: jinroh.9217


- The Mad King
- Tequatl
- Queens Jubilee, Clockwork Chaos.

- Scarlet ac Character
- Ascended Gear

Killing Tequatl. Let's organize! (European)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: jinroh.9217


dont now if this is full nor not ^^
dont wait for invite here, wsp officiers ingame.

Killing Tequatl. Let's organize! (European)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: jinroh.9217


the guilds are recruting.
but not via forum.
watch out if you see them online ingame^^

Most efficient way to defend turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: jinroh.9217


- just not more than 10 deffenders = no champs
- turrents cleanse themself = easier for def grp
- all repair if needed ( no need for repairman)
- zerg use jumppads to go back, not run thru turrents

Tequatl Killer Squad [TKS]

in Looking for...

Posted by: jinroh.9217


TKS/TSS is full
to join our Sister Guild THS wsp ingame:

- KehxD
- Aldorion,
- Rashka Fireborn

Most efficient way to defend turrets

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: jinroh.9217


7-8 guardians on each side, but not each turrent

Guild Teq Kills (Teq Slayer Guilds)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: jinroh.9217


[TKS][THS][TSS] just killed him twice on overflow today

Looking for EU Tequatl slayer guild

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: jinroh.9217


AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217


why dont you use your own channels to communicate with your own gamers?
do i need an account at facebook, twitter, reddit etc. to stay up to date?
make that optional, but not mandatory.
why do you close/ merge / delete all threads with constructive feedback?
the op cant do anything bout flame, offtopic, etc.
dont infract him, infract the ones who fale or go offtopic, but dont close or delet threads.
do more communicate with your costumers.
" thanks for your question" is like politics.
dont use the “Moderator”-account anymore.
tell us who posted and why.
If you just would answer these questions,
alot of ppl would know if they will stay or leave.

he has answered 6 of them..and they have used reddit since beta to communciate with fans and others who might be interested

Reddit is viewed by far more people than the ingame forums. Using reddit allows for higher reach.

why schould reddit get more ppl than this board?
reddit is viewed by far more people, right.
but do they all play or care bout GW2?

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217


why dont you use your own channels to communicate with your own gamers?
do i need an account at facebook, twitter, reddit etc. to stay up to date?
make that optional, but not mandatory.
why do you close/ merge / delete all threads with constructive feedback?
the op cant do anything bout flame, offtopic, etc.
dont infract him, infract the ones who fale or go offtopic, but dont close or delet threads.
do more communicate with your costumers.
" thanks for your question" is like politics.
dont use the “Moderator”-account anymore.
tell us who posted and why.
If you just would answer these questions,
alot of ppl would know if they will stay or leave.

he has answered 6 of them..and they have used reddit since beta to communciate with fans and others who might be interested

He answered 6 af all these questions?
I do count more than 60+ quesions.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217


why dont you use your own channels to communicate with your own gamers?
do i need an account at facebook, twitter, reddit etc. to stay up to date?
make that optional, but not mandatory.
why do you close/ merge / delete all threads with constructive feedback?
the op cant do anything bout flame, offtopic, etc.
dont infract him, infract the ones who fale or go offtopic, but dont close or delet threads.
do more communicate with your costumers.
" thanks for your question" is like politics.
dont use the “Moderator”-account anymore.
tell us who posted and why.
If you just would answer these questions,
alot of ppl would know if they will stay or leave.

Why are not all news here?

in Suggestions

Posted by: jinroh.9217


Hello Arena-Net,

why dont you use your own channels to communicate with your own gamers?
do i need an account at facebook, twitter, reddit etc. to stay up to date?
make that optional, but not mandatory.

why do you close/ merge / delete all threads with constructive feedback?
the op cant do anything bout flame, offtopic, etc.
dont infract him, infract the ones who fale or go offtopic, but dont close or delet threads.

do more communicate with your costumers.
" thanks for your question" is like politics.

dont use the “Moderator”-account anymore.
tell us who posted and why.


If you just would answer these questions,
alot of ppl would know if they will stay or leave.


AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217


he should just answer all these questions.
all would be happy odr not.
but all would know whats going on.

AMA on Reddit [merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217


Mike O’Brien:

Here’s what we believe: If someone wants to play for a thousand hours to get an item that is so rare that other players can’t realistically acquire it, that rare item should be differentiated by its visual appearance and rarity alone, not by being more powerful than everything else in the game. Otherwise, your MMO becomes all about grinding to get the best gear. We don’t make grindy games – we leave the grind to other MMOs.

Colin Johanson:

The rarest items in the game are not more powerful than other items, so you don’t need them to be the best. The rarest items have unique looks to help your character feel that sense of accomplishment, but it’s not required to play the game. We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional, so those who find it fun to chase this prestigious gear can do so, but those who don’t are just as powerful and get to have fun too.

Mike O’Brien:

I would also like add that we have never said there would be no vertical progression. We do intent to focus on horizontal but we will have vertical progression moving forward with the focus on zero grind and a very low power curve.

.. ja, just LOW,
but threadmill we never ever would install to the game…

Merge the EU/US Servers

in WvW

Posted by: jinroh.9217


There is a reason why there are tagged servers. You know that these FR/ DE/ ES are 25% of all players.
Most of them go on these servers to speak their native language in PvE. So its easier to find groups, make dungeons or have just fun.
If Anet would remove the tags from these servers alot players would quite the game.
Not all people like to speak english in their freetime nor can they speak English that good to communicate in a MMO.

If Anet doesn’t do anything right now, WvWvW ( or GW2 too) will be dead to alot of european players.

Merge the EU/US Servers

in WvW

Posted by: jinroh.9217


Is this really a concern about ping issues?
Please dont delete my post again, just i think your answer is a joke in my opinion.

You should simply unite the EU / NA ladder = 24/7 battles for all.
Servertransfers to 2000 Gems and put a barrier of “Match time * 2”.

For all PvEler free Guesting,
so you can play server independent like districts in GW1.

Or, if its really a concern about ping issues,
dont make it possible that players from NA can play on EU servers ( vise versa).

monthy reward: why am i forced to wvwvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217



got all my kills on September in about a some days
same this month. but now again?

so thats not my prob.
i got a guild with more than just one ppl ( 300+)
but i see no reason why iam forced to to wvwvw.

all hardcore wvwvwv-guild will be pissed,
if players like me just farm the archivment.

but as i got to kill all these 150 foes,
i gota kill them and get my loot bag.

monthy reward: why am i forced to wvwvw?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jinroh.9217



now its the second time, i am forced to play wvwvw.
why? now i need to kill 150 enemys again as a pve- player.

no wonder all the wvwvw-players are going mad.
players just come for the monthy reward. great game!

Next time got to finisch al JPs or all Dungeons.
Or win 300 sPvP matches..


26/10 Seafarer's Rest - Riverside [DE] - Kodash [DE]

in WvW

Posted by: jinroh.9217


do i get extra points for flame?

right now SR is in the lead with 48k vs RS at 29k vs K at 23k.
RS + 440 K +230 SR + 25.

Colours in BLUE RED?

in Suggestions

Posted by: jinroh.9217



In sPvP its all about RED vs BLUE.
But Ingame its kinda confusing, cause the colours.

If you are on the BLUE team,
the enemey spots are blue to you.
if you take them, they turn red.
makes no sense.

If you are RED team,
the enemy is still red to you.

Please change the colour-system in sPvP:
so RED is REd and BLUE is BLUE.