Showing Posts For katake.6253:

Brisban Wildlands: Home of the Bugs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: katake.6253


i have encountered the same issues in this area. The respawn rate on mobs seems to be really quick. I was clearing a small camp of bandits and more bandits would appear before I could kill 2 or 3 which made it difficult to finish what I was doing. I have to say, thus far this is my least favorite zone. I feel like I cant take 2 steps without having some spider, raptor or bandit attack me.

WvW repair bills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: katake.6253


This is one thing that I dont agree with in Gw2, imo there should be no repair bills for something that lasts so long and something that dying is so frequent in.

GW2 people! Remove repair bills for WvW! Rawr!


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: katake.6253


I was having this same problem leveling up. I was doing fine up until around lvl 9 then I didnt really know what to do so I was just running around redoing events.

I didnt play in the beta so I didnt know what to expect from the game or the details all over. But I found that doing WvW when I found myself in an area where the “Quests” out-leveled me seemed to help equalize the leveling process.

Also make sure you hang around at the end of a world event to make sure that there isnt a follow-up event. You may be missing out on some extra xp and items by leaving the area as soon as an event is finished.

I cannot comment on crafting and gathering because I have not explored them yet.