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in Looking for...

Posted by: jzbush.8249


I will also take an invite. Love the idea of this guild!

S/X build advice for crappy thief:D

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


I guess i’m really just looking for a type of build where I can skirmish for a while against other players doing decent enough dps. I don’t care if I don’t burst them down in 2 seconds, I also don’t want to be able to be bursted down in 2 seconds. I just want to be able to hold my own and withstand fights they may last for a little while while doing enough damage to hurt/kill the other players.

S/X build advice for crappy thief:D

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


Yeah trinkets are all zerk. And my build probably is more of a stealth build. Part of that is that is what i’m used to having with my d/d condition build, another part of that really is just that I don’t have any idea which utilities would flow better with s/x. So I stuck with what I know with my traits and utilities being centered around stealth. Which utilites would you recommend, or traits even. Like I said, I kinda took this build and made it inside my comfort zone, but I am definitely willing to step out of that, just not sure which traits and utilties really maximize the s/x potential.

S/X build advice for crappy thief:D

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


Alright thief wizards I need some help. I normally play a d/d condition build and have no problem in PVE killing swarms of enemies or killing other players in wvwvw/spvp. But I wanted to try something else, especially something that didn’t rely on bleed stacking. I was looking for more of an overall skirmishing build thinking that power gear might be the way to go. I’m not a pro and enjoy having a little survivability by having some toughness and and vitality, so I didn’t go for precision and crit gear. But I am having a way harder time killing enemies in both PVE and wvwvw 1vs1. I feel like it takes just as long if not longer than my d/d condition build and I lose far more times than I would like to. Below is my gear and traits. Please somebody tell me a way to improve the S/D or S/P playstyle so I can be a little more successful at striking enemies down. I’m willing to change any traits or maybe some gear, I just want to use sword/X.

Gear is all PVT with with some runes of Dwayna
Trinkets are traited for precision and crit

Traits are 0/30/25/15/0
Critical strikes- furious retaliation, practiced tolerance, and executioner
Shadow Arts- Slowed pulse and infusion of shadow
Acrobatics- Power of Inertia

Utilities – hide in shadows, blinding powder, ambush, shadow refuge and thieves guild.

Armor for a d/d condition thief? (PVE/wvwvw)

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


I just bought some of that whispering temple armor with my karma in Orr :s. Where is the best place to get rabid and carrion gear?

Armor for a d/d condition thief? (PVE/wvwvw)

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


I’m thinking my runes will be undead. I’m just not sure if I should use karma armor from the temples in Orr, or if there is some better stuff out there.

Armor for a d/d condition thief? (PVE/wvwvw)

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


The topic says it all. Just looking for somebody with more knowledge than me to help me out with armor. I play a condtion thief and am looking for a new armor set. The pieces can be mixed and matched.

Low lvl dungeon setup

in Guardian

Posted by: jzbush.8249


Thanks for replying! You are awesome! I was beginning to lose hope That all sounds like some very good information. I have played all of the dungeons story modes before and a few fractals, but with my thief. I am very new to Guardian play and don’t quite understand it yet, and the little I do understand is just from solo Guardian play. I have yet to do much group support. A lot of posts I have ready really say AH builds are great for groups, but I am assuming that those types of builds don’t really help much until you can complete them with all 70 trait points? I am definitely going to trait your recommendations and try it out. Thanks again, and if you think of any more great advice, send it my way.

Low lvl dungeon setup

in Guardian

Posted by: jzbush.8249


Hello everyone. My small guild and I are just getting ready to start running AC story mode for the first time. I am currently a level 40 Charr guardian. What are some good setups to help pus be successful? I will be running with kitten warrior, and some 35 ele’s. What are must have utilites? Which weapon sets are most useful? What should my main focus be, dps, boons, heals,..??? I appreciate any feedback I may get. Thanks in advance:)

Is d/d condition thief still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


Thanks for the feedback. I will have to test out some of your methods and see if I am able to have some success with them. I guess caltrops is kind of a “crutch” for me that I depend on a lot for my bleeds. They just don’t seem viable in pvp at all unless it is to control a small area etc. So I guess I need to find out how d/d condition works without the caltrops and if I still feel as deadly.

Is d/d condition thief still viable?

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


I like to play condition d/d using death blossom and dropping caltrops and dodge trops. In pve I can quickly burn through enemy mobs just by doing this, but is it viable on wvwvw at all? I like the play style but have mulled over switching to more of a crit thief now that I’m nearing lvl 80. Thoughts or suggestions?

Did I roll wrong? (Perception in dungeons)

in Thief

Posted by: jzbush.8249


I’m 5/5 for dungeon runs and I’m only lvl 56